
Posts Tagged: 'parry+lecomte'

Jun. 25th, 2012




Who: Parry and Orb
What: Everything's just fine. Of course it is.
When: Sunday afternoon (June 3rd); This Is Why It's Good When You Don't Lose A Complete Log In Your Email For Three Weeks Before Posting It, Dammit.
Where: The Dancing Goat Coffee House, Anaheim
Rating: Innocent/In Public
Status: Complete

He'd long since run out of coffee... )

May. 29th, 2012



"That sucks, kind of like how you're crazy now."

Who: Parry LeComte, Orb Kaftan
What: It's time for Parry to tell the truth, if Orb will believe him.
When: Friday night, 5/25/12
Where: Parry's house (Anaheim Hills)
Rating: Innocent actions, discussion of traumatic past.
Status: Complete.

''I tend to be busy pondering the nature of houseplants, or harp strings.'' )

Apr. 26th, 2012



Open & Closed Again

Who: Parry LeComte and Orb Kaftan
What: Parry's a confusing little creeper, but at least he gives Orb insight toward a personal dilemma. It's kind of sweet. Oh, and Parry hired Daleks; they also talk about political pornography for a second.
When: Night of April 22nd
Where: Orb's apartment above Paramnesia, Anaheim
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

''It's locked,'' the irritable-sounding French accent from the other side of the door informed her tartly. )

Mar. 10th, 2012




Who: Parry, Orb, and Thor
What: Damsel In A Dress – Er, Distress! That One!
When: Saturday night, 3/10/12
Where: The Bad Side of Tustin, CA
Rating: Situational drug use, language, Ladies of the Night™, injuries and violence...
Status: Closed and complete.

It wasn't as if Parry didn't usually have his own plans, come Saturday night. )