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December 20th, 2012

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Rashida Mazibuko and Charlize, the ex-girlfriend. Also, her mum.
WHAT: “Let’s do it and then plot how to run away from the IVI!” aka part 2 of the Rashida Is An Idiot saga.
WHEN: Wednesday December 19th
WHERE: various places in Johannesburg
WARNINGS: Swearing, allusions to sex, naked lesbians, teenage drama, etc.
STATUS: Complete

“Let me tell you a little story. It’s about a guy named Karim Bissoondath and what happened when HE outed me...” )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Moa Enquist, Neve Simonetti-di Monda, a pile of NPCs (Neve's friends and Moa's middle brother, Jesper)
WHAT: Neve decides to surprise Moa with a night out. In the city. This is part 1.
WHEN: Wednesday December 19th
WHERE: Moa's house in Östersund, Sweden and the train towards Stockholm
WARNINGS: Um. Bit of swearing? Otherwise not much. Oh, and italics are either Italian or Swedish, depending.
STATUS: Complete

“She dresses like that just because it’s who she is, so don’t praise her for being ‘ironic.’ She’s NOT being ironic.” )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

I'm really done posting now I PROMISE

Texts sent to Erik Wednesday/Thursday )

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Ethan, Jodi
FROM: Kier

(1/2) T-2 hours to leaving
(2/2) Text when I'm an 1.5 hr away.

TO: Rashida
FROM: Kier

(1/1) Regret going home? y/n

[info]allegs in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Allegra Hawke, Claudia Corbett, Jason (NPC)
WHAT: Allegra goes to Claudia's for brunch and finds someone she didn't expect.
WHEN: Wednesday 19 December
WHERE: Claudia's house.
STATUS: Complete.

If there was anything she missed about being in the middle of the outback trapped in a forcefield? It was the lack of road rage. )

[info]allegs in [info]invol_rpg

[For context, Allegra and Caleb are sitting in a cafe (Coco Cubano, Crows Newst) having brunch and texting Claudia instead of actually eating following THIS because !!!, basically.]

TO: Claudia Corbett
FROM: Allegra's phone
[1/2] sorry to bother you during your ~morning after~ but
[2/2] WHAT???

[info]tipofthetongue in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Valya and Irina Zhiglov, mentions of Alyosha
WHAT: Guilt isn’t worse than a force field, but it can still trap you in...
WHEN: 20th December, late afternoon
WHERE: Poland - Near Chelm
STATUS: Completed Narrative.

...You should read my memories. If you knew how much I cried for you. )

[info]supermaths in [info]invol_rpg

Some time Thursday morning JST a video was posted to YouTube, taken from a cell phone camera the night prior in Tokyo. It was originally posted in Japanese, but soon enough the memeworld picked it up and added subtitles in various languages, some accurate and some comical. Its contents are below, with all dialogue translated from Japanese.

In the name of the IVI League of Justice. )

[info]corrosively in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Moa
FROM: Jace
Are you busy Saturday?

[info]tigers_andbears in [info]invol_rpg

Package sent to Liam O'Riordan )

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Neve Simonetti Di Monda, Moa Enquist and a small army of NPCs.
WHAT: Neve drags Moa off to Stockholm. A follow up to this log.
WHEN: Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning (GMT +1)
WHERE: Stockholm.
WARNINGS: Some sexual innuendos and themes.
STATUS: Complete

Do you do this sort of thing all the time? Because if you do your lives has to be just a little bit weird compared to mine. )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

Texts (Thursday, just after lunch)

To: Moa's friends minus Neve (feel free to assume you're in on this, too lazy to type everyone out)
From: Moa

(1) being all social and talk to people for a whole night is super exhausting and when i get off this train i'm going to sleep forever
(2) also my brother hooked up with neve and now he's so smug i want to kick him
(3) five hours to go. i wish i could sleep on trains but i can't.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Chelsea
FROM: Rose
Let me know when you get here!

TO: Conner
FROM: Rose
I've been sexiled :( Come have coffee with me.

[info]truthstold in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Shannon Reid & Rowan Reid [NPC]
WHAT: Three conversations between Shannon and her mother.
WHEN: 19th May 2009, 10th July 2012 and 20th December, 2012
WHERE: Shannon's room in Ireland and Stephen's room in Canada.
WARNINGS: Here lies feels.
STATUS: Complete

Her hands were still shaking with anger, adrenaline and anxiety. )

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Allegra
FROM: Caleb
Okay, so the boys' couch really isn't really all that uncomfortable, but can I lie say it is so I have an excuse to spend the night?

[info]doomsdame in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Leigh Tharp and Jimmy Boudreaux...and a few other Boudreaux boys
WHAT: A phone call
WHEN: 20th December, before hearing about Taki
WHERE: Their respective homes [Montana and Louisiana]
WARNINGS: Minor language and very minor violence
STATUS: Complete.

Jimmy? Really? I mean, ya know he’s the ugliest of the Boudreauxs, don’ ya? )

[info]primemover in [info]invol_rpg

Text Messages for Filipe, Jack, Jada, Lo and Understanding )

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

Texts because Edwin is lonely

TO: Understanding Jones
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

Hope California is treating you well and that your sister is progressing healthily.

TO: Nawal Bechara
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

Are you frozen to death yet?

TO: Harlow Hart
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

(1/2) Still here. Seems the Mayan Apocalypse has been cancelled.
(2/2) Also, shortbread down, fudge to go.

TO: Hunter MacKenna
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

Hope things are well and that you're sleeping alright.

TO: Jace Jacobs
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

I just noticed this small box outside my door had my name on it. What a fantastic present, but really, let me pay you back for this.

TO: Anthony Liu
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

Did you make it off the island?

[info]riannes in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Rianne Schulte & Conner Lewis
WHAT: A drunk-dial catch-up between Flamingos
WHEN: 4am 21st December 2012 (Netherlands) / 11pm 20th December (USA)
WHERE: Amsterdam, NL and Conner's living room NYC, USA
STATUS: completed log

Conner wasn't the boy he used to be.  )

[info]grips in [info]invol_rpg

text message.

TO: Clara
FROM: Astrid
(2/2) also omg miss yooouuuuuuuu xoxoxo