May 23rd, 2008

[info]a_fiend_in_need in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Ten: Monday

When: After last class
Where: Random Corridor
Who: kNock and Kissy
What: A long overdue meeting.

Francis Knock: Back alley Henchman, Man Friday, Go to Guy… innocuous student. The imp was many things, to different people. What he was, what he intended to be, to this little girl, this faerie creature, was something far different than what he was to Grey or Sergio. Though from the outside looking in, it might not truly seem so different. He would sip from her shoe as quickly as licking the underside of Sergio’s.

It had taken a while (everything worthwhile usually did), but she had eventually taken notice. With her head in the clouds as it often was however, he’d had to resort to near drastic measures, unfortunately. Nothing too over the top, but it had been a risk the imp didn’t often like to take for his own benefit, even if he sometimes could not help himself. It hadn’t unfortunately however, played out exactly as he’d envisioned, Kissy after all, being fae, and a talented dancer, was far too graceful to fall into his arms. Instead, she caught herself, but not before reaching out and brushing against him. It was so subtle surely no one else had noticed how he’d moved his seat just slightly into her path. KNock hated drawing attention to himself, but… desperate measures as they say.

After that Kissy had made a point of noticing him. She smiled then, every time she saw him. She waved as often as she could, without scattering all of her belongings on the floor. Never mind that when she believed him to be someone named Harry. She didn’t see him even half the time that he was around however. KNock more often then not was in the shadows, and often behind the bubbly fae. In this manner, he’d accrued quite a collection of barrettes, earring, and other girly baubles.

Today, she had yet to notice him, and kNock might actually have been content in just continuing on as he always did, quietly gathering small bits of memorabilia to add to his accumulation. But she was losing too much, and things of value and importance. Maybe she’d even be grateful to him. Of course she would. And she’d show her appreciation in the most wonderful ways.

He smiled… Her sweet scent always made him smile… and tapped her on the shoulder. “You’ve lost a few things.” He said, turning his hands up to show her what he’d gathered in her wake.
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