Network + PMs to Val, Sif, Jane, Thor, & Peter Parker
Not to rain on any Captain Murica Parades but I got word from Legal about the whole terrorism and Loki thing.
Good news: For the New York storm, they think they can get those terrorism charges overturned. Those sworn and signed statements helped a lot, since they cooperated each other's accounts and showed Thor was under a lot of traumatic stress.
Bad news: Loki isn't in the country anymore. They basically Guantanamo'd him. He's in 'rehab' on a small island called Genosha. I haven't been able to find out what sort of rehab it is yet. Details are sketch since it was a private island and it's marketing itself as a super exclusive resort destination. They're not even giving the exact location unless you're approved to stay there as a guest.
Better news: We just need to find a good valid reason to get in there. Security is tight and so are the restrictions to be let into the resort. Friday's found some funding from the United States and other allied countries for security and infrastructure projects, but there's nothing specific. We'd be going in blind, but hey. It's us. We got this.
Worse News: Loki's still a war criminal. If the lawyers can push the narrative that he was controlled by the staff, if Loki agrees to undergo a psyche evaluation, that would help his case. They might be able to get away with a reduced sentence.
some good. Some bad.
[private to Val]
I know it's odd coming from me, but don't go jumping the gun. You can't afford to go cracking heads to bust him out. We might need you to convince him that he needs to submit a statement about his mental state when that attack happened. Bruce and I got the readings on the scepter when we studied it.
[private to Sif]
Please keep people from jumping the gun. I mean, like rushing in there with swords drawn.
[private to Jane]
You won't lose anything, Weird Science. They're frozen and contested assets that will be freed up once your charges get dropped. Everything's still there. Friday's got satellite and drone eyes on it all.
[private to Thor]
Hey, Point Break. They're going to need you to do a psych evaluation for PTSD. Are you up to doing that? They think they can get a temporary insanity defense for you, and you can do some community service and pay restitution to the families.
[private to Peter Parker]
I talked to your Aunt. Don't worry. Nothing bad. You're not grounded and it's probably safe to wear the suit and be a hero again. If you watch your back. You need to be careful and we need to be able to trust you. We'll be keeping an eyes on the companies involved with this. If you mess up again, you're going to get the training wheels protocol. Sound like a deal?