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Posts Tagged: 'jennifer+hill'

Nov. 1st, 2010



Who: Jennifer Hill and Josh Blake
What: Superman returns!
When: Monday night, November 1 2010
Where: Josh's apartment in Boston, Mass
Warnings: TBD?

To anyone who'd been paying attention to the sky that night, they might have noticed the brief flash of light that hurtled toward the earth at an impossible speed )

Oct. 5th, 2010



Who: Jennifer Hill and Kyle Thomas
What: Jen gets her message across to the JL in a very effective way.
When: Tuesday, late afternoon. October 5, 2010 (Sideway's World)
Where: The Law Office masquerading as the JL's HQ in Los Angeles, CA.
Warnings: Violence, language, AU character death.
OOC Note: The main log is between Kyle and Jen to keep this relatively short and sweet, but for the sake of reference Tawny and some NPC villains did go with her and it's probably safe to assume other JL members could have been a part of or at least witness to the events that are about to unfold. (Non-evil!Jen apologizes profusely for this and will make 'I'm sorry' cookies until the end of time. Uh, after this week.)

Sorry I didn't call ahead. I assume you accept drop-in appointments? )

Sep. 19th, 2010



Who: The JL 2.0 + Fletcher Charleston
What: Come to Jesus meeting. Basically. With a side of OH NOES, FUGITIVE IN DA HOUSE.
When: Sunday afternoon, September 19 2010
Where: The JL head quarters in Manhattan, NY
OOC Note: Everyone in the JL is welcome to participate! If you don't tag in, we'll just assume your character was there, but since this is a big plot twist for the JL if you want your character to have a say in what goes on today you might want to consider tagging in. The posting order is generally a free for all! Try to follow whatever order takes shape as people tag in? But it's fine to go out of turn, we don't care. :) And it's fine to start your own sub threads, however you want to do it.

If this went over badly, Jen didn't know what she'd do. She loved this group, she depended on this group. If people left because of this, she would probably have a very real nervous break down )

Sep. 11th, 2010



Who: Jennifer Hill, Josh Blake and Tierney Walsh
What: Josh and Jen walk into a bar... Actually not a bar, a city called M-Town. Otherwise known as District X. With a crazy X-23 out for blood. Their blood, to be more specific.
Where: Mutant Town! (NYC, lower east side)
When: Saturday, just after sunset. September 11, 2010
Warnings: Violence and shit?

She probably should have been on her guard a little bit more but hey, there was still daylight left and it was unlikely that anyone in the Resistance was hiding out in Mutant Town. What could possibly happen to them here? )

Aug. 28th, 2010



Who: Jen Hill, Josh Blake, Lilah St Fleur, Ted Holloway, Abigail Roth, Gemma Davenport, Sam Victorio, Kane Lewis, Ana Borodinskii, Tawny Strange, Elliot Peabody, Julian Ross and Fletcher Charleston
What: Following the death of Eli and all the various phone calls and messages, members of the JL and the Resistance both run to the scene. An epic rumble in the 'burb's ensues. When you're a jet?
When: Late Saturday night, August 28th 2010
Where: Gemma's house (mostly her front yard), Los Angeles.
Warnings: (To quote Rae) Did you see the line up? Be warned. LOTS AND LOTS OF VIOLENCE.
OOC: Posting order is whatever? (Edit: 4 subthreads: Jen/Sam, Ana/Ted, Lilah/Tawny, Josh/Elliot, then Abigail/Julian/Fletcher will be stopping the insanity. Hopefully.)

There were a lot of dark things going through Jen's mind and she was not prepared to lose anybody else. She wouldn't lose anybody else, that's all there was to it. This was her family, and she'd protect her family with her life )

Jul. 31st, 2010



Who: Jen Hill, Josh Blake, Lilah St. Fleur and Ted Holloway
What: Batman, Superman, Phoenix and Darth Vader all get high... Wait, how does this joke go again?
When: Saturday night, July 31 2010
Where: Jen and Lilah's apartment. It's where all the cool kids hang out?
Rating: Super Nerds on drugs.
OOC Note: Posting order as listed above!

They were doing the usual. Laying around the living room, watching weird things on television, eating too much pizza... and getting stoned )

Jun. 21st, 2010


Who: Eli Bryant, Tawny Strange, Jennifer Hill, Kyle Thomas and Kylee Evans w/ Josh Blake as the man behind the curtain. (And later: Owen Murphy, Colin Ford and Lilah St. Fleur)
What: The JL finally finds Gotham's terrorists, or rather, the terrorists find them....
When: Monday night, June 21st 2010
Where: Gotham City, New Jersey
Warnings: Violence and probably some language.
OOC Note: Tag order is as posted above?

These wannabe super heroes seemed hell bent on finding them, they'd been at it for two days now, and Eli was ready to show himself. )

Jun. 14th, 2010



Who: Jennifer Hill
When: Very early Monday morning, 6/14/10
Where: New York City
What: Finding Metropolis!

She wasn't worried about going alone, she was Superman after all. She may look small and defenseless, but they'd have no idea what hit them until she swung back a fist. )