July 19th, 2008

[info]number_ix in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fourteen: Wednesday

Who: Ezra and Rudra
Where: Thrift shop/clothing boutique(s)
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Ezra demonstrates that his greatest work as a Guide is being a fashion plate. or something. Anything to keep him from wearing all those layers of clothes.

Ezra walked through stores the way small children did after having that stern talking to outside the china department. Hands by your sides. Don't touch anything. Avoid perilous looking displays as if they were made of burning coals in the mouths of undead gorillas with a taste for living flesh (sharp teeth optional). Way too many altercations with usually benign retail paraphenalia such as the hanging rack, the circular display, and the dreaded utility hook wall had led him to this way of caution.

Still, he was a very good shopper, even if it was a long process. First he'd find an item that would catch his eye. Stare at it for a moment, consider what he'd wear with it. Pick it up, hold it away from him, bring it up close, inspect any details, and then possibly decide to try it on. Although occassionally, he just got the feeling that an item was juuuuust right. All he had to do was find the entire rest of the outfit to go with it. This involved bringing the item to stores and holding it up to things.

He had a notably hipper version of his wear for Kenzie. Ezra probably was not the target audience for magazines like Nylon Men, GQ, and the like, but not a lot of magazines targeted disabled Djinn's with a time and space cognition dilemma. Rudra, however, lived in the Real World and needed an updated look he thought. He'd started a small pile while Rudra was...somewhere. Ezra had a tendency to just hand him money and there had maybe been talks about pizza. Or piazzas. Although he wasn't sure what Rudra might think about piazzas, he wasn't one to say anyone would know anything less about architecture than what they might now.

"Now this is dapper." He said to himself, satisfied, having just inspected a black and white checkerboard hoodie in a size small.
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