
Posts Tagged: 'tendo+choi'

Sep. 26th, 2014




Who: Ana Lucia and Tendo Choi
When: September 7th, during the nightmare plot
Where: Ana’s Apartment
What: Ana’s drunk. Very drunk. She invites Tendo over to keep her company and awake.
Rating/Warning: PG-13? Mostly for language and heavy drinking. Not sure if it’s heading towards a higher rating for anything else that might happen.
Status: Incomplete, will finish in comments.

Ana Lucia was drunk. By her estimation, probably very drunk. It was hard to tell now after nearly polishing off the half bottle of tequila she had. )




Who: Ana Lucia and Tendo Choi
When: September 4th, during the nightmare plot
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: A long overdue blind date
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Incomplete, will finish in comments.

Been looking forward to meeting you. Thought maybe the fates were preventing it. )

Sep. 5th, 2014



Who: Tendo Choi and OC Listeners of Radio LOCCENT
What: Tendo's late night radio show [Sleep Curse Edition]
When: Roughly midnight
Where: OC airwaves
Rating/Warnings: PG
Status: OPEN?

"Hey listeners..." Tendo yawned loudly into the microphone. Read more... )

Aug. 10th, 2014



Who: Tendo Choi and OC Listeners of Radio LOCCENT
What: Tendo's late night radio show [K-DAY EDITION]
When: Roughly midnight
Where: OC airwaves
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 at the highest
Status: OPEN [Ongoing]

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Jul. 25th, 2014


Weird Dreams

Who: Tendo Choi and the general public
What: Radio LOCCENT, live radio broadcast
When: The wee hours of the morning
Where: Everywhere in Orange County, but mostly the local radio station
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Open

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