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July 10th, 2017

[info]rebornhunter in [info]thedisplaced

Well, I guess this changes plans with the archery/combat practice I usually do in the nearest forest-y park.

Filter: Henry Mills
I'm on party-planning duty for Anakin's birthday. Decorations, and all. Want to do a little shopping trip with me? I'll double that up with ice cream and call it a date.

[info]19_53_88 in [info]thedisplaced

[X-Mansion Rogue]
Starbucks has a bunch of those pastries and things, do you want to go see if they're as good as the beignets?

[info]katebishop in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, seriously. Is anyone faithful these days? I don't wanna be Cynical Girl, but my entire payroll is coming from cheaters. Sometimes the same wife or husband! Multiple times!

I know that this is pretty low on the scale of things when you consider the military's crackdown and all, but seriously.


Not cool, bro.

[info]sydbarrett in [info]thedisplaced

You have to help him. I think it's getting worse, and he doesn't have access to his meds to keep him sedated.
Hey, I know you're busy and all with the new baby, but I was wondering if I could talk to you about how you learned to control your powers?

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

[Illyana, Kira, Ororo, Peter, Remy, Rogue, Sabine, Violet, Laura, Megan, Hope]
Cut for length )

I wanted to make sure you were aware of the nonsense going on with the military. If you use your powers, be smart about it. And if anything happens or you find yourself in a spot of trouble, let me know, won't you? I'd hate for something to complicate our arrangement.

I assume by now you've been warned about military escalation. Are you alright?

[info]snikt in [info]thedisplaced

Just a reminder.

The gym is open to everyone to come train and hang out. I know it's stressful with the military being the dickheads that they are, but you ain't got to worry about that here.

Focus on the things we can control. Training. Working together.

The gym's got the fortified area for more expressive uses of power.

Trust me when I say I ain't gonna let any military types into the gym.

[info]knight_inventor in [info]thedisplaced

Glad to be back in Texas. Not so glad to be in military custody. Anyone wanna fill a guy in?

[info]magnetostatics in [info]thedisplaced

Let us agree that Scott's way is the path of least resistance and the one which we can all agree is that which is best for us all. But I don't for a moment believe that the path we take will be easy, nor best.

I believe we should be prepared to work around - or in spite of - the law in Tumbleweed to protect our people in case one seizure turns into many, and without cause. I would understand completely if you do not wish to go down this road. But if you don't, I would ask that you leave me with the name of someone close to you who would.

Stay close to my cabin or the mansion. And if you need me, I will be there.

Have you taught Sorcha to retrieve?

[info]rjlupin in [info]thedisplaced

I'm going to be running late from my Summer school session today. But I have a few minutes free for lunch. Do you have a minute to talk? It's important but an emergency so don't worry.

How are you doing today, Ms. Granger?

[info]niceish in [info]thedisplaced

House Salvatore
So, we've all read the homework by now, right? Need everyone to be at the house tonight. Not to go all Full House on you, but it's time for a family meeting.

P.S., yes this means I'm delaying taking the cure again. Universe is a bitch, etc, etc.

Friends (*Assume away!) + Vampires
So. Pamphlets. All nice and read? Good. Now, I'm not one for big group meetings like the other day, but I was there. It was important. I listened. I wanna hear your takes if you were there, and if you weren't - let's talk about 'paranoia, paranoia, the government could be coming to get me' crap they sent us.

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedisplaced

Hello, there! Been a bit off the grid of late, I'm afraid. And by off the grid, I largely mean lost in a network of pathways of a pyramid that isn't terribly frequented by tourists. Well. I say lost. I knew where I was and where I wanted to be. The steps in between only got a bit tricksy, suppose! Quite alright now though. So! I'm back, dusted off the TARDIS, and I have got a feeling I missed something beside the exit signs on multiple occasions... So, go on, then. What's gone on now?

[info]joysucker in [info]thedisplaced

who peter & gamora
what tour!
where his room at casa avenger
when after her arrival/release
warnings GOTG2 spoilers? very PG otherwise!

... )