July 2013



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October 6th, 2012

[info]invol in [info]invol_rpg

Election day has descended upon IVI at last!

HOW THIS WORKS IC: Ballot boxes have been set up outside the cafeteria. Before entering, students can take a ballot according to their year with the candidates listed, which they can use to practice their democratic rights in complete anonymity after entering the box.

HOW THIS WORKS OOC: This post will serve as the voting station. We're going to set up comment threads for each position, and then threads within those threads for each candidate. To vote for your character, simply log into their journal, find the comment thread for the candidate they want to vote for and comment.

Every student can vote for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Your character can ONLY vote for the Year Representative category of their own year; e.g. If your character is 1991, they can only vote in the 1991 category.

For the sake of making tallying the votes as simple as possible, please try to keep the comment threads as clean as you can. Only votes in the voting sub-threads, NO EXTRA CONVERSATION, PLEASE!. We'll throw up another comment thread for OOC notes & questions, and another for relevant IC actions (e.g. if anyone sits themselves outside of a ballot box to extol the evils of democracy).

Though OOCly we can see who voted for who, it should be assumed that people don't know who voted for whom unless your character is told specifically.

This post will remain open until 11:59 pm EST Sunday evening at which point the votes will be tallied. The winners will be announced by IVI on the network on Sunday night IC.

The nominees! )

[info]crunchandmunch in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Silas Kennedy [CANADA] and Mímir Siggeirsson [ICELAND]
WHAT: Vi's gift means Silas and Mímir get lucky?
WHEN: Pub Night: Saturday, October 6th
WHERE: Pub Night!
STATUS: Completed log


[info]kwala in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Providence Segokgo (BOTSWANA)
WHAT: On why Providence couldn’t quite go full Eagle ticket.
WHEN: Saturday, 6 October 2012, after dinner.
WHERE: Dining hall near the ballot box.
WARNINGS: None, really.
STATUS: Complete.

For all her experiences, Providence truly believed in the democratic process. )

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_rpg

text message!

[Sent mid-pub night.]

TO: Kody
FROM: Daisy

Hey pumpkin. You okay? You're too young to be out by yourself right now.