March 28th, 2008

[info]starbucky in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Six: Saturday, May 11th, 2007

Who: Starbuck and Kalli
When: late Saturday night (probably close to midnight)
Where: walking around on the beach

Starbuck shut down his computer after Kalli agreed to go for a walk with him, and got dressed. He'd been trying to sleep the last hour or so without any success. It was really too bad his mother had to be at the airport early Sunday, otherwise he could have called her for some advice. But, Kalli was a good substitute. Since Addy left, Kalli and Taylor had really been the only people Starbuck felt completely comfortable talking to. He felt he could tell them almost anything... not everything, but a lot of stuff. Really Kat was the only person at school he could open up to completely.

When he'd thrown on his boardshorts, a thick navy hoodie, and his flip flops, Starbuck headed off to meet Kalli outside the school. Going for a walk with her would help... he hoped. Hey, at least he wasn't running off to Kat's room to see if Noah was in there naked! And he wasn't even punching walls or shit in the gym. So, he was improving with his whole anger management issue, right? Selene should be proud! This was the mature way of coping with jealousy... hopefully.

It was very hard to leave his room and walk through the common room of Aquatic without taking a detour, but he managed to do it. Soon enough he was outside breathing in the crisp night air. It was refreshing. Yeah, this was what he needed... this and a talk with Kalli. Then he'd be able to stop picturing Kat getting a rub down from the quarterback and remember that she really did like Starbuck, she just had some weird hang-up with commitment.