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December 7th, 2012

[info]klifra in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Mikael Eiriksson <meiriksson@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Library Desk <librarydesk@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: RE: Online Book Request )

[info]veterinary in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Kiara
FROM: Claudia

hey! are you still interested in seeing if we can do the scuba stuff?

TO: Ashton
FROM: Claudia

extra study this week/weekend? i have my equine final exam next week

TO: Allegra
FROM: Claudia

we should do one of our ideas before the holidays

[info]nawal in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Javier Diego Amaya
FROM: Nawal Bechara
(1/2) Harlow told me that you weren't going home. Would you like to talk about it?
(2/2) I have not been with my family in a very long time, so I understand it is difficult.

TO: Edwin Seabeck
FROM: Nawal Bechara
Why aren't you going back to England?

[info]claraty in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Mike
FROM: Clara

let's go for a walk tonight

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Ethan Young.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

[1/4] ugh so can we please trade coralie to condor for whit?
[2/4] like, it works.
[3/4] swan gets somebody cute
[4/4] condor gets a horrible excuse for a human being

TO: Carter Gray.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

[1/2] hey. are you going home?
[2/2] is everything all right? you've been

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Daisy Hughes and Hunter MacKenna.
WHEN: Friday evening.
WHERE: Daisy (and Jodi's) room.
WHAT: Apologies and making up, to the extent that they're able when Hunter's still not sure what's real.
STATUS: Complete log.

I just want you to be okay. Are you? )

[info]allegs in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Jordana
FROM: Allegra

okay we're a little concerned about you because you keep doing things that you wouldn't normally do what the fuck is going on?

TO: Mason
FROM: Allegra

nice sweats xx

TO: Jack
FROM: Allegra

why are you being normal today?!

TO: Fraser Wolfe <fwolfe@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Allegra Hawke <ahawke@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: Questions

Hi Sir,

So despite the fact I still think you're a bag of dicks I'm not sure who else to ask about thi


I'm really concerned about Mason and Jack's behaviour of late. Is there anything we can do to check they aren't being messed with by another student's power? And also, can we have a team christmas party during training before the break?


[info]enely in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Enely Must [ESTONIA] and Tanja Roze [LATVIA]
WHAT: Tanja goes to apologize for making Enely upset. Enely doesn't know what she's talking about.
WHEN: Thursday, 12/7; after powers training but before dinner
WHERE: Room 4B.
STATUS: Complete

My family - they said it would be better if I didn't. I don't know what to do. )

[info]maskelyne in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Seth Wassmeran, Sadie Thompson, and a GUEST APPEARANCE by Sam Thompson.
WHAT: Two kids were just innocently hanging out and then Sam had to go and get involved.
WHEN: Friday, December 7. Afternoon.
WHERE: 4F, boys' tower, and then the stairs.
STATUS: Complete!

As his gaze flicked suspiciously to Seth and the situation dawned on him, a leery undertone crept into his voice. 'Who’s your friend?' )

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Erik Svanstrom
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

(1/2) Roommate swap isn't going to work.
(2/2) I was too indelicate -- sorry.

TO: Mason Laughlin
FROM: Edwin Seabeck

Are you well
Have you claimed a shower stall that I didn't know about?
Am I giving off some sort of strange American pheremone these

(1/1) Alright then?

[info]biebian in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Seth
FROM: Bryn
You hate everything DO YOU HATE CHRISTMAS TOO?

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Edwin Seabeck [ENGLAND] and Understanding Jones [USA]
WHAT: Edwin comes to talk to Understanding after their awkward textual encounter
WHEN: Friday, 12/7; Lunchtime
WHERE: IVI Cafeteria
STATUS: Complete

I felt hurt by your text message to me. It made me feel like you don't like me. )

[info]mazibuko in [info]invol_rpg

Emails exchanged this week, in which Rashida is being VERY MATURE

I stole this code from Cat and it's BEAUTIFUL )

[info]fulfills in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Marcus Wilton <marwil95@gmail.com>
FROM: Libby Ross <lross@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: sorry i missed our skype date i got fucked over by my power last night and slept through internet hours )

[info]tangible in [info]invol_rpg

Where are you guys? I have a pie with a candle in it.