
Posts Tagged: 'leela'

May. 15th, 2013




Who: Romana and Leela
What: The president and bodyguard meet for the first time in person
Where: Out and about.. places.
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: G probably
Status: Incomplete

Never finding the time. )
Tags: ,

Feb. 24th, 2013




Who: Leela and Thor
Where: Library
What: Meetings and a friendship begins
When: After the plague, before sorrow
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status Complete

Hope is renewed... )

Jan. 25th, 2013



"Would you like a jelly baby?"

Who: Leela, dream!Tomas and dream!Four (Narrative)
What: The Face of Evil. Or, Leela is saved by Tomas, meets the 'Evil One'
When: Many, many centuries in the future
Where: An unnamed Earth colony, home to the Sevateem and the Tesh
Rating: PG? Bits of violence, but that's typical with Leela.
Status: Complete!

It's true, then? They say the Evil One eats babies... )