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January 14th, 2018

[info]spidergwen in [info]thedisplaced

Filter: Johnny Storm
So, here's the way I see it:
1. You're still stuck having not been able to switch with anyone as far as roommates go.
2. I was living with a couple too, and unfortunately... they both went.
3. I may have been used to living on my own back in Tumbleweed, but this is a boat and due to events that occurred the last time this happened.. I'd prefer to have some company around. I can't always depend on Jason being around in his suite to let me in with his card.

In conclusion.. what do you say you just become my roommate?

[info]spindly in [info]thedisplaced

So, I like the whole Love Boat thing we've got going on here, but - just putting this out here to be that guy. I miss swinging around, which says a lot 'cause... wasn't that easy to do that in Tumbleweed either.

filter: aracely, ben reilly, anya corazon
So your dead love of your life turns up and is kinda - not kinda - definitely - moved on, whole setup. What's the noble thing to do?

Aracely, you can see this 'cause I'm gonna need to build a bear with you today. Tomorrow? Whenever there's bears for building.

[info]unicornsforall in [info]thedisplaced

[Eliot and Doctor Strange]
Hey! So I'm supposed to reach out to you guys and see how you want to do the whole defend the ship thing.

Ms. Frost thinks we should like spread the magic people out a bit since we're all helpful in different ways.

[info]gfweasley in [info]thedisplaced


OI, WIZARDING WORLD PEOPLE. My wife and kids are here and they are amazing, so you should come meet them now that I'm done hogging all of their attention. That is, if you haven't already. Especially you Weasleys and extended family! Get on that, will you?

But there's something else we need to discuss that's been brought up by one of the other groups here: what to do if things go wrong on this ship. I've offered to put wards up at the school the kids are attending because that's going to be the designated safe zone for all non-combatants, should the need arise. The woman organizing that asked if I could get all of us together and figure out how to disperse our skills so that each level of the ship is defended well. So head over here and if you see a deck that doesn't have a magical person on it defending it, slot yourself in. I figure each person can defend whichever floor their room is on and if you already see someone there, go up or down a level until you don't.

I'm shite at planning this, so do what you will. Just lend a hand.

Also, ANGIE, I need help with the wards. Perce? Lend a hand too, yeah? You got the brain for this sort of thing.

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

Not an IC cut )

[Ellie + Quentin]
If at all possible, I want us together in an emergency. Do you have a preference as to what part of the ship you want to defend if we find ourselves under attack? Any thoughts of who you'd like to work with?

What will you be doing with yourself if something happens on the ship?

[Steve Rogers]
Ugh. Who would you consider to be the leader of the Avengers at this time?

[info]youjustdo in [info]thedisplaced


There's a broadcast on this network about defending this place should it be needed. I signed up. I'm on deck 1, you should come with.

Also, do you still have your Eidolons? We might need those, if it comes down to it. Odin is...gone.

[info]redperilous in [info]thedisplaced

What the hell is this?

[Filtered to Gaby and Solo.]
I know that you are here. What is going on?

[info]unprepared in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Harry Potter and Cho Chang
WHEN: Like, yesterday?
WHERE: Observatin Deck
WHAT: Harry and Cho try to out-awkward each other. Harry wins. Or maybe Cho did, depending on your definition of winning.
WARNINGS: mentions of death
STATUS: gdoc, complete

Why do good things never wanna stay? Some things you lose, some things you give away. )

[info]spoilers_ in [info]thedisplaced

Who: River Song, the Doctor (12)
What: River and the Doctor ring in the New Year in London, Great Gatsby style
Where: Great Gatsby New Year's Eve, Sky Garden, London
When: December 31, 2017
Rating: None
Status: Complete in Gdocs
Happy New Year, River Song. )

[info]rogerthat in [info]thedisplaced

[AVENGERS, all 'verses]

Do we have a plan for if something goes wrong?

Rogue put together assignments. Everyone should claim a deck if they haven't yet.

[info]ex_spaceviki700 in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Thor and Loki (MCU)
WHEN: The day that Penny posted about seeing Loki's dreams.
WHERE: Thor and Torunn's suite.
WHAT: The brothers can't sleep so they talk about Loki's fears.
WARNINGS: Thanos being kind of a mindcreep?
STATUS: gdoc, done!

And be kind to those you love and be kind to those you don't )

[info]hashertricks in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Penny Adiyodi]

I will make arrangements to ensure that your rest is not disturbed.


Might your couch be available on a more regular basis?

[info]teenagewarhead in [info]thedisplaced

Who here is tiny and can kick ass? I need someone to teach me to fight.

[info]saint_matthew in [info]thedisplaced

Private to Karen Page

[Voice to Text]

[info]humangem in [info]thedisplaced

They have ukuleles in the giftshop! They're cheap and plastic, but they still work!

So that means I have TWO now. Who wants to learn? I can teach you in a half hour.

Clarke, you go first.