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Jun. 10th, 2013


text → monday afternoon.

TO: Vic, Daisy, Carter
FROM: Hunter
skip day tomorrow? fuck this all-day training bullshit. and i've been missing the dean's pretty face.

Jun. 4th, 2013


undernet post.


They pulled Lilja out of training today for some secret squad thing that she apparently can't tell anyone about. You don't think it has anything to do with our network, right? Tell me that you don't. But Lilja What if they used her to find it? What if someone already told on us? I'm kind of freaking out right now.

May. 30th, 2013


text & undernet post → late thursday afternoon.

TO: Karim
FROM: Hunter
thanks for not naming names


Can we talk?

May. 23rd, 2013



Just so everyone knows, I'm planning on wiping the data on the server every few days, so don't put anything on here that you want to keep around forever. This also means that you can use people's names at first if you forget, but try not to.

It's probably pretty pointless for me to have a codename, since they're going to obviously know I was involved if they find the server. But whatever.

Oh, and I don't know if it'll work from outside the force field. But I'm sure you guys won't really care when you're hanging out in California.


God, I am in a terrible mood.

May. 21st, 2013


undernet: posted by orion

[This is the first undernet post! It's currently only visible to Cati, Mason, Daisy, and Rose, but expect more information OOCly in the next day or two about Vol Underground and the undernet!]

Testing 1 2 3, the eagle has landed, full speed ahead, can you read me Houston?

Well, mine is working just fine. Let's talk shit about the Dean and see if she picks up on it. If she gives us any dirty looks, we know we've officially been had.

We're calling it the goddamn undernet, by the way, I don't care that half of you think it's stupid. Deal with it.

May. 18th, 2013


WHO: Rose Walker, Daisy Hughes, and Hunter MacKenna.
WHAT: Getting started on the building of that secret server.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon.
WHERE: Daisy's room.
STATUS: Complete.

I need to know exactly what you need it to do and not do. )

May. 17th, 2013


WHO: Sadie Thompson and Daisy Hughes
WHAT: Daisy adds a lost girl to her collection.
WHEN: Dusk, Friday May 17.
WHERE: The memorial wall, administrative building.
STATUS: Complete.

I don't mind worrying about people. It's kinda one of my hobbies. )

May. 13th, 2013


TO: daisyhughes@gmail.com
FROM: candycanewill@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Hi Daisy!!

Hey girl!

Ugh, so sorry that I haven't written in so long. I'm not even sure if they let you check your email over there. :( I hope you're doing okay, we all miss you SO much.

annnyway, just wanted to let you know that I wrote an article for this website called xoJane about you! I'm totes sorry I didn't send it before, but I was kind of nervous I guess, haha. Anyway I wrote it out of LOVE and I hope that you don't mind!

You're the BEST, girl. Come back soon!


P.S. Oh my God, duh, I forgot the link. It's here! <3 <3 <3
P.P.S. I've heard some scandalous things about you and the boys over there. Confirm/deny? I promise not to write about it, haha. ;)

It Happened To Me: A Vol Joined My Sorority )

May. 8th, 2013


re-posted in the right community because JJ sucks.

WHO: Daisy Hughes & Carter Gray
WHAT: A study on romantic declarations and apologies, by Carter Gray.
WHEN: Wednesday at lunch.
WHERE: The cafeteria.
STATUS: Complete.

Javier, he thought distantly, should be fucking proud. )

May. 6th, 2013


WHO: Daisy Hughes & Conner Lewis
WHAT: As per this log, Daisy talks to Conner about Important Secret Things.
WHEN: Monday, after training.
WHERE: The trails just off campus.
STATUS: Complete.

So I take it this is going to be more than just power training? )

May. 4th, 2013


WHO: Daisy Hughes & Hunter MacKenna
WHAT: Out on a TOP SECRET FACT FINDING MISSION, Daisy and Hunter take a break to discuss... things.
WHEN: Today (Saturday) afternoon.
WHERE: Out on the trails around campus.
WARNINGS: It's long?
STATUS: Complete!

She could be dramatic all day long if she liked, but Hunter was armed with Logic and Reason to keep her from moping, if she cared to listen. )

May. 1st, 2013


WHO: Carter Gray and Daisy Hughes.
WHAT: Carter is an asshole. As per usual.
WHEN: Tonight, around 10PM.
WHERE: Cafeteria.
WARNINGS: Ummm douchebag alert, IDK.
STATUS: Complete.

They had settled into a comfortable, easy relationship.  )

Apr. 25th, 2013


WHO: Kimmy Ansell and Daisy Hughes, with a brief appearance by Hunter MacKenna
WHAT: A confrontation, of sorts.
WHEN: Beginning of the lunch period, 25 April 2013.
WHERE: IVI Cafeteria
STATUS: Complete

Kim seemed like she was on the verge of grabbing Daisy and trying to shake the information out of her... )

Apr. 24th, 2013


TO: Omar
FROM: Daisy

(1/4) I don't really know what to say, because I don't really even know if you're upset.
(2/4) But I'm guessing you are, since you obviously kept it a secret for a reason.
(3/4) Anyway, you don't need to answer this, I just wanted to say that I hope you're alright.
(4/4) <3


TO: Omar

What the hell wa
You didn't speak to me for keeping a secret but
You alright?


TO: Daisy; Lo. (separately)

Did you know about Omar?

TO: Hunter

What the FUCK.


TO: Omar
FROM: Carter
MESSAGE: where you at?

TO: Daisy
FROM: Carter
MESSAGE: not a fuckin day goes by in this class without shit hitting the fan

Apr. 23rd, 2013



TO: Carter, Hailey, Daisy, Jimmy (all sent separately.)
FROM: Savannah.

hey. how're y'all doing?

TO: Sara.
FROM: Savannah.

wanna do something today? like, i don't know, swim or hike? or stress cook?

TO: Damien.
FROM: Savannah.

i think i'm gonna go off-network for the rest of today. sorry for flipping out on you last night.

Apr. 22nd, 2013


texts → monday night.

TO: Edwin
FROM: Hunter
(1/2) hey.
(2/2) you still mad at me?

TO: Daisy, Vic
FROM: Hunter
you see the news about silicon valley?

Apr. 20th, 2013


WHO: Daisy Hughes & Valya Zhiglov
WHAT: Daisy runs into one Zhiglov brother while paying a long overdue visit to the other.
WHEN: Saturday night, immediately following this.
WHERE: The memorial.

Would she still have done the same, had she known how little time they had left? )

Apr. 19th, 2013


[Sent around 8:30pm Friday night.]

TO: Carter
FROM: Daisy

(1/3) I just got back, where are you?
(2/3) Please tell me you're here and that you're okay.
(3/3) I'm heading to your room right now. I love you.

TO: Hunter
FROM: Daisy

(1/3) Are you okay? Please text me as soon as you get this.
(2/3) I just got back.
(3/3) I'm so sorry, Hunter.

TO: Jodi
FROM: Daisy

(1/2) Just got back. I'm going to try and find Carter.
(2/2) Thank you for visiting me.

TO: Vic
FROM: Daisy

(1/2) Are you okay? Are you with Hunter?
(2/2) I just got back. Please tell me that you guys are together and that you're both alright.
(3/3) I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened.

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