June 2020



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June 27th, 2018

[info]heroestoarms in [info]thedisplaced

Everything is set for school in the fall and I am working on getting a summer job so that I can support school and make sure we don't starve. I've read a couple books and started working on a few ideas for architectural projects just in case. I'm sure I won't need them, but it's better to be prepared than not.

Does anyone want to come with me to buy tasteful, but affordable clothes for interviews?

[info]spidergwen in [info]thedisplaced

Filter: Matt Murdock
Do you cook?

[info]babycat in [info]thedisplaced

Attention people of the network. I'm now accepting any and all pieces of furniture or house things that you decide you don't want anymore. I'll pay you 5 dollars for each of them, thanks.

No worries about beds though. I have one for myself already. Including a cat bed. And a litter box and cat food so I'm all set there.

[info]afrofuturist in [info]thedisplaced

Sierra Leone is beautiful, but when you move out of the big city centres with their skyscrapers and hotels it becomes quite confronting. We do not have this kind of poverty in Wakanda. There is a stark contrast in the ways that different people live. But the people we have been working with are very welcoming, even as busy as we've been. The only thing there's always time for is the World Cup, where most people are split between supporting Senegal and Nigeria. It seems like we are never more than a sentence away from launching into another in-depth discussion about the relative strengths and weaknesses of each team. I admit I have learned far more about football than I have about water filtering.

[info]deepjoy in [info]thedisplaced

I really liked talking to a centaur, even if I can't really remember or understand what she was talking about. It's probably a bit like watching Shakespeare, for people who actually like Shakespeare.

We need a beach trip.

[info]imthefox in [info]thedisplaced

Is there anyone here who can manipulate or is unaffected by electricity/lightening and would be a willing training partner? It's been too long since I've been able to get much practice in.

Once I'm finished with school, and you've earned some vacation days, do you want to take a trip?

[info]for_you in [info]thedisplaced

I'm back in town. My trip didn't work out how I thought it would.

[Filtered to Kurama]
You were right.

[info]mintedking in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Gansey & Ronan Lynch
WHAT: Insomnia Bros with lots of feeling
WHEN: June 27th, the wee hours
WHERE: The open road
WARNINGS: Anxiety, low self-esteem, references to death, dealing with mental health problems

You are Dick fucking Gansey )

[info]chainsawheart in [info]thedisplaced

For the record, I didn't ask Adam to talk to you.

[...] But I don't want to be fighting with you anymore either.

[info]veelahair in [info]thedisplaced

I have pain in the head from this talk of dimensions and space, and if it is true, the pain may also be motion sickness from the time travel. Someone will have to bring me medicine.

[info]_themagician in [info]thedisplaced


So, do you want to tell me what happened between you and Ronan?

[info]mollificent in [info]thedisplaced

Johnny Storm is THE BEST! He gave me TWO autographs AND a selfie. Victor is gonna be soooooooooo jelly. I CAN FEEL HIS JEALOUSY THROUGH THE UNIVERSE!

[Filtered to the teens/younger people]
HELLO! I'm Molly! I don't know how many of us under the age of 18 there are, but I just wanted to say hello and make friends I guess if I'm stuck here and all my other friends aren't here. It's lame.

[info]antifa in [info]thedisplaced

So I've not been here long, but I'd love a chance to get to meet people face to face.

So I'm going to be grilling in the Park in Council 8 on Sunday afternoon. If anyone wants to stop by for a burger and some age appropriate cold beverages*, maybe play some frisbee, we'll make room for you.

ETA: And juice for Clint Barton.