July 2013



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June 15th, 2013

[info]wontremember in [info]invol_rpg


To: matty
From: val
better now?


lol so hi.

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Neve Simonetti Di Monda and Mike Fitzgerald
WHAT: Neve checks in on Mike after last Friday's training session.
WHEN: Friday, the day after Melbourne [backdated.]
WHERE: Mike and Mikael's room.
WARNINGS: Extreme demolition of sandwiches.
STATUS: Complete!

Grabbing one half in his hand, he stuffed the entire thing in his mouth; it was gone in a second... )

[info]tigers_andbears in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Leona Turner [NEW ZEALAND] and Immy Turner [NEW ZEALAND]
WHAT: Kiwi girls talk issues; Leona considers asking Immy for a favour.
WHEN: A day or so after Melbourne/before the Vol Squad goes to Japan.
WHERE: The periphery of the campus.
STATUS: Complete!

That’d be quite the power, aye? Definitely useful, though I don’t know how well that’d help you stay out of IVF’s and VR’s sight lines. They’d definitely want that one )

[info]replicable in [info]invol_rpg


do any of you lot know anything about "the lab"? has anyone been anywhere near it? i imagine that's where they're conducting all their experiments.

[info]cognisance in [info]invol_rpg

Undernet: Posted by Replay

[Filter: Isis]
Hi again. I'm actually not sure who you are outside Undernet, so apologies if this is a bit weird. I read your [...] conversation with Valentine the other day, and it was pretty, um, intense, so I guess I just wanted to check if you were okay. I'm also really curious about this Dante person now so

[...] Yeah, this is really weird. Sorry. I do that sometimes.

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_rpg

undernet post by atticus

Leona Someone was able to call my mother from Japan earlier in the week. For what it's worth, there are people out there trying and aren't letting recent events go unnoticed. Guess it's nice to know we aren't completely forgotten. She was involved in certain organizations back home, so I am guessing they are working in full force now. IDK. Just thought some of you might like to know or something.

Also, apparently shutting down communications is mostly viewed as a Bad Decision according to the news. A lot of countries aren't happy. And Slovakia pulled out of the IVF.

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Leona Turner, fb friends of Vanessa's
WHAT: Leona updates Vanessa's facebook for her
WHEN: During the Japan Mission
WHERE: Internet in Japan
STATUS: Complete

Facebook )

[info]tigers_andbears in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Leona Turner and (surprise!) Padraig Flanagan
WHAT: Picnics and Japanese guidebooks and... killer cow-menacing bees.
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Condor Ravine
WARNINGS: Bring a barf bag, probably.
STATUS: Complete!

Fuck that, sounds like one o' those whacked medieval towns... )

[info]spectral in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Laurel Lancaster [AUSTRALIA] and Kimmy Ansell [USA]
WHAT: Creeper Kim knows something's up and decides to thwart Laurel's plans.
WHEN: early Saturday afternoon, 15 July 2013
WHERE: IVI's campus, somewhere not too far from the Lab.
STATUS: Complete.

Sector X, they'd called it. The lab. )

[info]suggestively in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Jonas, Devon, Ted, Coralie, Remy, Padraig, Ivan, Jesse, Seth, Sol, Kaz
FROM: Laurel
Message: slight change of plans. meet me at the lake in half an hour [...] :*

[info]inmyowntime in [info]invol_rpg

Undernet Post: Puck

After this, this, and Daisy gives him a new account/chip.

[Wraith (Jace), Echelon (Moa)]


[info]primemover in [info]invol_rpg

undernet post.

Well that was a fun couple days...

It was decided that we will not be wiping Taki's memory of the undernet and the Vol Underground at this time. I personally think that decision is rather serious and it's not something that we should consider if there are other options presented to us. Like actually letting the guy in.

He seems rather harmless, and from what I've been told of his personality he legitimately wants to help. I don't know him as well as some of you others though so I ask you what you think we should do with him with respect to our group.

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Taki Tanaka and Hunter MacKenna.
WHAT: Vol Underground: bad guys or good guys?
WHEN: Shortly after this, Friday 14th.
WHERE: Taki's room.

Think of us like...if I'm Xavier, a mutant trying to organize the X-Men, and the Dean is General Stryker. )

[info]vaportrail in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Muhammad Benhamou [BELGIUM] & Nawal Bechara [PALESTINE]
WHAT: A game of Flamingo Hide & Seek sends Mo a-calling.
WHEN: Backdated to...late May. During training hours.
WHERE: A training warehouse.
WARNINGS: A few sexual references, but pretty tame overall.
STATUS: Complete log.

So you are, ummm, exercising? That’s — good. You look good. )