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Apr. 8th, 2018


post-dated to Monday, April 9th at 9am.

We're back in Tumbleweed, but as some of you may have figured out, the town is completely different than it was the last time we were here. There's an airport now, which my car navigation system pointed out, and it's on the opposite side of town from Fort Neill.

Of course, that's not the most startling or disturbing difference. Fort Neill is a graveyard, and I mean that in the kindest sense of the world. It was locked up when I got there. Got my way in to find a dusty military facility that has not been used in quite some time, and it looks like it didn't happen on purpose.

The military is dead, and I don't mean they cleared out. I mean there is an entire facility full of the skeletal remains of whoever was in there when something happened. That something appears to have been some sort of [...] feeding, possible animal attack. There are definite teeth marks on these bones, and the state of decomposure... it's not new. At least a decade, maybe more so it's not as horrendous as it could be to see.

I have not turned the power on; I don't want to disturb the bodies more than I already have, but I'd like for anyone interested in helping to come down to the facility to move these bodies — telekinesis, magic, or just standard issue gloves — so that we don't taint the bodies with our DNA. We'll have to keep the power off until that happens, and then there should be video monitoring we can check to see what happened, check databases and logs to see if there's any evidence of what might have happened here.

I'm leaving this open so we can discuss what to do. After scrounging around the base, I haven't seen any paperwork or IDs for those of you who arrived on the cruise so that's something we should work on immediately to get people in the system so they can work, get IDs, and whatever else they need. We'll need people who can make IDs and people who can get into the necessary systems for government agencies to make sure the back-end is taken care of in anyone wants to cross state or country lines.

And a warning to some of you who worked at the military before: yes, we knew some of these people if the names on the uniforms check out.

Mar. 26th, 2018


[Filtered to Roxanne Weasley's family]

cw: blood and injuries )


DM to Albus this evening after the fighting is over
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. Were you able to find Credence? If you need me to mind Helena for a bit please let me know.

Mar. 18th, 2018


DM to Albus
I had a very nice time last night. Thank you for escorting me.

DM to Mycroft
Did you enjoy yourself last night? You looked very smart.

DM to Tony Stark (MCU)
So that's where you snuck off to last night. Learn anything useful?

DM to Credence
I was glad to meet you last night. I didn't realize there was anyone on this boat who was from the same time period as I am.

Mar. 13th, 2018


Who's in need for a date to this ball? Comment here with your name, your romantic preferences, a few of your likes, maybe your age bracket, and let's see what we can do about getting you a date.

Mar. 10th, 2018


(003) Severus Snape

[Filter: Albus Potter]
I appreciated your assistance with the books, Albus.

I saw your mother

[Filter: Julia Wicker]
I assume that you are sight seeing, but when you return from that, I would be interested in talking about magic further.

[Filter: Remus Lupin]
Our generation was royally fucked. If you'll excuse my language.

It does seem, as best as I can tell, that future generations may have done at least somewhat better, so perhaps it was worth it.

Happy Birthday?

Feb. 20th, 2018


Are the two of you busy at present?

Feb. 18th, 2018


Hello! I don't know how I got here but I'm looking for a very large herd of red-haired folk that I call my family. And if any of them ask... no, I did not get here via apparition, because, no I still haven't passed my apparition test.

Feb. 14th, 2018


Someone is six years old today.

[Attached photo of Helena in Fellowship style garments]

She asked if we could find the Eagles to ride. I told her this was impossible to do, because they are too busy, so if she brings it up around any of you, please go along with that story. So, instead, we are going hiking "like Mr. Frodo."

We'll be back in Hobbiton this evening for dinner if anyone would like to join us.

Feb. 10th, 2018


(024) Credence Barebone

Is there likely to be a sea monster at this Middle Earth?

[Added filter to Albus Potter]
I don't know if Would it

If I needed a place to watch the Lord of the Rings films with a frie someone could we do it in the suite?

Jan. 23rd, 2018


I know my family is having the party for my Grandmother later this week, but I was thinking perhaps we could try to fit in dinner tomorrow? Just us and Helena?

Kitty, are you free this evening?

We need to orchestrate a play date.

Jan. 15th, 2018


I got a walker!

[Pretend there is a video clip of Anka Irene taking a few steps here.]

Technically she's also a floater but first steps are still a real big deal. I wish Er

Jan. 10th, 2018


I've been told by these stab-happy spectral people that there are wizards and witches from my world here. George Weasley, you had better be one of them, or else we are turning this boat around.

Dec. 27th, 2017


Helena has requested that I show everyone her spaceship. Clara? Doctor? Evidently you're invited for tea.

We now officially have fourteen brooms ready for the Pitch. They were delivered on Christmas Eve. I'll be passing them onto my Uncle's for use in the pit but I figured there were a few individuals waiting to hear about them.

Thank you.

Dec. 21st, 2017


Hey guys, I think the Santa letters are definitely real. The last night of Hanukkah, I got the things I asked for. Rogue did too but So far, no Be Careful What You Wish For trope to go along with it, but I didn't ask for anything super out of the ordinary. Just a picture, a necklace, and a pillow.

Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Secret Santa participants!
When: First thing Wed 20th
Where: A mailbox near you! (Or next to the mailbox.)

Sorted alphabetically by first name:

Albus to Hope )

Ianto to Percy )

Pixie to Zelda )

Dec. 3rd, 2017





"Santa Clause" gave Helena a list, too. She just informed me she wrote a letter to Santa and mailed it all by herself. [...] I have no idea what she put on it. I need to sit down.

Luna. Credence. Please tell me you saw what she wrote.

Dec. 2nd, 2017


» Two Questions.
» One. Do you want to see Jumanji?
» Two. Are you free December 8th?

Nov. 28th, 2017


[Illyana and Albus, separately]
I'm wondering if'n there are any spells that can be cast on objects to make them into a teleporting device?

Any chance you can alter the climate of a small area and it stick that way?

[Charlie Weasley (original)]
I've some questions about animals and figured that you're the person to go to.

[Scott Summers]
So we ever gonna talk about that island I raised?

Nov. 21st, 2017


>> Would you like to come over for awhile Thursday evening after everything has calmed down?
>> Perhaps for coffee?
>> I assumed you might have plans at the mansion for dinner already.

Nov. 17th, 2017


Helena is under the impression that we are having a Thanksgiving dinner. I picked her up from school today and overheard her telling one of her chums that she was so excited because "everyone is in town."

We need to pull together a Thanksgiving dinner. My child has expectations and I don't have the heart to tell her 'no.'

I've done some research and there seems to be a few restaurants that cater for Thanksgiving. I need to call them as soon as possible with a headcount so [...] this is me asking for a headcount.

And praying we can fit everyone into my flat. We'll expand out the dining room, of course, and it should be fine.

Do you two have plans for Thursday? I'm going to have to host an American Thanksgiving. Helena expects it.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Did you wake up to a Mogwai on your door step?

We need to all meet in the kitchen before we had out for school. Have either of you opened your packages yet? If not, please don't until we can discuss what they are.


[Hope Summers]
You ready to go back home? I can't get anything done here anywa

[Raven Darkholme]
We need to chat.

[Albus Potter]
Can I get your help with magically securing another property?

Oct. 10th, 2017


DOCTOR (10):
He keeps forgetting me. The neural block keeps popping back into place.
My Doctor keeps forgetting me.

Oct. 1st, 2017


» Hey.
» Want to help me pick out a costume?
» I feel like if I'm left to my own devices I'll show up as something dull.
» Are you going tonight? To the party?

Sep. 17th, 2017


Helena's started talking about Halloween. I feel like we just went through this yesterday. How has it already been a year? She mentioned Jackie.

I asked her what she was hoping to dress as and I got told it's a secret and she has to talk to "Luna and Credence." So, you two, has she done so yet? Are you all conspiring?

Sep. 2nd, 2017


I guess that was summer.

Well this was weird to stumble over.

Sep. 1st, 2017


What the fuck did I do now?

Aug. 28th, 2017


I know Erik was gonna see if'n you could put up some barrier spells or something around our property, but I don't think he ever got around to doing that. Is there any chance you can do that?

Aug. 24th, 2017


As bracing as it is being here, it will be good the school year starting back to bring a sense of normalcy to things. For kids out there, we'll be starting up on September 5th, after the holiday.

For anyone looking to teach, we're starting Development on the 30th and could still use some help, largely in the arts and electives. Also, I'd like to propose we start discussing establishing a pool of substitutes in case of another event like last week which takes out another group of us.

The EPS can help defray certification costs if necessary.


(016) Credence Barebone

New York was large, and I think I always knew that, but I never really felt like I knew it well. So traveling somewhere like DC in this time was incredibly enlightening and I am glad to have had the opportunity to do it.

[Filter: Albus]
Are they still doing the school for people with special powers? I think that might make more sense for me than the high school.

If they could handle the magic.

Aug. 20th, 2017


One more year until I hit 30 and I've only died four times.

Aug. 18th, 2017


teddy lupin

I can't find my gran.

Does anyone know where my gran is?

Aug. 16th, 2017


» Okay, what the heck is going on?

Aug. 12th, 2017


cut for image )

We've taken hundreds of photographs already but Helena was adamant that we share this one with "everyone at home." Gramps, she wanted you to see it in particular. She said you'd love it. I guess she thinks you like elephants? Have you two discussed elephants at any point?

Aug. 6th, 2017


Is Friday alright with everyone as a good start for our trip? If so, I'll go ahead and make the reservations.

I've spoken with Helena extensively about what we were discussing the other day and it seems like this isn't just a whim of fancy. Could we perhaps start in a couple weeks? I'm taking the kids on a vacation so it'd need to be after that.

Jul. 31st, 2017


It is short notice, I know, but how do you all feel about going out to dinner tonight?

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Jul. 29th, 2017


Hey, so, you know you're back in your accepted proper time when your daughter makes you snap out of sleep in a panic because she's got Disney Channel turned up so loud that the walls shake. Good times.

But I was so happy to be in our apartment that I couldn't even be made. We made pancakes and curled up on the sofa to watch Sofia the First. Did you all know that there is such a thing as a Princess Ballet? Evidently you don't just dance with your arms and legs but "with a joyful heart." I may have paid way too much attention just out of relief to be on my couch at all.

Jul. 21st, 2017


Black social history was part of my Masters so I should be able to give a good overview of what shit's gonna be like in 1953. I'd say get a snack and a cup of tea, but I guess MREs and water will have to do.

History lesson! (won't be as thorough as the doc) )

Honestly, the best thing we can do is establish ourselves outside the town. We want to be considered separate and in charge of our own affairs. Even those of us who look acceptable aren't going to know the nuances of social conventions and suspicion of anyone different in a small rural town in Texas is going to be bad, especially with resources scarce. But we probably will have some contact with them, so anyone who's worried can come find me and I'll try to help you out. If anyone else specifically studied this time period it would be great if you could speak up too.

Apart from that I'm good for patrols, helping to build things, scouting, whatever. I might be able to do up a map of where the birds are finding water in the area, but I can't promise it will be helpful for this many people.

Jul. 20th, 2017


New place #5.

As of now (10.38pm according to the tablet) here is who's checked in or been spoken for:

Jul. 9th, 2017


(Backdated to the morning of July 8th, after this)

Hello, everyone. I'm sorry to have to reach out to you all in this manner but it seems the most efficient way to reach everyone. I'm going to keep this brief and if you have questions please feel free to ask them there.

Yesterday, one of the members of the X-Men was at the Carnival grounds and aiding in the clean up of the area. While at the grounds, she used her powers publicly. The Military proceeded to arrest her and keep her in custody for a large portion of the day. From my understanding, they were holding her overnight and should be releasing her at some point today. This is the first incident we've seen where the Military has responded to an outward display of power in such a manner.

With this in mind, I think it is important that we try to keep a low profile. The majority of us have operated under the Statue of Secrecy before. I think it is best if we all go back to operating under that type of mindset, at least when we are out in public.

Petunia, you live with the other major type of Wizards, do you not? Would you mind telling them this information as well?

If you have any questions, like I said, you can ask them here or reach out privately to myself, Bill or Emmeline.


Pardon me. While the welcoming pamphlets were quite informative I would like a bit more information on what precisely has happened to me. Most of all the why. That does not seem to be included in any of the papers or the speeches given by so many.

Jul. 5th, 2017


I think I have a problem. There may be a small collection of Doctor Who things in my flat.

Though my personal favourite is the TARDIS biscuit tin.

Jun. 30th, 2017


Nine days in Texas. Clinging to that whole "I'm hallucinating" thing isn't really working out anymore so I guess I'm actually in Texas. Also true, Parkinson's still an asshole. Just spent two hours listening to music that the natives seemed way more into than I was. Anyone need fifteen boxes of trick wands?

Jun. 27th, 2017


June 9
Albus & Credence
Emmeline's home, after this
Low • Complete
I'm glad you are safe. )

Jun. 1st, 2017


Karl Agathon, Annie Cresta, Albus Potter
I wanted to give y'all an update on the early childhood program. If'n we're able to keep to our schedule Scott and I are hoping to be able to make it available to all of you starting after the July 4th holiday.

Kara Thrace and Caroline Forbes
You're hired. There's a list of classes that you're going to need to be taking in order to complete the process. We're looking into furniture and other items that are needed. If'n you'd like to be part of the process for picking that out please contact Scott.

[see various attachments re: classes and times, etc]

May. 31st, 2017


Can I have a word?

May. 30th, 2017


[Mr. Smith (aka Albus Potter)]
Hi. Do you have some time to talk about something?

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