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Jul. 20th, 2017


Okay, universe, when I said I was bored, I did not mean spice things up this way!

Demigods? Diana? Anakin? Who's still around?

Jul. 19th, 2017


after they've landed, but before everyone has found each other.

This is Ahsoka Tano. I'm able to connect to our network, which has been active in most worlds we've landed in, and I'm writing this in the hopes that someone else is out there. I've landed in a pod that seems to have some sort of power dampener. I was unable to use the Force while in it, but after releasing myself, I feel back to normal.

If you're out there, please let me know. I don't know what kind of world we've landed on, but the terrain seems extra dry with the potential to be hostile. If others are out there, I want to find you; there's safety in numbers.

Jul. 9th, 2017


What if your ability is basically being awesome at building things and fixing things? Also just so everyone knows, I'm probably going to get in a lot of trouble because sometimes my fingers like to smoke or randomly be on fire in emotional situations, so...I don't know what to tell anyone. I don't have control over that. Yet?

Also I'm still building Festus. So there.

Jul. 10th, 2017


[X-Mansion Rogue]
Starbucks has a bunch of those pastries and things, do you want to go see if they're as good as the beignets?

Jul. 7th, 2017


Hey, so, anyone that was interested by the soccer game that's being rescheduled, me and Jason are over at the high school field with some soccer balls. Y'know, just some low key fooling 'round stuff. Practice, some drills, maybe some two on two stuff. Or if you just wanna learn what the game is so you got more of an idea of what you're in for when Kitty's got the game set up, you can come on over too.

Jul. 2nd, 2017


It does not seem right that it was only Christmas two weeks ago for me and now it is my birthday. I feel as though I have cheated and skipped ahead. I will take this excuse to eat cake, though. It seems more legitimate than my usual claim of needing to eat for two and that includes any cake intake.

Jun. 29th, 2017


I am actually willing to say thank god for the fact that whatever thing it was that brought us here also brought the cottage with my things, because I have just had the most disappointing shopping excursion I have ever attempted. I'm really not sure if I'm cut out for the podunk life. I almost die of some kind of combination of shock and relief every time I see the Starbucks, as though it's some proof of civilization.

And if you're about to whine about how small towns aren't that bad, spare me. I lived in LA the vast majority of my life and my most recent residence was a castle. I won't be convinced.

Jun. 26th, 2017


So I've gotten everything together for the service I was talking about last week.

Anyone is welcome to join us at the X-Mansion tomorrow to celebrate the time we got to spend with those who were here for the time they were. It'll begin at 7pm and go on until the last person wants to leave. The event's been catered by a few of the local places, so there's plenty of BBQ, Olive Garden, Chili's, and JJ's to go around. And there will, of course, be beverages of a wide variety. If you're underage, please don't take alcoholic beverages. If something happens to you after, we, the hosts, are held accountable. If you are of age, know that you will be taking a cab, Uber, or you'll be sleeping in one of the guest rooms in the Mansion.

Anyone who wants a tour of the Mansion, please see me. I'll host a few tours during the evening, but I hope you can understand that the Danger Room is off-limits. I can show you from the console room, but beyond that, it's necessary for the safety of the whole house. If you'd like a tour, let me know here.

And as always, I'm sorry for your loss.


How would one go about finding a listing for employment? Does anyone know of an institution that is hiring?

Are you terribly fond of living alone?

Jun. 21st, 2017


[Filtered to Mutants + X-Mansion Residents]
I've been working on this recently and thanks to Warren, I have the details worked out:

I'd like to propose a trip for us to Baja, July 1st-4th. This is open to any who'd like to attend. Warren and I have reserved a set of rooms at the Cabo Azul Resort that we can add to or take away from for whoever wishes to attend, and we can fly or teleport, depending on who's going.
[Filtered to Emma Frost]
How would you like to have lunch today?

Jun. 12th, 2017


So I think I'm going to see if I can take a few classes over the summer. I also need to find a job, I think.

It's nice to actually have a plan.

Jun. 8th, 2017


Important news that chocolate ice cream is half-price. I bet they run out. It's too hot not to have ice cream.

Jun. 4th, 2017


Go-karts were a damn good idea.

They'll be open all day every weekend; the discount code for you all is WORMHOLE. If you wanna have a party or something during the week, I might be willing to open the place for you.

You still looking for a job?

Jun. 2nd, 2017


I'm in the mood for a double feature tonight. Possibly a triple feature if anyone stays awake long enough to put the third movie on. Would anyone like to join at the mansion? Popcorn is being popped at 6:30 and then whoever shows up can choose from these movies:

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Sound of Music
Mary Poppins
My Fair Lady
Dr. Dolittle
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Breakfast Club

May. 26th, 2017


Unpopular opinion, but I have never been so glad to be back at school that I'm sort of dreading summer vacation since it's already so close.

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