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November 17th, 2017

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

[Whoverse Posse + Nebula & Gamora]
We've been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner. Or rather I've been invited, and you losers are coming with me. 'No' is not an option.

We've been asked to bring a ham, but I think we can do even better than that. There's a bunch of us, so it's only fair we bring other stuff to share. I've never done Thanksgiving before, but I reckon it's got to be like Christmas dinner, so let's see - drinks, roasted potatoes, Brussels sprouts, bread, more drinks.

[info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedisplaced

Backdated to earlier this week - oops

[Private to Rouge 616]
I should've written this sooner, but thank you so much for the birthday gifts. Funny, but I'd been so busy with getting this play together, my birthday completely skipped my mind.

The photo is incredibly sweet - it's hanging on my wall beside my bed. That's one cute kid! And Anka Irene isn't bad, herself. JUST KIDDING!

Hamilton tickets! I don't know how you got them, it's the hottest show around!

You're the best. I hope you're doing alright. If you need anything, let me know. I'm going to be busy until the Christmas Carol over, but for you, I'll do anything

[Private to Baelfire Everdeen]
Hey! We talked about Broadway shows before - how'd you like to see Hamilton with me, this Friday?

[info]goodlikesunkist in [info]thedisplaced

Hey. So we're doing Friendsgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving at casa Bat-fam. (Please check with Dick Grayson about the address, because I realize there are multiple Bat-fam houses.) We're gonna aim for people to start coming over at three. I'll be there earlier to cook, obvs. Feel free to bring a friend or two with you if you want.

Here are the rules: everybody who comes needs to bring something so that there's enough for everybody, whether that's food, drinks, entertainment, etc. You can buy or make stuff, I'm not super picky. It's gonna be a chill atmosphere, so dress however you want. I'm def wearing jeans.

We're gonna have some vegetarian options but plenty of meat. Let me know if you have dietary stuff a cook should know about.

Got it? Good! Hit me up if you got questions.

[info]notmaidmarian in [info]thedisplaced

[Emma Frost]
I told you I'd tell you my plans for Thanksgiving, so: I'm gonna be in Vegas. Just so ya know.

[info]winterfalcon in [info]thedisplaced

left in steve's room )

left in wanda's room )

[info]automailist in [info]thedisplaced

So many pies. This is what happens when I sad bake

Pies everywhere.

And I still plan to bake some just for Thanksgiving. So X-mansion, please eat all the pies. And friends, I'll happily deliver some.

[info]nomorecaves in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Serana and Ysmir
WHERE: Ysmir's forge
WHEN: November 17, afternoon
WHAT: General snark, mild unintentional flirting, chatting, sweaty Nord Dragon boy
WARNINGS: None for now... will change as needed
STATUS: In progress

What do you get when you combine a Nord and a forge? A hot and sweaty Dragon Boy )

[info]dovahkiin_ in [info]thedisplaced

As much as I love smithing, I've only so much ore that can be made into weapons. Thankfully that's not the only thing I'm talented in.
Is there a market here for natural remedies for things such as sunburn or other ailments?

[info]forestry in [info]thedisplaced

You have a whole holiday surrounded around eating?

[info]methlab4cutie in [info]thedisplaced

I'm lights for the play! This is awesome!!

[Sherlock Holmes (elementary) & Joan Watson]

Are you guys doing Thanksgiving? I don't know where to go.

[info]udonta in [info]thedisplaced

GoTG filter.

I'm doing sets for the play. I should have thought it through before agreein. But at least I'll be better equipped in buildin our home.

This Terran holiday, we're celebratin with the Avengers?

Nebula girl, you gonna be there? Don't go runnin off again.

[info]angel__wing in [info]thedisplaced

So from what I understand there's a turkey day holiday next week with lots of food. What sort of food is usually involved?

[Laguna, Tifa, Cloud]
Would you all be interested in getting together to celebrate this holiday?

[info]chiefbeifong in [info]thedisplaced


I need some info and the flameo local authorities haven't been the friendliest towards my trying to help.

[info]hashertricks in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Loki and Thor
WHAT: Big brother is going to put down the hammer.
WHEN: After this
WHERE: North
WARNINGS: Some family feels and angst.

Don’t make me use this, brother. You are coming with me. )

[info]liesbecomeus in [info]thedisplaced

Helena is under the impression that we are having a Thanksgiving dinner. I picked her up from school today and overheard her telling one of her chums that she was so excited because "everyone is in town."

We need to pull together a Thanksgiving dinner. My child has expectations and I don't have the heart to tell her 'no.'

I've done some research and there seems to be a few restaurants that cater for Thanksgiving. I need to call them as soon as possible with a headcount so [...] this is me asking for a headcount.

And praying we can fit everyone into my flat. We'll expand out the dining room, of course, and it should be fine.

Do you two have plans for Thursday? I'm going to have to host an American Thanksgiving. Helena expects it.