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August 24th, 2014



Boudica (Owl): waiting in Dean's flat.

Several lines of tidy handwriting )



Birthday Ambush

Who: Seamus and Dean
What: Birthday presents!
Where: Dean's flat
When: Saturday morning, 9.30ish
Rating: SFW

Just call me angel of the morning )



Journal Post-Astoria Greengrass

I hate to be judgmental about people's fashion choices (okay...I rather make my career being a bit of that...) but I would like to take a moment to explain to those who are trying to dress in muggle styles while not having much experience around muggles that:

1) While I applaud trying to mix prints, this is just...a disaster. The gold hat might work in Diagon, but no muggle would be caught dead in it, as far as I can tell. You won't be blending in so much as creating stares.
2) I don't even know what to say about this outfit, except that's NOT what a muggle suit looks like. PLEASE, if you really want to walk among muggles, try one of our robes-to-suits at Twilfit & Tattings rather than something like this. You'd be better off in robes!
3) Okay this might actually be something a muggle WOULD wear, but only one dead set on being alone forever. Please never put something like this on. Ever.

Just a little heads up from your friendly fashion guru. Look for my new column in Witch Weekly!



Dean's Birthday!

Who: Open to: Dean, Seamus, Dominic, Susan, Ernie, Alicia, Lavender, Oliver, Harry, Hannah, George.
What: Dean's birthday party
Where: The Roost
When: Sunday afternoon/evening/night?
Rating: SFW - for now

I hear the steel drums sing their song )



[No Subject]

Owl to Ernie )

[No Subject]

This week at HARDD KNUT

Weekly Special
Half-Price Relaxation and Exfoliation Charms

Daily Specials (each is 25% off for the duration of the given day)
Monday: Tri-toned manicures
Tuesday: Step-lightening pedicures (will literally take a load off your feet!)
Wednesday: Hairstyles, including dying spells and curling charms
Thursday: Epilation charms
Friday: Alternative enhancements (such as horns, tails, and extra limbs - all enhancements last for 1 week)

Please schedule appointments in advance.



Journal: Summer potions nearly ready (Public)

For those who made summer-specific potions orders this May, your deliveries are about ready.

I've also got some lovely late-summer herbology work set aside if anyone is looking for extra root, mold, or floral ingredients. The oils from this year's crop are particularly smooth.