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February 4th, 2018

[info]forsakendawn in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Alucard and Stephen Strange
WHAT: A visit to the doctor to discuss cat ghost removal.
WHEN: Backdated to before the cruise. Apologies! This took us a little while with RL and all.
WHERE: Sanctum Sanctorum in Tumbleweed
WARNINGS: Brief discussion of Hellsing's Nazi bad guys.

I must thank you for your discretion and your hospitality. )

[info]whatthebucky in [info]thedisplaced

Feel free to ignore this if you need space, but I'm done needing a break.

[info]automailist in [info]thedisplaced

It's amazing that despite having tried so many new foods since I came to this universe that there's still always a new food to try. I can't wait to get back so I can bake and cook whenever I want again. I've got so many new recipes.

Amadeus, how are you holding up?

[info]deepjoy in [info]thedisplaced

I've got a song stuck in my head that I could swear I haven't heard in at least ten years. There's not even a reason. I just woke up with it. Why??

("Dance, then, wherever you may be, I am the lord of the dance said he, and I'll lead you all wherever you may be, I'll lead you all in the dance said he.")

[info]wildandfree in [info]thedisplaced

Feels strange, having a broken arm. I've sprained my ankle before, but I've never actually broken a bone until now. I mean there are others worse off, so I can't complain.

I will say I never quite understood in shows in movies where they talk about how itchy it is, I never gave it much thought. Now I understand.

[info]hackedthat in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Shiro & Pidge
WHAT: Touching base post-battle
WHEN: January 25th? Post-battle
WHERE: Med Bay
WARNINGS: Injuries, mentions of limb loss/prosthetics, etc.

Read more... )

[info]impulses in [info]thedisplaced


We're going to race on the jogging track in ... 15 minutes.

Winner gets bragging rights.

[info]rogerthat in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Steve Rogers and Quentin Coldwater
WHEN: Either last night or the night before, IDK.
WHERE: Quentin's suite.
WHAT: Steve needs comforting because he's having a nervous breakdown or something.
WARNINGS: "Is this a kissing book?" Yes.
STATUS: gdoc, finished.

Everything was fine. )

[info]imthefox in [info]thedisplaced

This is the second time I can say my life has changed dramatically because science. At least no one seems to want to kill me yet

My name is Kira. A ship is the very last place I would have expected to be today.

[info]fallenrobin in [info]thedisplaced

Jesus fu Jiminy friggin' cricket. Tim just about made me put a hole in the ceiling. That little shi punk!

Oh, by the way. He's back. Not that he has the decency to give a guy some warning.

[info]everybodymambo in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, so, you know like when you get a new computer and sometimes you have to set the date and time? Or same with like your watch, because for instance Bobby felt like being a total dick and wanted to prank you by having you miss a midterm? Yeah, so, like...someone please tell me that is what is going on?

That this phone, which is way nicer than I remember my last phone being, is glitching and it is actually July and it's 2015 and that crappy Pixels movie with Adam Sandler is about to come out? Because this phone says it is February 4th, 2018 and that [...] that isn't okay. Like at all.

I'm assuming this is like the time like half of us went to Berk? Where is everyone? I'm locked in a room with a robot and that's new. Did others from Blackpoint show up? Say 'yes.'


[info]ladycontrary in [info]thedisplaced

I have never seen a device like this in my life. Am I using it correctly? I suppose I'll have to wait for a response.

I found the reception here to be highly unfriendly. Forcing me to have an inoculation against my will. Such indignity! As if I chose to come here, on the strangest holiday cruise I have ever seen. Is there even a way to go home?

There also seems to be some sort of mistake. My roommate appears to be a man.

[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced


Where are you?

[OOC Note: Maybe Ron came into the suite and saw more of Murphy than he was expecting? Y/N?]

[info]hurtorinjured in [info]thedisplaced

Um- well. Hi, I guess. This is-

This isn’t the first time something inexplicable has happened, but it’s always such a baffling experience. I guess that’s putting it nicely. Where are you, Han?

[info]battleforged in [info]thedisplaced

Fred Weasley

Alright wiseguy, next time let's try it without the needle.

[TW: discussion of death in comments]

[info]kickassprincess in [info]thedisplaced

[percy weasley]

would you like some company?

[info]ron_weasley in [info]thedisplaced

Private to Johanna Mason and John Murphy, sent shortly after this
I can't believe this even needs to be said, but I hereby invoke a rule making clothing mandatory for the common area of our suite. That means no bare arses and related nether regions on the furniture we all have to share.