reincarnate - the ic journal
these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

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Mar. 24th, 2019



Who: Thomas Taylor & Joey Malone
What: Thomas finally breaks, Joey knocks some sense into him. Possibly literally, idk.
Where: Chicago (South Side)
When: Backdated to Wednesday, September 5th 2018
Warnings: Violence maybe, mentions of a character death

It was pretty obvious that the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man wasn't exactly working with a full deck these days )

Feb. 11th, 2019



Who: Seth Kane and Aidan Murphy
What: Seth's got plans with a dreamer...
Where: A back road outside of Jackson
When: Sunday, February 10; afternoon
Warnings: TBD

It wasn't him that was doing the dangerous part of this. )

Nov. 3rd, 2018



Who: Leander, Pandora, Léon, David, Erik & anyone else we decide to throw in (tentative posting order?)
What: Overbite vs REDO, the Halloween edition
Where: A party venue in Los Angeles
When: Backdated to Wednesday night, October 31st 2018
Warnings: TBD?

Speaking of lacking originality )



Who: Connor Shepherd and Olivia Shepherd
What: Surprise trick or treat! Shenanigans abound
Where Olivia’s apartment in DC.
When: Backdated to Wednesday 31st evening.
Warnings: Sibling shenanigans…Probably nothing dangerous.

Ghost huffed and stood up again, walking himself in a circle, seemingly despairing of the company he kept. )

Oct. 15th, 2018



Who: Rowan & Phoenix
What: Rowan catches Phoenix sneaking out & things come to a head
Where: Camelot Castle
When: Monday evening, October 15th, 2018
Warnings: TBD but probably swearing & also mentions of death

Losing Wyatt had gutted them both. It's not like Rowan didn't understand the desire for revenge. )

Oct. 16th, 2018



Who: Fitz, open to Aidan Murphy and Seth Kane
What: Moving in day
Where: The old Jackson Super Market on Main Street Jackson, SC
When: Saturday 13th October

He hadn't exactly mentioned that he was going to be moving into town )

Sep. 23rd, 2018



Who: Bren Gallagher & Athena Sargent
What: Helping move out his ex's stuff is definitely fair repayment for a miracle.
Where: Bren's apartment, New Haven, CT
When: Sunday, September 23; evening

Things with Hannah hadn't been good for a while... )

Sep. 16th, 2018



Who: David & Finley
What: Confessions & reuniting
Where: Finley's apartment in Los Angeles, CA
When: Sunday, September 16th, 2018
Warnings: Solid porn rating later

For awhile, David had been operating under the assumption that nothing too bad could ever really happen to him. Because he had Dean. Because he had... Finley. )

Sep. 1st, 2018



Who: Nick Bauer & Troy Olson, with a side of Loren Olson
What: Loren's plans are foiled, Nick has a more eventful day than planned, and Troy finds a new recruit.
Where: Streets of New York City
When: Friday, August 31, 2018; afternoon
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, anything else TBD

Weird shit happened in New York City... )

Aug. 26th, 2018


Who: Clark and Kyle
What: Kyle's father figure is gone, but Clark's there to take his place.
Where: Kyle's office, Resistance HQ in Los Angeles, CA
When: Backdated to Saturday, August 25, 2018; evening
Warnings: Sexual content, dubiously safe, sane, and consensual BDSM practices including spanking and daddy kink.

It had taken all of Clark's control to keep his composure when he heard the news... )

Aug. 25th, 2018



Who: Raif Cruz & Nadia Essex
What: A wounded Raif goes to the one place he knows is safe
Where: Nadia's place in Charlotte, NC
When: Friday night, August 24th 2018
Warnings: Mentions of violence & death

Was he losing his edge? )

Aug. 19th, 2018



Who: Avery Tremblay and Tristan West
What: It's supposed to be Avery's death day.
Where: Tristan's penthouse in Los Angeles, CA
When: Sunday, August 19; night.
Warnings: Implied off camera sex; also they both think Avery's dying so, you know. Angst.

This day, the day he was going to die, was for him and Tristan. )

Aug. 18th, 2018



Who: Athena Sargent & Bren Gallagher
What: Athena’s looking for someone with powers
Where: Here&Gone, Chicago
When: Backdated to Friday, July 6th 2018; evening
Warnings: References to past and reincarnate sexual assault.

I think the usual line is something about what a girl like you's doing in a place like this, right? )

Jul. 27th, 2018



Who: Phoenix Schwartz, Wyatt Turner, Lorne Hargrave, Rowan Stark, Adrienne O’Carroll and Azalea Lerner
When: Friday 27th August, during the lunar eclipse
Where: Close to Glastonbury, somewhere near to the borders of Camelot
What: The Blood Moon is up, and some people want a little fun.
Warnings: Violence, fighting and Death

Amber eyes looked up towards the baleful image of a darkened moon rising, tinged red as if dipped in blood. )

Jul. 20th, 2018



Who: Dominic Akana & Luke Hayes
What: Luke is worried about his brother & asks Dom over, dark secrets are shared
Where: Ashland, Oregon (Luke’s apartment)
When: Backdated to December 6th, 2017, late evening
Warnings: Mentions of past physical & sexual abuse
Status: Incomplete

Welcome to my ridiculous, soap opera of a life )

Jul. 1st, 2018



Who: Will Hayes & Willette Sullivan
What: Another reunion between Will and someone who was very important to him once.
Where: South Boston
When: Sunday, July 1st; afternoon
Warnings: TBD but probably mild.

With his chance finally there to go anywhere he wanted to, this was the only place that Will really wanted to be. )

Jun. 12th, 2018



Who: Thomas Taylor
What: Despite his best efforts, he's too late to save her.
Where: Harlem, NY
When: Monday, June 11th 2018
Warnings: Character death, general blood & gore warning

He was going to find her. He could still save her. Kylie was still alive. )

Jun. 10th, 2018



Who: Matthew Taylor, Alexis Taylor & Kylie Kensington Taylor
What: Stalking their cousin's bride, things get a little out of hand.
When: June 10th
Where: NYC
Warnings: CHARACTER DEATH and violence surrounding that.

His eyes never left the petite Kensington girl walking below them as she came out of a store. Taylor, he corrected himself. She’d married into the family after all. )

Jun. 9th, 2018



Who: Finley Melville & David Ryan; later, Erik von Brandt
What: They've been 'celebrating' David being alive and well since he got back from his kidnapping; it was only a matter of time before they got a little too careless. (Part 2 of 2)
Where: David's dressing room
When: Saturday night, June 9th 2018, after a REDO concert
Warnings: Pretty solid porn rating, until it's not (ctrl+f 'At last, the horror that had frozen Erik' to skip straight to the breakup angst). Specific warnings for: unprotected sex

Erik covered his eyes and turned around but he couldn't unsee what he'd already seen... )



Who: Finley Melville & David Ryan
What: They've been 'celebrating' David being alive and well since he got back from his kidnapping; it was only a matter of time before they got a little too careless. (Part 1 of 2)
Where: David's dressing room
When: Saturday night, June 9th 2018, after a REDO concert
Warnings: Completely porn in this part. Specific warnings for: unprotected sex

Finley liked the scent of David after a show, the smell of sweat on his skin. )