June 18th, 2008

[info]herbrokensmile in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Twelve: Friday

When: Early evening
Where: Dublin
Who: Nat and Noah

So far this little vacation hadn’t been everything Natalia had hoped for. Now that wasn’t to say it was bad, but just not super fantastic great. Noah had been in some sort of funky mood for the first week and while he put forth an effort to play nice, it just wasn’t the same as happy Noah. So rather than giving him any time to actually fall into a true funk, Natalia drug him all over Dublin and when they ran out of stuff to see, she drug him up and down the coasts.

But even with the new were stamina, Nat was no super woman and so by the middle of the week she was ready to just relax and enjoy their final days there. Maybe all of the running around had been able to snap him out of whatever it was he was dealing with? Yeah, that’d be nice. If not then maybe she could smack him around a little until he was better? Oo, there’s an idea. Fortunately no beating was required and they spent their last couple of days just bumming around and being lazy.

After breakfast on their last full day there, it was decided that Natalia was going to go off and do some last minute shopping while Noah got to enjoy some time alone to do whatever he wanted (probably sleep) and that they would meet up at one of the local pubs for dinner and drinks. So with her trusty credit card in hand, she set off to put a major dent in her bank account. And oh was it worth it!

There were bags on top of bags in her hands when she was finally done and she questioned how she was going to get it all back to her room when some very nice and super cute Irishman offered his assistance. Oh how she loved this country, heh. After a few blocks of flirting and an invitation to grab a drink later, the bags were finally deposited and she had just enough time to change and meet Noah before she was super late.

Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was windblown as she practically ran inside of the pub. “Hola, mijo! Sorry I am late, but you wouldn’t believe the sales I found!”
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