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February 9th, 2018

[info]nonbender in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, so, not including the giant sea monster and its' army that wanted to kill us.. but everything about this trip has been so fascinating! It isn't the Spirit World which I only caught a glimpse of and I would have loved to see that, but I'm really not at all disappointed.

The mechanics behind this thing we're on seems exceptional! I've never seen anything as big as this even though we had plenty of new designs for vehicles in the works at my company. I'm honestly curious to see how your world's cars must be like!

Also, are all your pets really just normal one-animal pets? I have yet to see anyone with a cat owl or a deer dog.

[info]itschotime in [info]thedisplaced

attn: all you assassin players. deets below. We start when Sabine is finished with paintballs (Sunday-ish?) SUNDAY. In the meantime, stock up on your bears.

Rules & Details )

List of Participants )

OOC Logistics )

[info]winterfalcon in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Bucky Barnes (ph)]
That's it?

[info]vrajitoare in [info]thedisplaced

[ROGUE (616) (backdated??)]

If I don't come back to the room tonight, I'll be with Clint.

If you think this is a bad idea, then let me know. I probably won't listen, but let me know.

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

(028) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Eliot Waugh & Petunia Dursley & Jean-Paul Beaubier]
Have any of you seen Millicent today?

[Filter: Obi-Wan Kenobi]
I told you my name was Kylo Ren, which - it is. Or at least that's the name I've gone by recently.

But I was born Ben Solo, and I was named after you.

[Public Post Added Later]
It seems Millicent has managed to sneak out of my cabin. She's my cat, and she's orange, and she will gaze you as if she knows exactly what you're thinking and she thinks it is dumb.

If anyone sees her, could you please let me or Eliot know?

[info]gryffinmum in [info]thedisplaced

Looks like I'll need to make another jumper.

[info]agentmadani in [info]thedisplaced

They're showing Die Hard tonight. I was discussing this movie with Matt recently. I'll be nice watching it again.

[info]rune_knight in [info]thedisplaced

I grow more and more restless. It would be nice to train without the possibility of being thrown into the brig.

[Locke Cole]
I'm sorry for hovering. I was thinking we could go out tonight and explore a little. Not not much. You still need to heal more.

[info]thefastest in [info]thedisplaced

If we're forming support groups, where's the gambling addiction group?

[info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedisplaced

OOC / IC - Kurt's Performance

As announced earlier this week, Kurt was given permission to put on a performance tonight in the Constellation Theater at 8:00 pm.

Details beneath cut )

[info]angel__wing in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Squall Leonhart]
Everything okay?

[info]babycat in [info]thedisplaced

I'm pretty sure I am not made for being away from land this long. I don't know how rich people do it on a regular basis.

Where do I get something for my stomach?

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

I figure by now you've gotten told by enough people how things work around here. You still pushing to figure shit out?

Ky says you are the one who brought food this morning. You're an angel sent from on high, Tunes.

Thank you.

Hey. You haven't scheduled anything for tomorrow, have you, Bambi?

[info]imtheavatar in [info]thedisplaced

Crutches aren't fun, but it beats being stuck in a wheelchair. I just wish that I didn't have to move around so slowly. I hate hobbling around like this. It feels so strange and unnatural.

[info]forsakendawn in [info]thedisplaced

I refuse to enjoy the time shipboard, but if a decent battle is provided on a regular basis, I might be appeased.

[info]forestry in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Johanna Mason and Ron Weasley
WHEN: apparently the 4th, after chess stuff with Harry. *hoards KC*
WHERE: Their suite.
WHAT: Johanna and Ron sit on the balcony and swap stories. They attempt to get drunk but Johanna didn't bring enough beer.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture. when isn't that mentioned with Johanna? Possibly body horror, for Ron's scars from the Dept. of Mysteries.
STATUS: gdoc, complete!

Come on, give me a break. What is the point if I stay? There’s not that much I can say. )

[info]hyoumu in [info]thedisplaced

i would like to draw again <(`^´)>  it is a shame i am not ambidextrous che

the day this cast is removed i will draw many rabbits to celebrate