November 2017

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July 13th, 2017

[info]mountzenith in [info]zenithrp


Day 85.

Weather: A light, powdery snowfall begins in the morning and carries on with no sign of stopping.

Events: There is a new additions to the house today. Douglas will wake up in his room at around 8 in the morning. He will receive the same experience as did those on day 1, with the addition that his doors and windows will not unlock until he accesses the network, as in day 2. Douglas will have been abducted on December 16th.

The rest of the house will see that the Santa's Workshop program is still on their computer (and Douglas' as well), and there's still time to submit gifts. In fact, their captors have apparently decided to help them out. At some point between the hours of 5 and 6 in the morning, truly massive stacks of gift catalogs and internet shop print-outs have been left in the kitchen to help make the holiday 'shopping' easier.

At 8 AM, the members of Experiment B (Daphne, Audrey, Felix, Simms) receive a message on their computers from TPTB. It reads:


It has not escaped our attention that you are all putting forth a great deal of planning into getting the most out of this Christmas, and using it to your advantage. This is very impressive, and we have decided to help you - with a few conditions of our own.

First, we will not be allowing you to 'gift' each other the ability to send anonymous gifts. At this time, it is in our interest to have your 'Christmas day' more or less unspoiled and with no strings attached. Allowing you to send anonymous gifts and tricks would ruin it. Instead, we offer an alternative, and we believe you will all find it to your liking.

We will enable Experiment B to have a separate holiday. That is to say, a separate day where you may send anonymous gifts of your choosing to your housemates. It must be at least two days after 'Christmas,' but beyond that, we will give you the power to decide when that day should be. You may save this opportunity for as long as you like, or cash it in immediately. The whole of Experiment B must be in agreement about the date, however.

In addition, we will allow each of you to send a private gift to the other members of Experiment B. While the rest of the gifts may be more public, you are allowed to designate which gifts you send to each other should be done so without the rest of the house knowing. This way, you may opt to bestow upon another member of Experiment B an item that would make their mission of discord a touch easier.

We are very pleased with all of you, and hope this gift is to your liking. Enjoy your holidays."

All comments are screened. Gift orders may be submitted on this entry, or on Day 84. This is the last game-day to submit gift orders.

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]zenithrp


Who: Felix [Narrative]
Where: 2nd Floor Landing
When: Around 2am

For Mads )

[info]elocutionist in [info]zenithrp

Who: Anyone responding to the fire
Where: Second floor landing
When: After this

Hurry up, Felix. I don't fancy hemorrhoids. )