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November 13th, 2019

[info]displacedmod in [info]thedisplaced

• Bucky Barnes (PH)
• Erik Lehnsherr
• Nina Lehnsherr
• Napoleon Solo
• Ben Hargreeves
• Nyx Ulric
• Selena Ulric

[info]butterflyeffect in [info]thedisplaced

» Where are you?
» did you see the latest disappearances?
» Rogue's going to be late.
» All right there?

[info]katebishop in [info]thedisplaced

Well, that sucked.

So we lost one half of the ownership. We had plans in place to turn over our parts if we disappeared to make sure that we could go on.

So let's get together around 10am, Tumbleweed office. I'll order cult pizza and we can discuss where to go from here.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Clara Oswald]
A VHS tape came through of one of my adventures, I don't recognize the title, so it's got to be some special edition, adventure they haven't documented before. You up to come over at watch it?

[info]selfinsert in [info]thedisplaced

This isn't cool and today sucks and I need ice cream and a hug. Maybe four hugs.

[info]diluvial in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Tumbleweed
WHEN: 13 November 2019 - idk 15th?
WHERE: Tumbleweed
WHAT: Oh the weather outside is frightful.

I said BRRRRRR it's cold in here )

[info]annalisanpc in [info]thedisplaced

Is this weather typical for Texas this time of year or is this some supernatural phenomenon? My brother's trailer is a terrible place to be for this, so I'm going to need a better place to stay.

Maybe a place with amenities? I really deserve amenities An indoor gym, a heated pool... that sort of thing.

I don't imagine those come free, so I am also in the market for a job. I'm a very experienced event planner, which comes with a great deal of skills transferrable to other related positions.

Whenever I find a place, you're coming with me at least until the weather gets better. I'm not taking no for an answer.

ooc: she's just an NPC for now but i'm working on an app so feel free to jump in with any jobs you want filled long-term!

[info]hurlyburly in [info]thedisplaced

[Quentin Coldwater + Gabby Teller]
I saw. I'm so sorry. I'm not a lot of fun right now but let me know if you want company.

This sucks. I know you just recently got Ben back. He could still come back, and even if it is as a ghost again, he can be brought back to the world of the living. It's not a big comfort, I know. Let me know if there's something I can do.

Recovery has been a little slower and more frustrating than I thought. I'm planning on coming back, but I might be at Tony's for another week or two. At least until things feel a little more normal. I just wanted to keep you posted.

[info]altean in [info]thedisplaced

Wednesday, Nov 13, 4:48PM

Filter: Quentin Coldwater
I don't know when you'll see this or if you are up for replying but you don't have to. I just want to say I'm sorry. I am here for you. I know we have not had much of a chance to talk before these recent weeks, but if there's anything at all I can do, please let me know.

Filter: Keith and Pidge
I know both of you are still here since there haven't been alerts about you either but I'd just like to see you type something, or hear your voices. Can we get dinner tonight?

Filter: Alice Quinn
How have you been feeling?

[info]pathofnight in [info]thedisplaced

Hey! Are we going to be working on that super protection spell?

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

We've got the Portals reconnected. I could be there in five minutes. Say the word and I will be. Or, better still, I can hold off and come bearing the most decadent of comfort foods. You want baked mac and cheese? I can do baked mac and cheese.

I'd say copious amounts of alcohol, too, but I don't think that's the call. But if it is the call, tell me. I'll come gifting copious amounts of alcohol.

I've offered to bring food to you and Q. Is there something you might like? I tossed out mac and cheese as a safe Quentin option but I don't know your possible go to comfort foods.

And shall I bring you wine or hard liquor?

I'm probably on my way to New York tonight. Do you have people? Do you want to go drink? Comfort mac and cheese?

I love you.

[info]withoutquestion in [info]thedisplaced

[Text message to Tina Cohen-Chang]
-- My door is open for whatever you or the boy need following this.

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

[texts to Ororo and Peter(separate)]
--I'm heading to the school with Anka Irene.
--Let me know if you need anything.

[texts to Quentin C.]
--Take the day off at least
--And let me know if ya need more than that.

[info]firststeps in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Anakin Skywalker, the crew of the Millenium Falcon and YOU?
WHEN: November 13th
WHERE: To Infinity AND BEYOND!! Or, other wise known as, from Tumbleweed to Space
WHAT: So a TIE fighter and a Corellian light freighter race to the moon...

This afternoon, both Rey and Anakin Skywalker will accomplish what has seemed to be downright impossible: they get off planet in their respective spaceships. Neither were coordinating this trip, and would only become aware of one another's success once they've broken atmo, but it isn't long before both ships will be racing one another in a long overdue, proper spaceflight. Both ships have the Bureau issued cloaking devices on them so there'll be no recognition from satellites or non Displaced, but those of the Community might have noticed how it seemed like a TIE Advanced or a YT-1300 freighter were ascending pretty high in the sky. To the point where you couldn't see them anymore. Straight through all this freak weather Tumbleweed's got going today.

Just another day in Texas, right?

[info]herbalism in [info]thedisplaced

Thursday, Nov 14, 9AM

Never thought I would have to protect the plants against snow at any given time of the year here and yet HERE WE ARE, snow event number.. 2??

So the restaurant wasn't close to being done earlier and then it ended up in shambles after the attack. That's what I get for not realizing I probably should have foreseen a monster attack and warded it up.

But it's in the process of getting fixed up, and should hopefully be able to be opened up within the next two months? I'm spending the day working a few things off the menu so if anyone's looking to be taste-testers or just a general distraction, I'm located at [address].

Filter: Quentin Coldwater
I know a good place in upstate NY for axe-throwing if you feel like you and Gabby could use it. I'm sorry, Q.

Filter: Julia Wicker
You ever have moments where you wish you had the perfect thing to say to someone so you spend all day trying to figure it out and come out with nothing?

Filter: Klaus Hargreeves
I know I'm the last person you want to speak to right now, but I just wanted to say I'm really sorry.