January 11th, 2008

[info]biteme in [info]halcyon_halls

Week One: Sunday

Who: Jax and Sam
Where: City, some burger joint
When: Sunday, dinner time

Blah blah blah it was her sister's birthday. Yeah, she was supposed to care and maybe somewhere deep inside of her she gave half a shit that it was her sisters special day. But wait... this was Jax we were talking about and she was queen of not giving a shit. It was a well practiced skill of hers, had taken a lot of years to get to the point she was currently at. That point which seemed so very good at pissing her sister off and yes, that would probably even happen on Sam's birthday.

And in Jax's warped little brain it was somehow fitting that she finally had the ability to make her sister upset, make her feel frustrated by her inability to get the response from Jax that she wanted and somehow vindicated by all of it. After all that was exactly how Sam had made her feel for so many years of her life. Even if Jax wanted to forget it she could still remember trying to make both of them notice her, but it had never seemed to work. Maybe it hadn't been Sam's fault, more their mother's but when you were a kid and all you knew was that you were never going to be as good as your sister and that's what it took to get the affection you wanted... you didn't always develop the most rational view on it all. But in all reality, Jax knew she was being a little shit and sometimes it bothered her. But so much of the time she just couldn't understand why Sam expected things to just be up and different now. What the fuck had changed between them? Nothing. Nor not enough to make Jax just forget all those years.

Or maybe she was just a bitch. It was kind of a toss-up. Probably a little of column A and a little of column B.

Whatever the case, Jax had shown up for Sam's birthday dinner or whatever because she... didn't want to be that much of a bitch but past that she couldn't quite guarantee anything. She was already annoyed seeing all the stupid shit that had been left for her for her birthday. Blah blah blah she was great, shower her with gifts. Was she bitter? Maybe. Was it an ugly thing? Probably. Sue her. Or blow her. Whatever.

In deference to the whole situation, Jax wasn't showing up hella late, but she wasn't meeting her sister at the school, and she was wearing the boots that Sam had given her. Seemed good enough. She gave some thought to the whole thing. And she'd managed to find a cheap ass card at the place she'd picked up some more cigs, which she was currently chain smoking outside of the restaurant. One booted foot, pressed against the building like her shoulders were. She thought she was doing damn good considering half of her really didn't even want to be here. But there was always that tiny little part of her that didn't want to be as bitchy as she was. It never seemed to win out though. That wasn't likely to change now.

Time to get this shit over with.
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