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January 15th, 2018

[info]flightlessfuck in [info]thedisplaced

[Kara Danvers]
I'm assuming you're helping out wherever you're needed in case something bad happens on the ship. I've volunteered to defend wherever they need help. Once I know for sure where I'll be I'll let you know. I take it some pretty bad stuff happened last time there was a "jump", otherwise there wouldn't be this much discussion about strategy and assigning people to defensive positions.

[info]tidalking in [info]thedisplaced

[Susan and Johnny Storm, Doctor (12), plus Ororo Munroe]
Have any of you thought about where you would be best placed in an emergency? It looks as though there's already at least one person with shields stationed at the school with the children - two with Rogue there as well. Since there are only so many of us with that ability it makes sense to make sure we're in the places with the highest need. Possibly somewhere that's likely to have heavy fighting.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]thedisplaced

Since we're talking about emergency plans, a message for the tech geeks. Dr Aphra and Ezekiel Jones are discussing a command centre to handle communications - both alerting everyone to emergencies and making sure no one gets cut off during an active situation. I'll also be there to keep track of the information we receive and assign tasks to mobile response units so we don't get some things being forgotten while too many people go somewhere else and I believe Charles will be with us as a telepath. If anyone has hardware or skills that would help, they're the two to talk to.

Personally speaking, I can work with a whiteboard or pencil and paper if I have to but coding an interactive map of the ship I can manipulate on a tablet would be more effective. I can do it myself but I know we have some coders around who might be able to do a better job.

Incidentally the Coffee Bar is actually ridiculously good. Let's not have aliens steal all our coffee this time.

[info]secretwife in [info]thedisplaced

[Leia Organa (canon)]
I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch today.

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

I got a walker!

[Pretend there is a video clip of Anka Irene taking a few steps here.]

Technically she's also a floater but first steps are still a real big deal. I wish Er

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedisplaced

FILTERED: Bucky Barnes (PH) & Tara Maclay (after this)
Hey, Bucky... think you can add Tara Maclay to my patrol nights? She wants to help.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

My wife is a thief!

Some of you may already know that, but what she she stole from me is un-bearable

Image Under Cut )

[info]roza in [info]thedisplaced

DECK 9 DEFENSE GROUP (includes Eliot, Kylo Ren, Cloud Strife, Jason Todd, Wanda Maximoff (MCU), anyone else who signs up)
Hi, guys. If you don't know/remember me, I'm Rose Hathaway. We've all been assigned to deck 9 if all hell breaks loose here and I thought it would be smart for us all to talk and come up with a plan so it's not all chaos up here if something does happen.

I don't know you guys that well, so maybe let's start by talking about our strengths. It'll help us figure out how we can best work together.

For me, I'm a fighter. I was raised to be a kind of bodyguard and to protect people against a type of vampire we call strigoi. I trained hard to be fast and strong. I don't have formal training in a lot of weapons, but I pick them up quick and can usually fight with whatever's close by. I'm probably best as fighting things that are bigger and stronger than me and I'm definitely going to me more useful at close up fighting than anything at a distance. I also have more enhanced senses than most people, so I can see pretty well in the dark and hear things most humans wouldn't pick up.

So, that's me. What can the rest of you do?

[info]drexaminer in [info]thedisplaced

Well, I sure hope I'm doing this correctly -- new experience for me and everything.

Hello, I'm Leslie Thompkins. I go by Lee, usually. I guess you could refer to me as the newest person to board this cruiseship, although I have literally no recollection of doing so. The last time I checked, I was getting on a train.

[info]methlab4cutie in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Jesse Pinkman and Paine
WHEN: a few days ago?
WHERE: The suite they share.
WHAT: Paine orders a ton of food and Jesse attempts to help her eat some of it.
WARNINGS: Some iffy stuff with Jesse's past, but nothing too descriptive.
STATUS: gdoc, complete!

Friends defended friends; and Paine was learning to make friends. )

[info]recruitable in [info]thedisplaced

Having been here a number of days now, I can safely say that nothing will surprise me ever again. I do believe everything is down hill from here.

Filtered to Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin
Time to pay up, Solo. Dancing in the Explorer's Lounge, 9:00. As winner, I reserve the right to insist on a dress code: Hawaiian shirts are mandatory, gentlemen.

[info]spacedad in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Shiro and Allura
WHAT: Shiro and Allura share a dance at the Winter Ball
WHEN: Oh, YOU KNOW, all the way back

... )

[info]deduce in [info]thedisplaced

Natural suspicion and slight sea-sickness aside, Bonnie and Clyde seem to be enjoying their little honeymoon cruise. Clyde seems less enthused about his outfit but it seemed important to keep his shell covered. Bonnie, like a proper girl, just likes playing dress up.

I'm very tempted to get a set of sea life cosy's for them now.