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Dec. 16th, 2019


Network Post: Sabé

Padmé has it in her head that I need to meet about a dozen of you as her close friends and family, just for starters, and then she probably has another few dozen after that. I'm not surprised she's made many friends so quickly since she's famous for her people skills, but I think she forgets I'm not naturally as social as she is. I don't really know what to say or how to introduce myself except: hello, I'm Sabé. I've known Padmé half my life since entering her service as handmaiden. I'm from Naboo, of course.

Thank you again to Elizabeth Swann for giving me the crash course on this world. That had to be a strange thing to do for someone who inexplicably looks like you.

Dec. 7th, 2019


Pie doesn't need this the way he did in Illinois but I saw it and I couldn't help myself.

cut for image )

I think I can safely say he likes it. I'm going to need to fish out his hat soon.

* Pretend it's a younger dog and ignore the red sweater, just the green!

Dec. 1st, 2019


Sunday, Dec 1, 9:44PM

Filter: Physical Cottage and all friends outside of it (plus anyone who helped with the restaurant)

Before I tossed out the invites around Tumbleweed, I wanted to let you know first. I got the date for the opening of Satyrs and it's going to be on New Year's Eve! That's right, we're watching the ball drop too!

Thought I'd let you guys know way ahead of times before most of you end up making plans.

I'm gonna go ahead and say thanks right now, for putting up with my anxiety and self-doubt over this whole thing and for helping with everything, yes, even the taste-testing which was basically free food for you guys. Seriously, though, I appreciate all the help!

Nov. 24th, 2019


I've finished attaching the room next to ours. We've now got our very own doorway so we don't have to go into the hall to get to the nursery. Simple enough charm, thanks to Alice's notes, so I don't think it'll be hard to remove a few years down the line when we might not want an adjoining room.

We should really discuss paint and theming. I can't commit to furniture until we pin this down.

And we ought to start prepping for Christmas. At least when it comes to Fray.

We have a few extra days off work here shortly. How's about we make a day trip?

Nov. 17th, 2019


log; el & ren

WHO: Eliot Waugh & Ren Solo
WHEN: Mid-October-ish. [backdated]
WHERE: New York City.
SUMMARY: An afternoon away people watching, park enjoying, and ice cream getting.
WARNINGS: I don't believe there are any, it's mostly just quiet fluff.

... who says we need to be sensical? )


Cut scene, but cut for sads )

MARGO AND KYLO, FINN (is the only one filtered separately)
I don't know you, but have you seen Rey or heard from her? It's not a big deal, it's just usually she checks in and she hasn't, which is okay except for people being sent home and now my best friend's dead and I don't you know. She hasn't. So um. I sort of need to find her, but I don't know where to look? Or if she's here anymore. I just...wanted to know.

Are you busy? I got...um...extra news and...I...it's bad. You know. Like updated memories. But it's fine if you're busy. I'm fine.

I'm here. Sorry if I've been...not here. It's just kind of sucked a lot. And [...] yeah. Hi.

Nov. 13th, 2019


We've got the Portals reconnected. I could be there in five minutes. Say the word and I will be. Or, better still, I can hold off and come bearing the most decadent of comfort foods. You want baked mac and cheese? I can do baked mac and cheese.

I'd say copious amounts of alcohol, too, but I don't think that's the call. But if it is the call, tell me. I'll come gifting copious amounts of alcohol.

I've offered to bring food to you and Q. Is there something you might like? I tossed out mac and cheese as a safe Quentin option but I don't know your possible go to comfort foods.

And shall I bring you wine or hard liquor?

I'm probably on my way to New York tonight. Do you have people? Do you want to go drink? Comfort mac and cheese?

I love you.

Sep. 22nd, 2018


For the record, the best way to cook a faerie is poaching.

Sep. 18th, 2018


[Voice to text; after nightfall]
I am tired of this.

Sep. 16th, 2018


It seems you've all been affected because you helped us who were taken. What can I do to help you all?

Quentin, you have my sincerest gratitude. I'll need to see you once this is over.
I suppose a roll call is in order.

Sep. 14th, 2018


They took Leia.

Added after this

Do you have a spell to try to locate people? Can we try it for Leia?

Sep. 13th, 2018


My advice is the same advice I give most people in times of warning: don't go anywhere alone.

Which leads me to my question. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to stay with me for a while? At least until this faerie stuff blows over?
Be safe.
I'm going to need you to stop being a hermit.
We got off on the wrong foot, and I'd like to start over.

Hello, I'm Leia. How are you?
Thank you so much for this past weekend. I had a wonderful time getting to know you.

Sep. 11th, 2018


Who needs a weapon made of cold iron? I will charge at cost. Don't worry if you can't pay me back now, we can work something out later. I don't think this will work but if it will make you feel more safe...


What do you say to a weekend get away? We clearly ought to follow through on our discussion for Smithsonian first, and I really think we ought to do that perhaps next weekend should it work for Leia, but I kind of like the idea of us three getting away for some time to ourselves.

Hypothetical question time.

Was that Rocky Horror shadow cast concept ever going to come back to life? We are hitting an opportune prime time for it.

Sep. 7th, 2018


It's a shame we can't ask demands of the portal. I could use some spiced caf right about now. This damn headache won't go away.

Have you set a date yet?
My son is getting married. If there was ever something that made me feel old...
What do you think about this marriage?


This town is the living embodiment of Friday Night Lights without the hot coach. Nothing is open. Looks like I'm making a doorway somewhere fun tonight.

When do you get back in town?
Everyone is doing this Quidditch thing. Why don't we have a Welters field?

Sep. 4th, 2018


log; kylo ren & eliot

who: Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh
when: July 2018 (backdated, hello)
where: A cabin somewhere northern
What: It's been a year since they got together, and they are spending a night away.
warnings: Fluff, lots of it.
status: COMPLETE.

You are far too capable of sweeping me off my feet. )


who: Eliot Waugh & Kylo Ren
when: The night of Alucard's birthday, a couple days before this and this
where: The Physical Cottage
What: Eliot being emotional over his fear of losing Quentin & Margo
warnings: Just Eliot making incorrect assumptions
status: Complete.

I'm pretty certain you're more tightly wound than a hyperdrive core. )

Sep. 1st, 2018


(044) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Rey]
I'm getting married.

Have you talked to Lu

Aug. 30th, 2018


not an IC cut )

How do you feel about the 8th for New York? I can get us tickets for Hamilton right now if that works for you. The 15th also seems doable on the ticket front.

Thank you for the plants, Fray. I like mine immensely. What does yours look like?

When do you think you'll have a spare few hours?

When you were in the hotel, you got memory updates, didn't you?

* If you think they are friends, probably are!


Left for Eliot Waugh 2 in his room )

Left in Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh's room )

Left for Ronan Lynchon a table in the Barns )

Aug. 29th, 2018


I went to check on Selina, and she's gone. Not bolted or hurt or anything. Pretty sure the portal pulled its disappearing act.

Hey Damian. You want a cat?

Aug. 28th, 2018


Someone broke into Darth Vaper last night. Smashed the sign outside. Anyone know anyone who might have a thing against Darth Vader puns?

Aug. 23rd, 2018


(043) Kylo Ren

[Filter: His Eliot]
I'm sorry about the other day.

I know you were just trying to help.

Aug. 19th, 2018


who: Ren & Fen
when: August 16, after this.
where: Fen's room, Physical Cottage.
What: Ren goes to air frustrations, which morphs into him explaining at least a bit of what is going on.
warnings: Domestic arguing, nothing horrifically out of line. Kylo Ren acting immature. The usual.
status: COMPLETE.

She was trying to be calm. )

Aug. 16th, 2018


Where'd you get the number?
I need a favor.


[Texts to Fen]

» Can you help me with something?
» I wanted to go look for some plants and I don't know if the ones I want are going to be here.
» But I don't want Dad to know yet. Or Kylo.

[Texts to Kylo]

» [image of screenshot]
» Good decisions were made. :)

[Snapchat to Eliot Waugh (helladjacent)]


[ooc: just ignore the instragram shenanigans]

Aug. 7th, 2018


(042) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Fen]
Can I talk something out with you?

[Filter: Margo & Fen after this]
If you aren't too busy Eliot's birthday is this weekend. Fen and I are wondering if you had plans.

Aug. 3rd, 2018


I'm sure someone here has experience with demolitions or arson?

[Alice Quinn]
Fuck fuck fuck. The hotel is here. FUCK.

Aug. 2nd, 2018


(041) Kylo Ren

[Filter: his Eliot]
Fen and I talked. And I thought about telling her to come by tonight, but I wasn't certain if you wanted that to come from you or not, so I didn't. But we could?

Also I kissed her.

[Added Filter: his Eliot & Fen]
Fen, you should join us tonight. If you want to.


[Eliot Waugh (aka not-dad)]
I don't want What have they told you about me if anything?

Did you get your answer?

Hello Did they tell you what you wanted to know?

[Team Parents]
I need some legos so I can go to a lego party and a snack. I don't know what kind, though.


Who: Kylo Ren & Fen
What: Fen and Ren discuss their relationship and more.
When: Thursday, August 2nd
Where: Fen’s room
Warnings: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Status: Complete in gdocs

I like you. )

Jul. 30th, 2018




(040) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Skywalkers & Solos (both timelines) & Eliot Waugh]
Eliot and I wanted to tell you that we're engaged. Eliot proposed, I accepted.

We're just telling family and close friends right now, and Eliot still needs to speak to some of his friends, so I would appreciate you keeping it quiet until we make a public announcement, but I wanted you all to hear it from me first.

Jul. 29th, 2018


who: Kylo Ren & HIS Eliot Waugh
when: Saturday, July 28
where: Eliot & Kylo's room at the Physical Cottage
What: Sometimes, things shift.
warnings: Fluff.
status: COMPLETE.

could there be any answer other than the one Kylo was going to give? )

Jul. 28th, 2018


I'm Eliot. I understand you've already met someone who shares a strong resemblance in name, face, and hopefully an excellent taste in vests and alcoholic beverages. Some of you have been here for some time, and I am hoping you can help me.

This isn't my first time being pulled into another world, or my second, or even third, or forth, and so on. Some of you have also been pulled into other worlds which may or may not have been purgatory like before ending up here. I'm trying to get some information on my friends? They might have mentioned a Hell Hotel? Hotel Kairos?

Paul Rovia, aka Jesus
Claire Novak
Gretel (yes, that one)
Judith Grimes
Rowena Ravenclaw
Godric Gryffindor

Just looking to see if anyone else made it out. Any information you might have would be deeply appreciated.

[Eliot's Homeworld(s)]
So, hello. I've just spent the last two years in a semi-sentient, murderous hotel. How're things?

[Quentin Coldwater]
Jesus fuck, Q. Except not literally. Are you my Q? Were you at the hotel? Please tell me you made it out, too. I'm still in quarantine.

[Margo Hanson]

Jul. 26th, 2018


You felt it, didn't you?
I'm sorry to announce that Han Solo has disappeared.

Jul. 22nd, 2018


log; kylo ren & rey

who: Kylo Ren and Rey
when: July 22, morning.
where: In front of Doose's market.
What: Kylo & Rey finally talk about the shared memories more persistently.
warnings: None that I can think of.
status: COMPLETE.

I'll walk with you for a bit )

Jul. 21st, 2018


who: Eliot Waugh & Kylo Ren
when: The front half of July, starting a few days after this. They've been doing this almost nightly
where: The Cottage
What: Kylo bares witness to Eliot's life before Brakebills as they work to back up Eliot's memories.
warnings: Domestic abuse, homophobia, bullying, murder and substance use
status: Part one.

I can push if I need to. You're certain you're all right with this? )

Jul. 19th, 2018


Alright, Tumbleweed, anyone out there do freelance webdesign and/or graphic design?

Right, so, I want to go to Mamma Mia but I'm willing to be a good friend and wait for Bambi's return before doing so. In the mean time, who wants to go to Across the Universe in two weeks?

Jul. 10th, 2018


(039) Kylo Ren

Not an IC Cut )

This week we are selling The Hoth. An iced white mocha, that is neither as cold as Hoth, nor as white as it, but I don't come up with these names. I think they're inspired by the place across the street.

[Filter: Eliot & Fen]
I hate this weather. There has to be somewhere on this planet that's cooler.


Group Text to Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh )

Jul. 1st, 2018


[Filtered to Team Parent]
Hope's father but not showed up, so I told her she could come over if she wanted.

Can I be done being grounded for the classes tomorrow?

Jun. 21st, 2018


log; kylo ren & fen

who: Kylo Ren & Fen
when: Wednesday, June 20
where: Physical Cottage
What: Fen and Ren talk about them, Eliot, and 🔪
warnings: None that I can think of.
status: Complete.

Whatever you want to tell me, I’ll listen. But I want you to want to tell me. )

Jun. 17th, 2018


Who: Eliot, Fen & Kylo Ren
What: They have “the talk” -- a conversation in two parts.
When: Monday, June 11th, after this.
Where: The Physical Cottage
Warnings: Awkward politeness.
Status: Complete in gdocs

Part One: I don’t feel like your spouse. )

Part Two: We’ll get there. )


Since it seems that today is a day to honor fathers and last month I missed the day to honor mothers thanks to that powers issue, I would like to say that my parents, Jobal and Ruwee Naberrie, are two of the most wonderful people that I have ever known. I only hope that I do them both honor with every action I take, and I can't help but hope they both one day arrive in Tumbleweed.

Leia - both of you - if you haven't had the opportunity to meet them, I hope that you do someday. And the same for you, Kylo and Anakin.

Jun. 14th, 2018


Attn: anyone who needs to know.

I have found a permanent place of my own. I'll text you the address. But I do mean it. It's permanent. I don't know how to cook or anything so my place currently just as cereal boxes and milk, but whatever. They're fortified with vitamins and stuff.

Jun. 13th, 2018


[Filtered to Fen, viewable to Eliot & Kylo]
I'm sorry I guess.

I'm not sorry I told that guy he was being an asshole because he was, but I'm sorry if I worried you.

Ronan said I was being an asshole and that if I tried to make things right, maybe you'd let me work sooner I should try to make things right and be less of an asshole because you just care about me. That last part wasn't exactly said, but I guess sort of implied

Jun. 9th, 2018


I just wanted to say thanks to those who were able to come out today and a real big old thanks to Napoleon and everyone who was able to help him with set up. Ya made for one real happy one year old today.

Not IC Cut/Just a picture )

[Eliot and Kylo Ren]
Is next Wednesday good for coming to spend some time with the kitten?

Jun. 8th, 2018


log; kylo ren, and alucard emery, and rhy maresh

who: Kylo Ren, Alucard Emery & Rhy Maresh
when: Late April-ish.
where: The Physical Cottage and Kitchen
What: Kylo had offered to teach Alucard and Rhy cooking, and tell him a bit about his life.
warnings: Discussion of what Kylo's done, some justifications, etc.
status: COMPLETE.

I'm glad you both came. )

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