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December 5th, 2012

[info]emptyshells in [info]invol_rpg

text message

TO: ♥ Callum ♥
FROM: Carmela

(1/2) you are soooo sweet!!!!
(2/2) do you want to hang out sometime??

[info]ravissement in [info]invol_rpg

to: doria/val
from: lydie

[1/2] I suppose that some sort of retaliation is in order for yesterday's events.
[2/2] Are you all excited to go home?

to: shannon/eden
from: lydie

Am I the only one feeling overwhelmed by everything happening?

to: mike jonas
from: lydie

Hey. :) What are you doing today after training?

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Mike Fitzgerald <mfitzgerald@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Seth Fitzgerald <sfitzgerald@ibs.com>
SUBJECT: Answer your phone calls. )

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Jimmy Boudreaux.
FROM: Savannah Bordeaux.

[1/4] hey! it's savannah. :) so i was wondering, since we're the only two 17+ vols in south louisiana that people know of, would you maybe wanna crash at my parents' place for a day or two?
[2/4] free food and hospitality and all that, and you'd blend right in downtown away from all that gator hunters crap for a spell. people might not even notice!
[3/4] i could drive you to your parish afterwards. i miss driving country and i love roadtrips!

[sent about 3 minutes after the last text]
[4/4] [...] i mean, if you're going home. if you're not, then ignore me!

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Omar Calderón
WHAT: Gravity boy calls home and gets some News.
WHEN: Evening on 12/04 (yesterday)
WHERE: Boy's Dormitory, Room 5G
WARNINGS: Language
STATUS: Complete

Scene opens on OMAR, alone in his room. )

[info]fearal in [info]invol_rpg

Nathan is confused

To: Jordana
From: Nathan

(1) Did I offend you somehow? I hope I didn't, but it was a mistake. If I did, I mean.
(2) But being slapped and kissed on the cheek within ten seconds was a bit weird.
(3) Not that you have some sort of an obligation to explain yourself to me.
(4) If it was what I wrote the other day... I just wanted you to know what I am. Because you might need it one day.
(5) Sorry. I talk too much. I'll let you reply to these before I keep on going.

A few minutes later
(6) I'm going to go bake now.
(7) Sorry again.

[info]svanstrom in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Anders Svanström <anders.svanstrom@gmail.com>
FROM: Erik Svanström <esvanstrom@ivi.edu.au>
we can get a tracking bracelet now so i will be coming home you should tell mum when you get this so when i call later she will not scream into my ear on the phone sorry if you go deaf

ps why haven't you changed your fb profile picture yet? i told you to do this two months ago the shirt is really really bad

TO: Charlotte Green <c_green90@hotmail.co.uk>
FROM: Erik Svanström <erikjsvanstrom@gmail.com>
SUBJECT: RE: (none)
[directly c/p'd from here]

Thank you for your concern, I am fine. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_rpg


To: Leigh
From: Jimmy

(1/3) Saturday's last pub night fore we go home
(2/3) last chance to do Gangnam style.
(3/3) know you wanna :)

[info]fulfills in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Marcus Wilton <marwil95@gmail.com>
FROM: Libby Ross <lross@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: things i learned at vol school: day two

so i met all the eagles today. they are literally all girls except this guy called brad. don't worry, he'd be competition but i'm pretty sure he and that juli chick are a Thing, so you're safe for now (:P). they all seem pretty cool so that's good though it's totally weird being the youngest all over again. i went from being part of the oldest group to feeling like i just shrunk back to starting out at kings all over again. it's lame.

also, leona has been p. nice to me so i'm going to resist your suggestion of emailing her in pink comic sans. for now.

anyway, here's a list with no context bc lol.

  • vols at ivi have actual catfights. but with blades and not claws.
  • vols at ivi sunbathe naked. i think one of them was that australian swimmer vol. don't google her. :|
  • vols at ivi make me google "gender queer"
  • when i get bored and you're not here to entertain me, i find philosophical rants about why people are so stupid on the internet. and they actually make sense.
  • i have to decide whether i'm a criminal or a sheep in order to come home for the break.

wish me home already. still can't tell who is and isn't being facetious. trying to overcome it by being as sarcastic as possible but i'm not sure if it's working.


[info]corrosively in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Moa Enquist <menquist@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: Jace Jacobs <jjacobs@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: i think this will make things a bit easier.
ATTACHMENT: template.jpg

View attachment! )

[info]grips in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Benjie
FROM: Astrid
(1/4) hi!!!
(2/4) whats up? lol
(3/4) r u going home?? only 2 more wks!!!
(4/4) want to hang out later ???

TO: Miyu
FROM: Astrid
(1/2) what r u gonna do about jack or have u already done something???
(2/2) also omg can u believe that story about vanessa & jesse??? GAG

TO: Jesse
FROM: Astrid
(1/2) OMG i am sooooo sry about that porno story about u
(2/2) r u like mentally scarred now???

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_rpg

these are texts.

TO: Understanding
FROM: Jodi

(1/2) hi this is jodi
(2/2) so you know a lot about feelings right? can i ask you something?

TO: Savannah
FROM: Jodi

(1/2) so normally i would probably not bother you with this but my friends who i normally would are a bit out of sorts i guess and i feel weird
(2/2) so can i ask you about something potentially awkward and your silence be assured?

[info]convoquer in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Isla Wolfe and Libby Ross
WHAT: Isla is the worst tour guide.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
WHERE: By the lake!
STATUS: Complete.

Who else would do such a good job of showing someone around campus? )

[info]dorias in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Julian
FROM: Doria

can your roommate get rid of my scar before i hate my life forever

[info]enely in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Libby
FROM: Enely
I think 1995 really likes you.

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Lena
FROM: Omar
damn girl remind me never to piss u off

TO: Kody
FROM: Omar
how old r u

TO: Jasmine
FROM: Omar
damn girl u so fine

TO: Karim
FROM: Omar
hey i need a number

TO: Isla
FROM: Omar
hey i gotta q

[info]seesthrough in [info]invol_rpg

text message (wednesday afternoon)


finny, you headed home? if it's not my business say so.


[1/2] enjoying training, sleepyhead? did sara find out i don't want to piss her off
[2/2] so i guess that vilf list was right about something, yeah?