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November 8th, 2017

[info]superhopeful in [info]thedisplaced

who kara danvers and clark!cisco
what pep talk/family support
where kara and alex's place
when back when the costumes were being wonky
warnings season 2 of supergirl spoilers. also, sad kara.

... )

[info]niceish in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: George Camarine and Damon Salvatore
WHERE: The Roadhouse
WHEN: Back when Jo was out of town. (This is how slow Kim is to finish logs.)
WHAT: A spy meets an ex-vampire
STATUS: completed

... )

[info]kickassprincess in [info]thedisplaced

poor little mog. i do fear i'll miss the creature. i never had much time for companions in hyrule. the affairs of state kept me far too busy for them, but i do remember mother owning a cat. perhaps i will share this trait.

bellamy has done me the kindness of showing me the movie that is tied to the creature. i feel movies are rather entertaining, so if anyone has any recommendations do let me know. oh, and something to do as well. queen of a country that does not exist seems an ill thing to recommend myself on but i do know some healing skills and enjoyed tending the royal library when i had the time. is there a way to translate either of that?

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

[Texts to Emma Frost]
--I saw who showed up
--alternate universe or not I know that ain't easy
--need anything?
--i recommend the danger room for unleashing any anger/frustration over the situation

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]thedisplaced

Maggie's taken to herding my mogwai to keep it out of trouble, which is very funny to watch. She's a good babysitter.

Unrelatedly I'm thinking Thanksgiving weekend in Vegas. I haven't fleeced a casino in ages.

[info]deduce in [info]thedisplaced

So, dimensions and portals and ... alternate worlds. That's a thing now? I'm not sure I buy all this.

But fine. Quarantine, for two days. What's the recommendations for TV?

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedisplaced

Now that the Gremlin/Mogwai issue has been resolved, I thought maybe this Friday would be a good day to have my birthday party. Unless there's some big event that I'm missing, and then I can always push it to Saturday. Just in case, plan on Friday!

Also, Tony Stark is the best boss friend ever because I know have a totally cool new super suit, and now I can fly.

[info]godofstories in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Loki (616) and Faux-din (Loki (MCU))
WHEN: Today!
WHERE: Quarantine rooms at the military base.
WHAT: Loki meets Loki, except not like that.

'Loki,' he said, 'my dear son.' )

[info]thanksdad in [info]thedisplaced

[The Doctor + River Song + Gamora]
Gamora wishes to leave for two days. Can we travel in the Tardis? I wish to see the sea but I do not know where to go otherwise. Where should we go?

[info]obscurence in [info]thedisplaced

(019) Credence Barebone

I don't have any room to talk bu I didn't like the creatures, but I do feel a bit sorry for them. The way they change so radically and without seemingly any control over it. It would make for a very disconcerting existence.

On another note I realized that I have been here nearly a year. I suppose that is a good thing.

[info]brother_mine in [info]thedisplaced

My name is Mycroft Holmes. Specifically, the Mycroft Holmes from BBC's Sherlock, not the U.S. version, Elementary.

Yes, I'm aware there are multiples of people present, including two pairs of Sherlocks and Watsons, and yes, I've been doing my research. There's not much else to do whist in quarantine.

For any interested parties, I was previously in Preya before I was brought to Tumbleweed.

As I write, I ought to be released from quarantine in approximately 29 hours from now. Neither my flat from London nor Preya has appeared with me, but I've been told something has been arranged. I do hope it's adequate. All that remains is to secure some sort of gainful employment which isn't too mundane.

[info]pheremony in [info]thedisplaced

Thank god I missed the gremlin horde. Tiny furry things are not my jam.

Speaking of, if you see an orange cat that's totally not a freaking cat, and has a gleam of evil in its beady little eye, call Carol. Or, you know, get rid of it and I'll pay you ten bucks.

Unless you're Logan. Because then we'd finally be square.

ETA: Yes, Carol, I'm aware that you made a similar post already, but the more eyes, the better, right?

[info]dorcasmeadowes in [info]thedisplaced

Well fuck that turned into an interesting night. The Bonfire was good though.

Thanks for organising it. It was fun despite the ending.

HP Crew
So. I think I might have come across cold and disinterested to some of you. I kind of can be brusque for those who don't know me. I do want to get to know you guys though. So. Drinks and a get together this weekend at mine?

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedisplaced

[Text to Rogue (616)]
›› What do you think of Great Expectations?
[Mass text to friends]
›› Is anyone else trying out for the play?

[info]blackleader in [info]thedisplaced

(030) Poe Dameron

I've decided a watchdown of all of the Christmas Carol productions in existence is how I'm preparing for what will (hopefully) be my next theatrical experience here on planet Earth.

I'm not certain if I should start with the one with the frog, or the one with the mouse. Thoughts?

You know, it might not be a half bad time to go look at dogs, what do you say?

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

[Text to Ororo]
-- A former student of mine appeared yesterday. I'm afraid I'm going to miss your party to get her from quarantine.
-- Rain check? I'll take you out for dinner any night next week.

[Text to Logan]
-- How would you feel about gaining a spare teenager?

[info]joysucker in [info]thedisplaced

filter: yondu
How was your visit with Peter?

filter: peter quill + rocket
When Yondu is released, shall we all go along with Peter to pick him up?

filter: nebula
I would like to get out of this town for a short while, sister. Soon. Would you travel with me?