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August 4th, 2018

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

I just found out my pokemon's name, Elgyem = El - Gee - Em = L.G.M = Little Green Men, a term which Earthlings refer to extraterrestrials. A misconception really, since there really aren't a lot of races that are green. Oh, there's the Vinvocci with their spiky faces, and the Silurian but do they count since they're native to Earth and have been around much longer than humans? And of course the Raxacoricofallapatorian, even though they're a bit on the pale side.

Anyway, back to Elgyem. I'd all but forgotten I brought it back with me from Alola, it's made itself at home in the TARDIS. Actually, its made friends with her, they're getting along quite well. Elgyem's been happily fixing up the TARDIS' run down bits. At least I think its happy. Its making all sorts of happy robot sounds. I'd be more jealous if I wasn't keeping myself so busy.

OH SHOOT! Summer's almost over! I'm supposed to be teaching a class. At least I was teaching last semester. I'm still teaching, aren't I? If I am teaching, then kids sign up for my astronomy class! It'll be great. Daria, you don't have a choice, you've got to take it.

[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced

[A video starts off with a close up of Murphy's face (that's still a little bruised), it wobbles a little as he tries to keep ig steady on whatever it's leaning against. "Okay, watch what I can do." He disappears off screen, a second later he's zooming across (on his vespa) to pop a wheely. A few moments later, "And that's it." His face is back, and close up again with a lopsided grin on his face. The recording cuts out.]

[info]aracelypenalba in [info]thedisplaced

My birthday party is on Wednesday at the Pokemon ranch after lunch and anyone can come because I'm turning eighteen and I don't need a guardian anymore! I probably do need a job I guess but I'm not going to think about that until after. I only know three people with jobs at home and I don't think I can be a police officer or a doctor because they'd want me to do even more school and that sounds annoying.

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

[Parents of young kids group]
What's everyone think about a get together next Saturday morning? Any particular place some of yours might be wanting to go? Or do we wanna stick to house ones right now?

[info]phosphoromancy in [info]thedisplaced

Max, I don't want you to feel obligated to agree to any of this, but I've told Eliot I will help him clear out the house he was given upon arrival. There's a distinct possibility that it'll be dangerous when we enter and there is also concern of it having residents inside that did not come through the portal. I think it is unlikely given the nature of the portal but I'm not going to say that since it involves his loved ones. We can't just open the doors to see if someone is in the rooms because of magical elements to the structure, which looks like a hotel inside, and we don't want to chance leaving someone behind.

I suggested you might be a good option. You'd be able to sense if there were people in the rooms, wouldn't you?

I am unlocking my conversation with Eliot so you can fully understand the threat and I've included him in our discussion, but like I said, please don't feel obligated.

[info]x_facility in [info]thedisplaced

no filter )

[info]hurlyburly in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Tony Stark (MCU) & Julia Wicker
What: Tony finally gets that IW update and some super fun surprises. Like an injury from Thanos and an engagement to Pepper Potts his friends might have forgot to mention. Oops.
When: Early, early Saturday, August 4th
Where: Tony’s bedroom
Warnings: Injury, PTSD flashback, potty mouths (thanks Syfy!)
Status: Complete in gdocs

This is not on you, Shrubwitch. )

[info]sonofjupiter in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Jason Grace & Leo Valdez
WHAT: Jason searches for an old friend.
WHEN: The night of his post after Percy picks him up.
WHERE: Camp Halfblood
WARNINGS: So much teen angst and so much questionable bromance, guise [PART DEUX].

He'd arrived long enough to find there was a room waiting for him. )

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

who: Eliot Waugh (the first) & Quentin Coldwater
when: Morning of August 2nd, the day after this and immediately after this
where: Eliot & Kylo's Room
What: Quentin feels shut out and has things to say about it.
warnings: It's like five different arguments all at once? References to in game character death.
status: Complete.

Sometimes you can be so fucking annoying. You know that, right? )

[info]heyeveryone in [info]thedisplaced

[Texts to Jim Rhodes/War Machine*]

» Hey JSYK Mr. Stark got some new memories?
» And he ended up hurt somehow?
» I just thought I would let you know
» In case you wanted me to keep you posted or you wanted to come over?

*Takes place during this.

[info]docbrucebanner in [info]thedisplaced

[Posted Early in the morning, not long after this scene takes place]

Shit, okay, so Tony had a memory upgrade and with it a horrible injury. Stab wound by a large blade, piercing all the way through his abdomen, coming out the other side. Internal organs are likely to be damaged. Tony's got his nanotech to close the wound and stop the bleeding, but he needs immediate medical attention. We don't want to take him to a local hospital, because how the hell are we going to explain this?

This is a real emergency, we need immediate help. I'm freaking out here

[info]brother_mine in [info]thedisplaced

OOC/IC - Padmé Amidala's Piano Recital

Under the cut... )

[info]easterly in [info]thedisplaced

It's frustrating when you want to sit down with some home decor eye candy until you remember tyat to the internet, Egyptian always means ancient and Moroccan, Arabian and bohemian are interchangeable. "Relaxing garden areas" was more successful though and now I want about four more sheds so I can renovate them all to have different specific purposes.