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Posts Tagged: 'ian+malcolm'

Aug. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm being made to do this against my will, just so everyone knows.

Right. I'm Dr.Ian Malcolm. I've been here for a few months already, and I run things down at the University. I also help with education system in general, but if you have a question about elementary through high school education, you're better off talking to Kitty Pryde about that.

I'm also someone who's had experience with dinosaurs. Experience that I didn't exactly want, but hey, when life gives you lemons...actually no, that's a bad proverbial phrase to go by.

Anyway, useful helpful advice - stay out of the forest. Unless you have a death wish. The city has a protective barrier around it, and aside from an unfortunate incident three months ago, the dinosaurs can't get in, so you're safe from the jaws that'll rip you apart or crush you to bits in here. Even if you've got superhuman abilities, which apparently, some of you do, judging from different types of people that I've seen pop up since I've been here, I don't advise it.

Long story short :

City = Safe, Forest = Dinosaurs = Bad.

Of course, if you do decide go out there and explore, I'll just be here, waiting with a nice 'I told you so', for if and when you get back.

There, Claire. You said I had to interact, but you didn't say I had to be nice.



[No Subject]

First, the walkers. Now dinosaurs.

I'm getting too old for this shit.

Aug. 5th, 2015


[No Subject]

I know I just got out of a similar situation and it nearly killed me. I know this is a genuinely bad idea but how can I not be excited by dinosaurs?

Aug. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well I guess if my plans had to get pushed off for a bit, dinosaurs are a good reason?




Dinosaurs are cool.  When does Hit-Monkey get here so I can feed the raptors?

Aug. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]


I'm Claire Dearing, the current mayor of Jurassic City. Yes, I know the name is unfortunate, but I did not choose it. I've been informed that we've had a recent influx of new arrivals. We currently are uncertain how people are being brought here, but these incidences began three months ago and have only recently increased in frequency.

I was in your position once. I became the mayor after an incident with out perimeter defenses wiped out the previous government. If you have any questions regarding your situation, please address them to me or our Chief of Police, Emma Swan. We won't be able to answer certain questions, such as how we came to be here or how to leave or where or when this place is. But we can help you to get settled and acclimated here.

We're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and we hope you will make the best of this opportunity.

Thank you, and welcome to Jurassic City.

dr. malcolm.
I will expect you to make a formal introduction on your own, however distasteful you may find interacting with the masses.