June 2020




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Jul. 2nd, 2017


It does not seem right that it was only Christmas two weeks ago for me and now it is my birthday. I feel as though I have cheated and skipped ahead. I will take this excuse to eat cake, though. It seems more legitimate than my usual claim of needing to eat for two and that includes any cake intake.


So here's the thing: I asked for these "margaritas" Charlie boasted about and he thought he needed to teach me how to use the internet while we were drinking them. Let me tell you, he did not need to teach me this. One minute, everything's fine and the drinks are good and you're wearing actual clothes that aren't Weird Sisters underpants, and the next minute you're reading surprise details about your former DADA professor's family jewels and you can never unknow this information. The internet is basically the Knockturn Alley of the Muggle 21st century. Why did you do this, Muggles? Why?

I'll try very hard to forget by the next time I see you, Professor. The next margarita might help.

Jul. 1st, 2017


There are some terrifying things when you look up your world on the internet, but then there's also this.

I also picked up a watermelon and a couple of peaches. I've finished cutting up the watermelon into slices if anyone wants some! I doubt I'm going to be able to eat all of it myself. You can't have the peaches though, those are mine.

Jun. 30th, 2017


Here's the fundamental problem with Tumbleweed: I realized today that what I really want is my own farm, not just working on someone else's ranch forever, but we might be living in the ocean or back in space tomorrow, so is it really feasible to want something like that?


Nine days in Texas. Clinging to that whole "I'm hallucinating" thing isn't really working out anymore so I guess I'm actually in Texas. Also true, Parkinson's still an asshole. Just spent two hours listening to music that the natives seemed way more into than I was. Anyone need fifteen boxes of trick wands?


I was walking outside today and I left my shoes there. When I went to put them on later, I found a lizard hiding inside of my left shoe. It was very surprising. I think I will keep it. I am considering names and will try to find a nice home for it and food that it will like.

Jun. 29th, 2017


I am actually willing to say thank god for the fact that whatever thing it was that brought us here also brought the cottage with my things, because I have just had the most disappointing shopping excursion I have ever attempted. I'm really not sure if I'm cut out for the podunk life. I almost die of some kind of combination of shock and relief every time I see the Starbucks, as though it's some proof of civilization.

And if you're about to whine about how small towns aren't that bad, spare me. I lived in LA the vast majority of my life and my most recent residence was a castle. I won't be convinced.

Jun. 27th, 2017


What manner of dark magic went into making glitter? I have washed my hair countless times now and I still sparkle.

Jun. 26th, 2017


Er, hello?

Am I using this correctly? Can anyone actually see what I'm writing? This entire day has been weird, but I think this device might be the oddest part. All right, no. That's a lie. Traveling through time and space has to beat Muggle technology any day.


Alright, so, is Minority Report any good? I mean it's got Maverick in it so I'm figuring it's chances are pretty high. And a quick google search has told me it's got 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I want y'alls opinions.

Jun. 23rd, 2017


Lila's getting pretty restless. There was always stuff to do on the farm.

Jun. 21st, 2017



Please tell me that you are actually here.


My condolences to those who have recently lost friends and loved ones.

Jun. 19th, 2017


I didn't expect to have a house I didn't remember. Well, a cottage I didn't remember, but it's nice, actually. I wish Fleur was Fleur would have liked it. It's a little lonely to be

We're doing dinner this week. Just in case you needed a heads up. I thought about just showing up, but I wasn't sure if you were there.


It's another awesome day in Texas. The humidity is stupid, I don't have a pool, everyone is talking about things and also not talking about things, plus people are roundly ignoring Good Vibrations right outside the town line.

Must be Monday.

How seriously do I take somebody like Emma Frost who created Inhuman-hunting Sentinels? Because right about now, it's kind of all I can do to sit on my hands and keep writing a story about the Cowboy Church with their direct line to god. So.

So, I got the story from Jean and Kitty on Emma and why she decided to make Sentinels that killed Inhumans. I didn't know genocide could be considered so lassiez-faire. That being said, I have no intention of sitting around and letting that happen here. But if you want to discuss, let's get coffee and discuss.


Functioning in real life is a lot harder than a lot of these tv shows make it out to be.

Getting a job, for example. It's not that easy. I'm taking a break from literally walking door-to-door asking if anyone is hiring. The only potential place is a coffee shop. It's actually not a bad gig, considering.

I mean, I do like the smell of coffee.


I still need a job, but everything is customer service or has the potential for me to end up too close to people. The last thing I want is to have another incident where I end up making the whole town have an earthquake. That sucked, and I'm sorry to Daisy because I felt like the bones in my hands were like on the verge of just shattering.

So if anyone has a job where I don't have to touch people or talk to them, I'd appreciate a heads up.


For those of you that know this area really well, how far away are we from the beach? I'd love to go swimming, especially on the coast. I'm guessing it's far because I've seen a map of Texas and it's huge.

If we want to get a group together for a beach trip, that'd be cool too. It doesn't have to be today, if it's too short notice, but definitely sometime this week.

Jun. 16th, 2017



I just came out of a mirror. What the hell was that?

Jun. 12th, 2017


It looks like I'm free now. I'm actually glad that I used to live in Egypt before all of this or I'd be dying from the heat. First things first is I have to buy some sunglasses and sunscreen.

Well, no. That's second. First thing is giving my brother a hug.

After that is dealing with everything


I'm bored. Like get into trouble bored.

Jun. 11th, 2017


Oh for Merlin's sake not again! NOW where have I been dropped into?

Jun. 10th, 2017


Still trying to wrap my head around the whole [...] not at my wedding reception thing. Charlie, I heard you were here and that there weren't Death Eaters to worry about.

Is there anything to do while we're stuck in here? I don't have anything to read or focus on, which will probably drive me up a wall. I'm guessing that Fleur isn't here since no one mentioned her.

Jun. 9th, 2017


(024) Poe Dameron

Rey and I were thinking that we had such fun have everyone out here for the General Leia and Han's wedding, that it'd be fun to have folks out more frequently. So, next weekend anyone who is interested is welcome to come out Friday evening for bonfire, good food, etc. Bring your own drinks, and anything else you'd like to. Everyone's welcome.

I hope you're enjoying marriage. I think the whole thing suited you.

Jun. 8th, 2017


Even though I've been out of quarantine for a few days, it still feels like sweet sweet freedom! I've been so busy finding a job and finding a place to live, that I haven't updated this to introduce myself.

Hello! I know I've spoken to some of you before, but for strangers out there, my name is Katie Bell. I'm 23 years old and former Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, which I realise a lot of you might not even know what that is, shame. I'm told it's okay to talk about this, so I'll just say that I'm a witch and I went to Hogwarts.

I'm also going to be working at The Magic Box and living at the Burrow, cheers Charlie!

I wish I had my broom here with me, but please tell me there's a karaoke bar around here because I can't lose two things I enjoy.


Important news that chocolate ice cream is half-price. I bet they run out. It's too hot not to have ice cream.

Jun. 5th, 2017


I'm missin Zoe and Inara somethin fierce today. Maybe cause its the first time since I don't gotta work since they disappeared. I don't much like it. Zoe were pregnant and Inara was happy, and I just miss em.


I have been wondering if anyone from Hogwarts has their school books with them or remembers all the spells that they have learned so I can finish school. I also missed the lessons on apparating. I would like to learn how now that I am not kidnapped or fighting in a war.

Jun. 4th, 2017


Well check off being magically kidnapped and being held against my will for 48 hours something I didn't think I'd have to worry about.


So 48 hours in quarantine, we can't go home unless whatever brought us here decides to spit us back out, and once we're let out there's housing with paid utilities available for us? And this is apparently not a dream.

Did I miss anything?

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