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Mar. 13th, 2018


Hermione Granger
What do you say we do it right and proper this time around? Go to the ball with me, Hermione?

Mar. 12th, 2018


filtered to the Weasley-Potter people. Like. Even if you’re a broad relation, consider yourself part of this filter.
Good afternoon, lovelies! My name is Gabrielle Delacour. For those that don’t know me, I’m Bill’s sister-in-law. I just wanted to introduce myself to those that I haven’t had a chance to run into yet and hope that you li we can be friends!

I’m a little sad that we’re due to leave this port so soon. If there were any world to get dropped into, this one was right on target for me. Is there anything particularly special that made your visit here great?

Mar. 10th, 2018


Filter: Weasleys and extended family
It's taken me some time to wrap my head around what happens in our future and what becomes of our world. I must say that a lot of what I've heard makes me proud to be your father or father-in-law. And also grandfather.

The rest of it... I'm sorry. It is my job as a parent to protect you from the dangers of the world, and for some of you, I failed. I know you were considered adults for most of what had happened, but that doesn't change my role in this family.

Mar. 9th, 2018


[picture of Johanna wearing this with a plain grey v-neck]

Yessssssssss. I'm so fancy.

Mar. 8th, 2018


Camelot has been a downright wonderland. I've done my best to nudge some of the knights into organizing a small tournament and it will be held tomorrow through the day.

There will be sword fighting, a melee, and jousting if anyone wants to participate.

Rogue, Sherwood for the day after?

I will understand if you do not want to see me anytime soon, but I do hope to spend time with you at some point during this port. Please let me know if this is possible.

Mar. 7th, 2018


Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Hermione, I'm assuming you know all about the Muggle fairy stories that make these places important. Anywhere you want to explore? What about you, Harry?

Mar. 6th, 2018


Well, I guess I'm going camping again and remembering to buy luxurious jewels in Agrabah.


You going to be all right, Old Soul?


Ginny's gone. I'm sorry.

Mar. 5th, 2018


WHO: Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley
WHEN: Food Poisoning day
WHERE: Before Prime 7
WHAT: Hermione confronts Ron about the awkwardness.
STATUS: gdoc, finished!

You don’t have to avoid me, you know. )

Mar. 1st, 2018


I'm getting over my cold but it seems like everyone else is sick from something else. Ha! At least I wasn't leaking from both ends. Just from my nose.

Everyone has sparkly things from Middle Earth. No one got me anything sparkly. I should have got myself something sparkly. Even if I'd look stupid with a bejeweled necklace over my men's tank top. Reminds me of old times. It wasn't so bad sometimes.

filter to John Murphy )


[Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger]

All my kids are here and they're all older than me.

Ginny and I aren't together and that makes it feel even stranger, I think.

I don't know what to do. How do I act?

Ron, I'm sorry if you're busy throwing up, do continue if you can't stop to read this.


Today I am 24 years old. Apparently. I don't really know how time works here.

I don't want a party, unless we combine it with Ron's. Happy birthday, Ron!! Double parties mean more cake.


It pleases me greatly with the number of family and family friends that keep popping up around here. As soon as we're all back in Tumbleweed, I plan to have a proper family and friends dinner. Not being able to use the kitchens is quite inconvenient

Today is also doubly special, as it's both Ronald's and Tonk's birthdays. Happy birthday, both of you.


Oooooookay. Well, I know for a fact I’m not nearly drunk enough for this to be an alcohol induced dream, so I guess I’ll take it as an actual thing that is actually happening.

Hi, people if Cruise Ship. I mean, it’s just about Spare Oom in Wardrobe, right? Right. I’m Lily Luna Potter and I’m pretty sure if the calendar is right, we somehow just restarted the month of March and somewhere in the universe Alby’s heart is doing little palpitations of joy because time travel is actually real outside of the usual methods that were destroyed. Should I expect a TARDIS anytime soon?

Sooo. I’m officially not turning 34 when I just l turned 33. It was seriously just today. I wis still celebrating. ButI will expect a party and cake by the end of tge month, so if my family is here, I guess prepare yourselves.

Otherwise, happy birhday, Uncle Ron if you’re here. If not, I guess still happy birthday somewhere anyway.

Merlin’s saggy tits. This four hour wait is going to be a long time with only these robots and myself to talk to. Which is to say, someone should definitely come entertain me. I'm accepting family and complete strangers. Just don't be axe murderers and I won't have to hex you.

Feb. 28th, 2018


I don't think there's a curse in all of the Dark Arts potent enough for me to have my full vengeance against whoever is responsible for the misery I endured in the wee hours of this morning.

Roxanne, tell me some of your healing supplies made it through the portal with you, because I think it's possible I still might die.

Feb. 26th, 2018


WHO: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter
WHEN: the day Hermione arrived
WHERE: medbay
WHAT: The three of them hug and tell Hermione about her upcoming wedding and the library. Priorities.
WARNINGS: I don't think so?
STATUS: gdoc, finished!

We're in a place straight out of a storybook and you want to go to the library )

Feb. 25th, 2018


[Filter: To people who consider Murphy their friend]

I now have a very impressive collection of wooden pipes made from various woods and designs. It's like I'm an expert and have become super sophisticated. I know you're all very jealous of me and that's fine. I'll take it.

Feb. 24th, 2018


Alright. Alright. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

So first of all, what the fuckrench toast. Secondly, why would you yank a guy to another dimension in the midst of eating breakfast? Most important meal of the day? Unacceptable.

What’s up? I’m Jamie. Heard my parents are here...?

Feb. 23rd, 2018


I have eaten two slices of cake today and no vegetables. I'm trying to decide whether or not I regret this decision, but so far, I can't seem to be sorry about it.

Feb. 22nd, 2018


(001) Severus Snape

I suppose it is too much to ask that there is a non-headache inducing explanation to all this.

Feb. 21st, 2018


(029) Kylo Ren

eliot finsd tkhe beest places


Blimey! We're really on a cruiseship, are we? This is absolutely brilliant. Is there anyone around here who is an expert on the inner workings of one? The only one I've ever read about was the Titanic and that had a particular tragic ending.

And these devices? Bloody brilliant. You don't even need a Dictaquill or a wand!

Forgive my lack of manners. I should probably have first introduced myself on this. My name is Arthur Weasley. I come from London, but I have been told that London is not anywhere near here.

Feb. 18th, 2018


Hello! I don't know how I got here but I'm looking for a very large herd of red-haired folk that I call my family. And if any of them ask... no, I did not get here via apparition, because, no I still haven't passed my apparition test.

Feb. 17th, 2018



We failed in finding our prize, but we are not defeated. WE HAVE ALL THAT WE NEED TO MAKE AN EXCELLENT PIE. So now we head to the Shire to become their new Overlords.


Edit: Just to be clear, we're going to party in the Shire. Alcohol, pizza, and dancing. You know you want to be here.

Feb. 16th, 2018


Filtered to George Weasley
Hermione's here. You probably saw. [...] When Angelina came in from before you, how did you two handle her missed time?

Feb. 15th, 2018


[ooc note: pretend he's wearing ranger clothing and not wearing glasses]

Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? )

[Bucky (ph)]
Johanna and I are camping out somewhere in the forest with the talking trees. Wish us luck.


This is not funny. I have a very important day ahead of me, and I do not have time for this!

Feb. 13th, 2018


I think I have liked this birthday more so far. Only it makes me miss Mr. Ollivander. He was not here to sing to me this year. He said he would try to be there for the next one, but I suppose it’s hard to plan for this. I will pretend he is here in spirit.

Feb. 11th, 2018


Someone's going to have to fill me in on why everyone's losing their bloody minds over Middle Earth.

A couple of things. How would you feel about talking to Albus to see if we can take Helena one night a week? As for Albus, I know he's grown, but I want us to spend some more scheduled time with him as well.

Also, I think we should go out. On a date.

When are you free this week? I'd like to have lunch with you. I was thinking, and I've messaged Harry about this, that maybe we can do some scheduled time for all of us. As well as maybe take Helena one evening a week? I'd like to spend more time with my son and granddaughter.


WEASLEY. Time to plan our route to the nearest pizza/equivalent! Pack a bag, I'm not returning until we find it.

Anyone else that wants in, know we only take the most serious of adventurers with us. We leave as soon as we dock.

Feb. 10th, 2018


Oh joy a place that requires a whole lot of walking. They call it Middle Earth for a reason? Who the hell are these Lord of the Rings? I have no clue what the hell I'm reading.

[Johanna Mason]

You check out this map of Middle Earth?

[The 100]

Anyone ever heard of this place? Bellamy, I am looking at you. You're the nerd that reads.

ETA: I'm going to get the movies and going to watch them in my suite tonight. If you want to watch 'em come on over. Bring shit to eat. I'll have some stuff, but I don't know what you all like.

Feb. 9th, 2018


WHO: Johanna Mason and Ron Weasley
WHEN: apparently the 4th, after chess stuff with Harry. *hoards KC*
WHERE: Their suite.
WHAT: Johanna and Ron sit on the balcony and swap stories. They attempt to get drunk but Johanna didn't bring enough beer.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture. when isn't that mentioned with Johanna? Possibly body horror, for Ron's scars from the Dept. of Mysteries.
STATUS: gdoc, complete!

Come on, give me a break. What is the point if I stay? There’s not that much I can say. )

Feb. 8th, 2018


Ive drank to much and now Im gonna sing a song caled I Got YOu Babe with Eliot


Hey, this is going to sound really random but there aren't any bunnies on the ship, are there? Pets? Stowaways? Anything?

Feb. 6th, 2018


i thought crepes were something else cause i read it fast and it looked like creeps or craps

but they're pretty flarkin good

SO MORAL OF THE STORY is that you should try new things i guess

you try crepes before??

Feb. 5th, 2018


Who else does karaoke?

[Bucky (ph)]

I am freaking the fuck out. I think. I feel it in my chest.


I'm going to be out for awhile.

[Bellamy & Clarke]

Okay. I am admitting right now I am not doing so well.


I don't think I'll be going to the suite tonight. You got free reign of the living area.


WHO: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
WHEN: February 1, afternoon
WHERE: Gateway Cruises Library
WHAT: Just a little bonding and wizard chess between heterosexual life mates
Status: Gdocs, complete

You ready to play? )

Feb. 4th, 2018


Private to Johanna Mason and John Murphy, sent shortly after this
I can't believe this even needs to be said, but I hereby invoke a rule making clothing mandatory for the common area of our suite. That means no bare arses and related nether regions on the furniture we all have to share.


Fred Weasley

Alright wiseguy, next time let's try it without the needle.

[TW: discussion of death in comments]


Hey, so, you know like when you get a new computer and sometimes you have to set the date and time? Or same with like your watch, because for instance Bobby felt like being a total dick and wanted to prank you by having you miss a midterm? Yeah, so, like...someone please tell me that is what is going on?

That this phone, which is way nicer than I remember my last phone being, is glitching and it is actually July and it's 2015 and that crappy Pixels movie with Adam Sandler is about to come out? Because this phone says it is February 4th, 2018 and that [...] that isn't okay. Like at all.

I'm assuming this is like the time like half of us went to Berk? Where is everyone? I'm locked in a room with a robot and that's new. Did others from Blackpoint show up? Say 'yes.'


Feb. 3rd, 2018


I tripped and nearly fell overboard. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I need to have a lie down.

edit: Bloody fuck, I tripped trying to lie down, too.

Feb. 2nd, 2018


network post

date with a blind dude. mandatory bathroom pic )

Feb. 1st, 2018


You know, I might have gotten used to eating space food, but nothing beats being able to eat earth food again. Especially pizza. And hamburgers. And french fries. Oh, also pancakes.


I found a crummy old Muggle chess set in the library. Anyone fancy getting beat at chess?

Feb. 2nd, 2018


Well I have put together a new information pamphlet for new arrivals, but since it's the medbay robots dealing with them instead of the military and our own representatives delivery might be a little spotty. Hopefully people will get them, but we'll see.

That was five beeps, right? I checked there was no one new so that means they're all disappearances. It might be easier to comment here if you notice someone missing rather than make half a dozen new posts about it.

Logan Howlett
Jack Harkness
Gene Hunt
Patty Spivot
Tim Drake

Which should be everyone.

Jan. 26th, 2018



I’m [...] so I hope my left handed wandwork is not as atrocious as my lefthanded handwriting. Ha. This is not what I was expecting today.

Jan. 22nd, 2018


Filtered to Harry Potter
Hey, mate. Do you want to go check out the library, for old times' sake? Maybe there is a restricted section we can get thrown out of. Hermione would


Anyone know if we can bring Atlantean tech back onto the ship with us? Wanted to know before I tried and got thrown in fish jail.

And anyone know if there's any pizza places around here? Haven't found any yet, but I'm hopeful.

Jan. 17th, 2018


Atlantis. And here I thought they lost it.

[eliot, bae, hunger games victors, murphy]
How do I put this?


Jan. 16th, 2018


Since we've mostly got our battle plans sorted I want to talk about evacuations as well. There's getting to be a lot of us and in a crisis things get confusing so knowing in advance what to do will go a long way to making sure it goes right.

• Almost all the time when an evacuation alert goes out there's not going to be time to do much except get to the lifeboats on Deck 6. You should probably check where they are at some point so you know where you're going.
• A lot of us have pets and I know no one wants to leave them behind. If they're out with you that's not much of a problem but otherwise you should pick one person per suite to go and grab them if there's enough time. We have to be realistic that sometimes there won't be, and I'm not just saying that for everyone else - I always have at least my budgies that are confined to their cage and sometimes my Eevee stays behind too.
• Relatedly, Rogue suggested that it might be a good idea to pack a go bag for emergencies so that if there is a little more time you can grab it instead of trying to figure out in the moment what to bring. You shouldn't need to worry about food and things, so it's better to pack light so we don't take up too much space. A few clothes, medications, things you really don't want to leave behind.

Now the important bit, not leaving anyone behind. We need a way to know who's already boarded a lifeboat and who hasn't, which Tony should be able to do using the bracelets. (I'm assuming?) We also need a couple of people for each floor who can do a quick sweep to make sure everyone's left and to make sure the lifeboats are boarded efficiently. You will most likely be the last people to leave, so keep that in mind. For floors 1-4 and 7-10 that'll probably be banging on doors, for the others a quick check of all the public areas. Then when that's done, get to Deck 6 to help load.

I've only evacuated towns and cities before so please weigh in on any of this ^ if you think there's a better way of doing things. And if you want to be a floor monitor or floor captain or whatever, sign up here. 18+, minors should go directly to the lifeboats. Everyone else make sure you know who's responsible for the floors you spend most time on.

adding: Since each accommodation deck has their own lifeboat, based on Anakin's experience it's best to stick to what's been assigned. People responsible for clearing the matching floors will also have the final call on when to launch, even if someone's missing. So, make sure you have a decent idea of who should be there and make note of whether any of them are clearing public decks and can be expected to take a little longer. Tech, I'd still like a way to check people off as they board lifeboats if we can so we know if anyone hasn't turned up. The way people come and go it's going to be more reliable than memory.

Other things people have pointed out
• Make sure your floor coordinators know who's in charge of fetching pets so they can expect who'll be around
• There was talk about swimming lessons for anyone who doesn't know how which I would definitely recommend, having literally been marooned on a Caribbean island
• Gansey's going to check with the robots to see if there's a way to teach some people to row. We do have a couple people with water powers which would be the ideal but let's try not to rely on it.

List of decks )

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