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December 28th, 2019

[info]ex_thatwasad972 in [info]thedisplaced

I need something to do for New Years. Anyone want to be my drinking and/or dancing buddy? I'm sure we can find a party or a bar or something.

[info]wearsthemask in [info]thedisplaced

Okay. I thought I'd fixed the whole getting pulled into a different universe thing. Though I guess this is different from what I'm used to. Also, my parents are not going to be happy when they find out I was dragged through a magical portal to Texas.

I'm gonna be here awhile so...I'm Miles Morales. I'm fifteen, and I'm from Brooklyn. I was also told that I need a guardian to be let out of quarantine, so help, I guess? I'm a good kid, I can clean up after myself, and I guess I can get a part-time job and help out around the house or pay rent, if someone needs me to. I know it's pretty inconvient to just be saddled with a kid you didn't plan on getting.

[info]feeltheforce in [info]thedisplaced

Getting dragged to another world against my will loses its thrill after the second or third time it happens to you.

Still, at least this is a world with indoor plumbing and electricity. And modern technology.

And apparently, my house managed to arrive with me, so that's something that's never happened when I've gotten dragged to another world before.

[info]13_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

Right then, might as well say Hello!


I'm The Doctor. Seems I've accidentally found myself here and the people at the Bureau were rather rude when I told them it couldn't be impossible to send me back.

[info]13_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

Who: The Doctors 10 & 13
Where: Outside the Bureau
What: The Doctor picks up him/herself
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: Low

She didn't like not having her TARDIS with her )

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Nico di Angelo & Anakin Solo
WHEN: December 27, prior to this
WHERE: Solo house.
SUMMARY: Nico got a message and let's Anakin know about it.
WARNINGS: Anakin mentions his death in passing.

Getting a call two days after Christmas to come pick up someone from his world though, while in the realm of Tumbleweed limits, wasn’t something Nico had been expecting. )