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May. 1st, 2018


Anyone else have their Pokemon evolve on them yet?

Because this happened to me today:

I looked it up online, and apparently, Riolu evolves into Lucario with a strong friendship. I mean, I guess that's what happened. Ace very rarely leaves my side.

Apr. 29th, 2018


I have been contemplating the nature of humanity and bringing back good person lessons. Quite frankly, I thought you were all mostly likely walking trashbags that would give me ample research opportunity for my own personal project I've been working on. And while many of you do in fact do terrible things, I have been humbled. You're not completely awful and your potential for self-sabotage and suffering doesn't amuse me any more like I thought it would.

The problem is you, as humans, are very psychologically fragile. So if I give advice on how to be good for the sake of benefiting you both in the every day and for your eternal salvation, likely it'll be met with the same result as when I gave perfectly reasonable good advice in an effort to make you feel insecure and give into your worst instincts. Reverse psychology is a heck of a thing.

After much thought, I've decided instead to give Bad Person Lessons. I feel this will be much easier to grasp. So without further ado, your first bad person lesson.

Your Intentions Matter.

Now, I don't want to get into a slippery slope of what ifs. Nor do I want to even try and get into the complicated algorithm and point system that weighs each and every one of your actions. We'll just keep this simple.

1. If you do a good deed for ulterior motives (like one-upmanship or a crass attempt to improve your Good Person Score®, for example) than the deed is not really good. Your motives should be pure and you should expect nothing in return for your good deed.

2. Conversely, if you do something bad, it will almost always be bad. But sometimes your intention makes it less bad than it would be if you were acting out of pure selfishness and evil. But only sometimes.

This concludes your first bad person lesson.

Apr. 25th, 2018


i'm opening up my metal and tech and random crap scrapyard for business so here's an important announcement




we're in council 5

[...] groot also wants me to mention that his rock collection is open for public viewing so if you like rocks...

we got rocks i guess

Apr. 21st, 2018


By the way, there are a small community of Weevils living in the sewer system beneath Tumbleweed.

For those of you who don't know, a Weevil looks like this.

...cut for image, unfiltered... )

Yes, they look ferocious, and yes they happened to come through the portal along with the other things you guys battled last Sunday. However, they're a race of beings with intelligence, their own social system, express emotions, and have every right to life like anybody else. A few of their numbers had to unfortunately be killed because of their aggression, but that's because, like every last one of us Displaced, they were rudely yanked from their universe and thrown into a strange environment, which in their case is completely foreign from their own. They were confused, frightened, angry. And I can remember reading on the network a number of people who reacted the same way when they woke up in quarantine. Unlike the rest of us, they didn't have the luxury of getting a chance to calm down and have stuff explained to them.

Since then, I've talked to them - they've got mild telepathic abilities, and now understand what's going on. We've helped to set up a home for them in the sewers, and they want to left alone, to live in peace. By 'we', I mean Ianto, River, and myself. We've fitted them with tracking devices on the off off off chance one of them goes rogue. They've also been given the same vaccination we all got from Fort Neill, so there isn't any worry about them spreading disease. The only reason why they'd want to come to the surface is if they're hungry or being bothered, and I've made sure they won't go hungry.

I'm asking all of you, please don't bother them. I will be taking personal responsibility of them, and anybody going down to antagonize or hurt them won't be taken very lightly.

Apr. 16th, 2018


[ooc: forward an hour or two because I have to go out soon]

Weevils in the streets a few blocks from Fort Neill. Watch out for humanoids in dark blue boiler suits, bald, flattened wrinkled faces with very sharp teeth. They're stronger and faster than humans and can take a few bullets but they can also be taken down with tasers and a spray we formulated back home which I have a few cans of. They usually live in sewers and aren't actively aggressive unless disturbed, but they're not suited for bright light and will be disoriented and lashing out. If we can round them up or restrain them we can hold them until we find somewhere they won't bother anyone.

And if one cuts or bites you, you will need a course of antibiotics.

Apr. 9th, 2018


posted at 7:30 AM

I woke up this morning with a cat on my face.

In my bed.

In my house that should be at the bottom of the Pacific.

To the soothing voice of J.A.R.V.I.S.

The improbability of each of these facts is staggering, and yet here we are, as if the last four years had never happened. I can live with that. But the cat is another thing entirely.

Apr. 2nd, 2018


(027) Credence Barebone

[Filter: Luna Lovegood]
Thank you for sitting with me.

[Filter: Flash]
Did you get hurt at all? Luna said

Mar. 30th, 2018


[cw: talk of death]

I know this is never an easy topic to talk about, but if anyone needs help making funeral arrangements, or at least planning a memorial service, and doesn't feel comfortable doing it themselves, I am more than happy to offer my services. I know that a loved one's death can be particularly painful, and doing that sort of thing on your own can be extremely difficult.

Mar. 28th, 2018


i'm signing myself the flark outta the med bay. i can be my own freakin doctor

but in the meanwhile someone tell me the crepe station's back up and running because IF IT AIN'T THEN THIS SHIP CAN GO GET SUNK

i hate cruises

also we got a pile of tech around from those pirates? i need some shit

[[OOC: CW for limb loss.]]

Mar. 27th, 2018


[Flash Thompson]
Dude Hey, man, this might be a dumb question and you can yell at me if it is, but are you okay?

[OOC/TW: Discussions of character death & injury in comments]

Mar. 18th, 2018


I still do not understand the electric slide, but the dance was very much fun. Thank you to everyone for the dances.

[Filtered to Hunk]
Would you like to come painting with me? I will have snacks. I always have them when I leave, just in case.

Mar. 14th, 2018


It's 3/14 somewhere in another dimension so it's time eat all the pie! Dibs on the chocolate cream.

Also, clearly someone needs to make a dating app aimed specifically at our Displaced community.

And everyone should now be safe from projectile bears and wayward paint balls.

Mar. 11th, 2018


(026) Credence Barebone

The only way to get to Wonderland is with one of the beans, isn't it?

[Filter: Flash]
Thanks for inviting me last night. I hope I didn't do anything too ridiculous

I've never really been to a party like that I don't think.

Mar. 1st, 2018


Ha, that was fun while it lasted. Whoever had me, got and talk to Percy 'bout who your new target is, 'cause we're out.

Feb. 24th, 2018



how many of you know how to play poker??

Feb. 16th, 2018


if any of those short hairy guys are asking for me, i ain't around

Feb. 10th, 2018


(024) Credence Barebone

Is there likely to be a sea monster at this Middle Earth?

[Added filter to Albus Potter]
I don't know if Would it

If I needed a place to watch the Lord of the Rings films with a frie someone could we do it in the suite?

Feb. 7th, 2018


"Water, water, everywhere..."

Tragically, all my lofty goals and ambitions have been put on hold and there's only so much karaoke you can do (sorry, not sorry Rick).

Who's up for a game of ship wide Assassin? We can figure out "weapons" and safe zones/times based on who signs up.

ETA: • Say you're in if you want in.
• Weapons TBD: Nerf guns and stuffed animals so far. Paintball grenades (thank Sabine). No water!
• No powers, exceptions made for awesome. (Ask Ianto.)
• Safe zones: School, patrols, cabins (duh).

Feb. 6th, 2018


i thought crepes were something else cause i read it fast and it looked like creeps or craps

but they're pretty flarkin good

SO MORAL OF THE STORY is that you should try new things i guess

you try crepes before??


Alright, since there are new people who have arrived in droves since the last time this was discussed, I'm bringing it to light again.

Classes on board for anyone under than 17 are mandatory and being handled (if you're under 17, go see Rogue or the older X-Men about that). However, for college-aged students, there's no set curriculum, so Violet and I have been organizing a sort of group schooling on the cruise for those of us who don't want to get too behind in our college courses.

Anyone is free to be a student... anyone is also free to offer to teach a college course. Just hit up either me or Violet for scheduling!

Filter: Flash Thompson
Your scholarsh You're not planning on shirking on those course, I hope not.

Feb. 5th, 2018


This is indeed not my field of expertise, nor is it within the remote grounds of my personal comfort zone; however, I would like to extend an invitation, if you will.

Some of us have suffered from addiction. Within the confines of my 'world' in addition to my 'home' in Tumbleweed, I was in regular attendance of sobriety meetings. It is something sorely lacking on board this ship now and I would seek to remedy that. It is not something I would care to run personally, rather I would put it out there that we gather here to decide upon a time and a place to meet.

If you prefer to respond anonymously, that is of course welcome.

Jan. 29th, 2018


Okay so... I know there's a group for vets. Or, just support for trauma but is there something around here for addicts? Support system wise?

It's... Honestly, it's never really been my thing. I had a different system at home. I had Tony and Jess friends that helped. But with what's likely to unravel, and what already has, the ease of access might be a problem for me.

You can keep it private, or come see me, 709. Carol Danvers.

[ooc: trigger warning - potential discussion of addiction in comments]

Jan. 26th, 2018


Won't be moderating group on Wednesday, need someone to take over this week. I'll be back to running it the following week.

I'll throw in some kraken jerky to whoever helps out.

EDIT: Also need someone to help cover my patrol shifts next week. M - TH, 1 AM - 4 AM.

EDIT 2: If you need your shift covered while you recover, let me know. We'll get people to cover you.

Need people to cover some shifts:

SUNDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - JO
MONDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - CISCO | 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT
WEDNESDAY: 7 PM - 10 PM - JO | 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT | 4 AM - 7 AM - CISCO
THURSDAY: 1 AM - 4 AM - NAT | 1 AM - 4 AM - JASON

Jan. 25th, 2018


[ooc: posted some hours after the battle action and clean up/regrouping has settled down.

Also preemptive warning for talk of injuries, panicking, and possible unintentional able-ism in comments]

[Filter to Ava Ayala, Amadeus Cho, Peter Parker, and Rocket]
So uh how is everyone doing after that fight?

Cuz I might need help.

Jan. 9th, 2018


I know that school is required for those under 18, but unfortunately there's no such requirement for those of us currently in college.

Ava and I would like to change that! For those of you that would like to continue your education, Ava and I will need what courses you were currently taking before the jump. We can't guarantee everything we need will be in the library, but let's really look through out things! There's a good chance our text books came through and that would be a HUGE help.

Any adult that would like to give their knowledge and assistance would be most welcome.

Right now we just need a list of names of people who are interested and what classes they were taking so we can put something together.

Flash, I've been told to tell you that you don't have a choice.

Anything I missed, Ava?

Jan. 8th, 2018


It's small, but it will do until we get more people joining us. The Library on Deck 12, Wednesdays, 7 PM. I scheduled it with droids and stuck a sign on the door for privacy. See you all tomorrow night.

So this place is fun and all, but a few of us think patrols would be a good idea, just to stay on the cautious side. No one's seen anything worth panicking over, so this isn't a response to anything, but better safe than sorry. To keep people from doing the same thing and maybe bring everyone together, here's a sort of schedule of what people are wanting to do for night patrols.

Need a partner for night patrols. Dates and times are up in the air, but I'm thinking Monday to Thursday, from 1 AM to 4 AM. Let me know if you're interested or hit me up on Logan's post here. Volunteers for other times/nights are welcomed there too.

EDIT: So people were hella responsive. So I got a schedule sort of going and tried to filter to as many adults as possible capable of helping.

If you want to help, fill in where there are openings, yeah? More than two people to a slot is ideal. But remember, if you got school, try to grab an earlier shift or work weekends so you're not falling asleep in class. Cause I don't want to get yelled at by any teachers.
      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Frank Castle, Pidge Gunderson, & Wally West

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Dick Grayson, Faith Lehane, Tara Maclay, & Jason Todd

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Squall Leonhart, Peter Parker, & Cloud Strife

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo, & Jaina Solo

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Frank Castle, Maya Lopez, & Steve Rogers

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, & Damien Wayne

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Bucky Barnes (PH), Laura Kinney, & Illya Kuryakin

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Ray Palmer & Cassie Sandsmark

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Jim Kirk & Steve Rogers

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Faith Lehane, Maya Lopez, & Tara Maclay

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Bucky Barnes (PH) & Laura Kinney

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Stephanie Brown, Ray Palmer, & Cassie Sandsmark

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Clint Barton (616), Wally West, & Sam Winchester

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Clark Kent & Johanna Mason

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Bucky Barnes (PH), Laura Kinney, & Illya Kuryakin

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Stephanie Brown, Alastor Moody, & Charlie Weasley

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Jim Kirk, Meetra Surik, & T3

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Rose Hathaway & Damon Salvatore

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Bucky Barnes (PH), Laura Kinney, & Flash Thompson

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Stefan Salvatore, Cassie Sullivan, & Emmeline Vance

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Meetra Surik, T3, & Sam Winchester

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Rose Hathaway, Damon Salvatore, & Flash Thompson

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Clint Barton (616), Squall Leonhart, & Cloud Strife

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Stefan Salvatore, Cassie Sullivan, & Emmeline Vance

      • 7 PM - 10 PM: Pidge Gunderson, Thor Odinson, & Wally West

      • 10 PM - 1 AM: Jo Harvelle, Clark Kent, & Flash Thompson

      • 1 AM - 4 AM: Squall Leonhart, Peter Parker, & Cloud Strife

      • 4 AM - 7 AM: Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo, & Jaina Solo

EDIT 2: If you think anyone else should be on this filter, let me know.

EDIT: FLYERS/SWIMMERS/SCOUTERS - Go see Johnny Storm. He's got some ideas about additional patrols.

Jan. 2nd, 2018


Hey, so Frank brought this up about a week ago and I ended up running with it, with some nudges. There's a need for a veteran's group that caters to the Displaced. We didn't have one, now we do.

Logan's Gym, Sunday evenings around 7 PM. Come when you want, leave when you want. Whatever we talk about stays in group and we leave the place how we found it. Bring a few bucks when you can, but that's not mandatory, and we can maybe even start serving some coffee and food too. I'll cover it for the first couple of weeks.

We got range to use the equipment too, but it's "You break it, you buy it."

So, yeah. Show up if you need it.

Dec. 26th, 2017



me and the guardians got our new place together finally so it's time we packed it up and got to moving. i was told you throw a party when that happens so i'm throwing a party. new year's eve -- we're gonna blow up some fireworks and do all that good stuff

Dec. 20th, 2017


I never thought I'd miss the selection of men at Brakebills. Who's hot and who puts out?

Dec. 17th, 2017


I know there's snow on the ground, but school's ending soon, shouldn't we celebrate? Who wants to play football on Friday? We won't keep score of points. Two teams... and they should have creative names. It should be the kids that are actually in school, but adults can participate. And no, we can't do Avengers vs. X-Men.

[Both Buckys, filtered separately]

You okay? Yesterday was the anniversary. Well. You know.

Nov. 21st, 2017


Portal, why you gotta do me like that? I have my own company and you give me the freaking food truck.

If anyone's got a craving for spicy, my food truck's in the house. It'll be parked downtown from 10 am to 2 pm starting tomorrow. Cash only until I get accounts set up. Serving traditional Korean and KoMex fusion. Come get your bibimbap/kimchi/kimbap/hotteok on. Bulgogi tacos after the marinade's done.

Now, more importantly, who's got a lab I can commander and server space I can co-opt? There's a free taco in it for you.

Nov. 19th, 2017


Yeaaaaaaaah, I'm pretty sure I can break out of here but I'll play nicely.

For the record, if we end up with more Hulk clones running around, I reserve the right to say, "I told you so!" in a smug and condescending manner.

Nov. 14th, 2017


Kinda weird to think next week is my birthday.

Nov. 12th, 2017


Hey, so, there's been a lot of talk 'bout Thanksgiving. People curious 'bout what it is and just planning get togethers and all.

So, I figured I'd toss this out here. If you don't got a place to go or trying to figure out everything is too hard or you just want a place to watch some football on TV or join in a pick up game of touch football, you can come on by SHIELD Academy for Thanksgiving. We'll have the TV going and tons of food. Feel free to stop in at any point during the day, even if it's just to pick up a plate of turkey and stuffing.

Nov. 10th, 2017


Between flying monkeys and then Gremlins, I'm starting to wonder what's going to be next for this holiday. Because usually that's the way holidays go.

Filter: Flash Thompson
It's probably a little early for this but do you happen to have some sort of plans for Thanksgiving or should I plan for a small dinner at HQ? I told Jason he'd be invited if I did.


It just occurred to me that this is going to be the first Thanksgiving I'll be spending without my family around. Not really sure what to do with myself.

Nov. 4th, 2017


i don't even know who lives in the avengers mansion anymore


there's gonna come a day sometime soon when me and the other guardians of the galaxy move to our own place. i dunno what else i need to say about it. it ain't personal, and i expect an open invitation to come back and eat your food every so often

Oct. 31st, 2017


Bro, I wish I had Rocket with me for more Halloweens. Like dude:

Rocket, man, you're lucky I still gotta keep fit for the season or I might try and take more of this home.

Nov. 1st, 2017


How do I make them not come here

Oct. 24th, 2017


i have some questions

Cut for image! )

Oct. 2nd, 2017


if you fess up now, you're gonna save yourself a lotta trouble in the long run


Sep. 29th, 2017


Showing back in quarantine for the third time that I could remember... for the record, that is not my fault.

Filter: Leo Valdez
What did I miss?

Sep. 25th, 2017


Midgardian rules for this football are exceedingly complicated. How do you know when to have three downs and when to have four?

Sep. 23rd, 2017


I'm thinking of heading over to the gym if anyone wants to join me for a spar or a workout buddy.


So I googled myself in a moment of boredom, and now I feel like Jessica Rabbit. "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."

Sep. 16th, 2017


Well, this ain't too bad a place to unwind after a game at least.

Sep. 3rd, 2017


Never knew that scoring 41 could be so embarrassing. If I'm not around at all this week, it's because the coach has locked us all in the stadium.

Aug. 22nd, 2017


[ooc: backdated to 8/18, Friday night]

[Filter to Ava]
Hey. Got any plans for tonight?

Aug. 16th, 2017


Aw fuck no. How do we reverse this bullshit?

Aug. 10th, 2017


Please tell me I'm not too late to go to college, because I don't appreciate landing back here in the middle of AUGUST.

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