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November 17th, 2012

[info]tangible in [info]invol_rpg

Left wrapped in butchers paper outside the doors of Jewish students, late Friday afternoon )

[info]dorias in [info]invol_rpg

To: Karim & Rashida
From: Doria

(1/3) omg is this real life???? I CAN TEXT BOTH OF YOU AGAIN???
(3/3) too soon??????

[info]marine in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Lena, Mo
FROM: Marine

[French] (1/2) Waffles, frittes, and chocolate Sunday afternoon? Not sure I can swing the beer, but your company is better than everyone else in this godforsaken rock. Did you see Depardieu is trying to become Belgian to escape French tax? The French. There is a reason our country sits above them.
(2/2) Because we're better.

TO: Marius
FROM: Marine

tks 4 ur help

TO: Alex
FROM: Marine

(1/3) good luck 2 u, sir!! you aim high if you're going after one of the twins.
(2/3) not that you are not in their league
(3/3) thank god it isn't coralie. we're still mates right? xx

[info]mermayd in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Hugo
FROM: Hails
r u going to pub night tonight?

[info]irishdragon in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Bros
who checked twitter? that rashida girl is psycholy obsessed w me. keep her away from me!

[info]suggestively in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Charlotte Pewter
FROM: Laurel Lancaster
MESSAGE: (1/3) hey charlotte. word on the street is you're my new roommate.
(2/3) just got to the room
(3/3) there was a bunch of crap stuff on my side, moved it to your bed xx

[after this]
TO: Lucey Goosey
FROM: Laurel Lancaster
MESSAGE: (1/3) there was a girl on my team who had our power
(2/3) she was sent to permanent lockup for being insane
(3/3) what the fuck?

[info]insensitivities in [info]invol_rpg


TO: The Dean <thedean@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Yael Shafir <yshafir@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: conflict in israel )

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Claudia
FROM: Caleb
Plans/ideas for Allegra's birthday? With everything it's kind of snuck up on me - want to join forces and figure something out?

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Toucan
FROM: Jace

In light of events this week, I thought it was a good idea to ask if people want the extra tickets.

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_rpg

Twitter conversation

[Open for any Twitter users to jump in on, and if Nell or Kati can tell me why they don't line up properly, please do. HTML = evil.]

Rashida is bored; Pad is a target )

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Yael Shafir <yshafir@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux <sbordeaux@ivi.edu.au>

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_rpg

Who: Jesper Ward and Rashida Mazibuko.
When: Saturday afternoon/towards evening.
Where: Psychiatric care area.
What: Rashida goes to visit Jesper who is currently on psych watch.
Rating: Low-ish. Watch out for Drama a la Rashida™ and general exaggeration.
Note: References a log with Kier that is yet to come. Because Karin is a rebel~ like that.
Status: Complete

Read more... )

[info]veterinary in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Anthony Liu and Claudia Corbett
WHAT: Making up.
WHEN: Friday Morning
WHERE: The Medbay
STATUS: Complete.

They had been arguing almost non-stop since they had returned )

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_rpg

Sent halfway through Pub Night, around 10:30PM.

TO: Daisy Hughes
FROM: Carter Gray
MESSAGE: you sure you dont wanna come back down?

TO: Hunter Mackenna
FROM: Carter Gray
MESSAGE: hey asshole

[info]helpline in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Ishak
FROM: Anthony

(1/2) Sorry I was an ass.
(2/2) And thanks for taking me to the medbay.

[info]deceleration in [info]invol_rpg


WHO: Sam Thompson [USA] and Mariana Bezerra da Silva [BRAZIL]
WHAT: Sam and Mariana run into each other amidst the chaos.
WHEN: BACKDATED! Monday (Day Four), during the big battle.
WHERE: The Fairgrounds.
STATUS: Complete Log.

For God’s sake, Mariana. )

[info]catalunar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Catalina Mendez Villanova
WHAT: A phone call from Mexico City.
WHEN: Friday morning.
WHERE: 3H, Women’s residence.
STATUS: Complete.

The phone rang. )

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Claudia Corbett.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

hey girl. how're you? and how's anthony? are y'all getting along bet

TO: Anthony Liu.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

[1/2] how're you feeling today? in the mood for a little news?
[2/2] i mean just a warning, i'm pretty gross.

TO: Damien Harrington.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

[1/3] you know, the entire reason why i said friday was so i could go to pub night
[2/3] and now i'm not sure i'm gonna, lol.
[3/3] thanks for taking away my phone last night. i needed to quit reading.

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

A page from her journal

emo tirades, melodrama, sads, etc. )

[info]truthstold in [info]invol_rpg

To: Stephen
From: Shannon

(1/2) I'm skipping pub night, want to do something?
(2/2) Raph is ridiculous, thanks for mostly ignoring him.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Conner
FROM: Rosie
I caved. Am becoming a chippie.

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

text → saturday night.

TO: Hugo.
FROM: Hunter.
[after this]
(1/3) hey so vic found out about our dream somehow and he's fucking banging down our door
(2/3) can you make him go away or something, i can't do this
(3/3) please

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Spanish Class
WHAT: Memorial for Senora Psycho
WHEN: Saturday, 11/17; 3pm
WHERE: IVI Spanish Classroom
WARNINGS: Language?

While the memorial service that IVI planned for all staff members who passed away was well-planned, the memorial service that Omar Calderón decided that Spanish Class needed to have was not. Omar didn't like planning anything, so the extent of his preparations was the journal post he made, telling some people what to bring, harassing a few people at lunch to make sure they showed up and then arriving a few minutes early to find leftover decorations from the Día de los Muertos party to put up and make it look like he did something.

He'd asked a few people to bring things - a picture of Senora Psycho, flowers and candles, and then he brought a rosary which he would drape over the picture of her. He also didn't like leading things, so he asked someone else to do it and BRAD agreed. He told them that he could read out of the Bible and that they should instruct everyone to go around in a circle and say something nice or your favorite memory "and whatever else sounds good, I don't care." Everyone SHOULD be there (like I said, he harassed people) except for Lo and Kody who lurked outside the door. HE SAW YOU TWO but said nothing. He dgaf he says.

So did your character say anything? Really please just lets make up some great Spanish Class memories k?

[info]lyve in [info]invol_rpg

text → saturday night, in norwegian.

TO: Oden Bb.
FROM: Mette
Hei kjekkas. No pub night this week?

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

Slipped to Lo during pub night )