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December 13th, 2019

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: The Cast, Crew & Audience for The Last Five Years
WHEN: Tonight! 7pm!
WHERE: Center for Performing and Creative Arts
WHAT: Need a break from the Holiday entertainment? Don't worry. Eliot and Tina got your back! Otherwise known as the production of The Last Five Years
TRIGGERS: It's a musical about a divorce. The plot will feature adultry but it is not graphic. Just discussed through song.

Jamie is over and Jamie is gone )

[info]warmachinerocks in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Comms: Waverly and Five. Field: Flash, Breq, Jon, Jyn
WHEN: Friday Night
WHERE: A warehouse in Austin and SYNAPSE Headquarters at Station.
WHAT: SYNAPSE Mission: You’re A Mean One - Part One

Field Mission: You all are standing guard over a local Charity’s donation stock overnight. At 9pm the last employee leaves and all seems to be going well. Comms will alert you that there’s a perimeter breach around 1am. With this notice, you have five minutes to prepare before five people dressed in black with Grinch masks break in to try and get the donated goods.

You will be successful in detaining them and are able to relay some information about them to Comms for further research.

Comms: One of you will notice the perimeter breach first, alerting the team. You have also been doing research on the previous thefts, which has allowed the field team to prepare so quickly.

You will be given information from the Field Team after they detain the thieves. Then it is a race against time to get enough information to find out what is Part Two of the Grinch’s plans.

[info]babycat in [info]thedisplaced

Friday, Dec 13, 9:32PM

Filter: Sam Winchester
You don't happen to have more of that sleepytime tea around, do you?

[info]troopcarrier in [info]thedisplaced

Would it be so much to ask that these movies be musicals? I have enjoyed How the Grinch Stole Christmas far more. The lyrics are catchy. You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch in particular.

What are your favorite holiday songs?