September 10th, 2008

[info]blood_noir in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Seventeen: Friday

Who: Kin and Ita
Where: Starting in the kitchen and then off to find somewhere to swim!
When: Evening

If his mirror could speak back to him, he would really, really love for his reflection to say, "Calm the fuck down. It is just a girl!". Saying that out loud to himself was... Weird. Not normal. All because he wasn't much of the cursing type, unless it was needed. And how nervous he was, it was needed to the point his throat got tired; hopefully he wouldn't be able to speak after that.

The swim trunks he purchased during the week actually fit him to a perfect T. They weren't that long, stopped just a little above the knee, and they felt comfortable around his slim waist.

Yes, he literally stood in front of his mirror for two hours in nothing but those swim trunks. Trying to tell himself over and over again they looked fine. He could even get away with wearing a tank top with them, right? ... Maybe. It really all depended on Ita, since she was the teacher tonight.

Oh, look, here came that shudder of anxiety once again. The best thing to do was take in a deep breath, let it out, take in another deep breath, and do so till he was able to escape into his peaceful world. Meditating would be a great thing to look into when he had free time.

Before the sun set, Kin placed everything he needed in a duffel bag: beach towel, conditioning mouse for his hair, a pair of jeans, and an extra tank top ( if the one he was wearing got wet out of nowhere ). He had to double, no, triple check everything before heading out of his room and toward the kitchen. Could you believe he got lost almost twice because of his nerves? Yeah, they really weren't leaving him alone tonight. Hopefully the wine will help him get a little tipsy; he really did need that right about now. But if he remembered correctly - they weren't going to drink till after their lessons. Dammit.

Well, he made his way toward the kitchen ( finally), and let the bag rest on one of the counters. Allowing his eyes to wander in every direction before turning his full attention toward the doors. Only because the sound of feet walking down the hall grabbed him. Was it Ita? He really hoped it was. If she wore perfume, well, he'd have to get used to the smell and remember what it was like. Anyone walking could be.. anyone walking.
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