
Posts Tagged: 'son+goku'

May. 23rd, 2014




Who: Zelda and Caroline, Kol... and EVERYONE IN THE WORLD
What: BEACH PARTY! (Kol's Graduation party!)
When: Friday, May 23
Where: Beach. Somewhere where everyone can get to it.
Rating/Warnings: TBD (likely low--if you're going to write anything triggery, please take it to your own post!)
Status: In Progress

[Come tag in!] )

Apr. 6th, 2014



Open thread to anyone and everyone!

Who: Goku and open to everyone
Where: Goku's Four Star Karate Dojo
When: Today, Sunday, early afternoon
What: Food and fighting. Bring your own plate for a fun-filled day or just come and hang out, whatever! Goku made it pretty public so anyone is welcome to join in
Status: Incomplete, Open

Food and fighting. That pretty much seemed to sum up Goku's world )

Mar. 16th, 2014




Who: Goku and OPEN to all
When: Backdated just a day to Saturday
Where: Goku's Four Star Dojo
What: Goku's open tournament, come one come all! Anybody who expressed even a little bit of interest in his karate lessons is more than welcome to join in the thread. Multiple threads welcome!
Status: Incomplete/Threaded.

And....game! )

Feb. 18th, 2014




Who: Goku and OPEN (seriously to anyone he needs some friends off internet)
Where: Four Star Karate Dojo near Huntington Beach
What: Goku's grand opening is official
When: Today, February 18 around 6 PM
Status: Placeholder currently

And this crazy journey begins )