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Posts Tagged: 'delivery:+tristan+travers'

Sep. 9th, 2015



Owl: All Wingbeat Staff (Genie and Tristan)

Dear Staff,

I hope that this letter finds you well.

I've decided to invite you all to have a short chat with me at a time to suit you about how your working patterns are working for you, any training you might like to undertake, as well as how you're doing in general. This is also an opportunity to bring up any suggestions you might have for the business, or complaints, in a designated setting instead of my usual encouragement to grab me at any time. These are essentially a cross between an annual review and an opportunity for me to assess the state of the business.

Please fill in the enclosed sign up sheet for a time that suits you. All times are either during Wednesday stocking time when I do the books, or before opening on a regular evening. They will require you to come in for a little longer than usual, but rest assured I'll pay you for your time. The sheets are magically copied so they will duplicate across copies. So don't worry if you see names already there. If none of the options work for you please let me know what would be more convenient. I expect chats to last no more than half an hour, likely less, but am planning to conduct only one meeting per day anyway.



Charles Weasley
Wingbeat Owner and Operator

Aug. 11th, 2015



Owl to Marcus Flint

Owl to Marcus Flint )



Owl to Tristan Travers

Owl to Tristan Travers )

Aug. 9th, 2015



Owl to Marcus Flint

Owl to Marcus Flint )

Aug. 7th, 2015



Owl to Marcus Flint

Owl and Parcels to Marcus Flint )

May. 1st, 2015



Owl: Wingbeat Staff

NB: Sent mid-Friday.

Dear all staff,

I'm really sorry this is short notice, but the time of year crept up on me. I had been planning to close the club Saturday and Sunday, but it's too short notice now, and people might need the outlet. Whatever the rota says if you can manage without me I'd rather not be there on Saturday at least. I don't know if I'll be with family or drinking myself stupid.

Yes, I'm aware I'm the boss, but you know I like a little bit of give and take with you guys.



Apr. 16th, 2015



Owl Invitations

Owls delivered to Melinda Bobbin, Millicent Bulstrode, Bryony Capper, Cho Chang, Seamus Finnigan, Marcus Flint, Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Aidan Lynch, Draco Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Pandora Montgomery, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Stacey Rivers, Rolf Scamander, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Richard Summerby, Tristan Travers, Romilda Vane, Charlie Weasley, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini.

ETA: April 30th is a Thursday, not a Saturday as the invitation originally stated. Corrected now.

Mar. 17th, 2015




Delivered by owl - one of Melinda's cream puffs.

We got the right place, but someone got there before us so we didn't win. Wasn't your fault, though, so thanks for your help.


Mar. 16th, 2015


Owl Delivery: Happy St. Patrick's Day, to Tristan & Melinda & Finbar (separately)

Delivered Monday evening to Tristan: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
Melinda and I were reminiscing the other night about that awful time in third year when I nearly burned down the Ravenclaw common room (or at least we thought I had) trying to conjure a loaf of good soda bread, and how we'd disturbed your studying all night telling the harrowing story to anyone who would listen. I thought in honour of St Patricks, I might try to actually bake some and it was only right I send you a loaf. How are you doing?

Delivered Monday evening to Melinda: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
You reminding me of that awful story the other night inspired me tonight when I couldn't sleep. I made a loaf for you and for Tristan, too (it only seemed right, considering, but I have to say I never quite know how to approach him... I've replied to his journal since running into him and I just... I don't know. Have you spoken to him? Do you want to? Plan to?).

Anyway, Happy St. Paddy's Day, lovely, hope it's not completely terrible (especially considering your talents!) ♥ Cho

Delivered Monday evening to Finbar: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
My favorite Irishman -- Happy St. Paddy's. (Don't hate me if it's awful, I'm not the baker around here. Plus, I'm Scottish. Basically this was the worst idea ever, so don't hate me.)

Mar. 1st, 2015



Delivery: To Tristan

[backdated to February 28, because I have no idea what day of the week it is and totally forgot and will be fixing that]

[Left at the foot of Tristan's bed in the late afternoon, with little charmed, silent fireworks in various colors]

Dearest Tristan,

There's a reason it's late, darling, I promise. The contents of the chest weren't ready until just a couple of hours ago, which is what happens sometimes when you have things made, I suppose. I really hope you like it; I admit I'm not sure, but the lady and I worked on it.

The chest, too, is yours -- redone in the shop, so you wouldn't see me working on your gift. It's cedar, and it smells good, and I've added some charms and can add more if you want.

I love you, darling. You're my dearest everything, and I know I've been absent a lot lately, but between work and private freaking out, I haven't been the greatest company. But you'll find something else in there that I hope will help a little, too.

Happy happy happy birthday!



Inside the cedar chest is a voucher to a private ship cruise either in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean to be used in the next year, for at least two people; a hand written note attached to the top adds: I've talked to your keeper, and he cleared this for me so long as you/I give him an itinerary.

Also inside is handmade quilt with various cheering and comforting and sleeping charms, mild and helpful, worked into it. A few of the fabric swaths can be traced back to robes or fabrics from things from a happier time of their childhood.

Feb. 28th, 2015



For Pandora

Left on the kitchen table for Pandora whenever she gets up on Saturday... )

Feb. 14th, 2015



Sweet Nothings Deliveries (so.many.deliveries!) - UPDATED!!

Deliveries )

For Adrian Pucey )

For Blaise Zabini )

For Bryn Cadwallader )

For Bryony Capper )

For Cho Chang )

For Chris Summers )

For Dominic Chambers )

For Genie de la Lune )

For Gregory Goyle )

For Lavender Brown )

For Millicent Bulstrode )

For Marcus Flint )

For Marietta Edgecombe )

For Pandora Montgomery )

For Pansy Parkinson )

For Richard Summerby )

For Roger Davies )

For Rolf Scamander )

For Seamus Finnigan )

For Tristan Travers )

For Zacharias Smith )



Valentines Day Deliveries

To Tristan )

To Melinda )

To Millicent )

To Luna )

Nov. 26th, 2014



Owls to: Genie de la Lune and Tristan Travers

Nebula delivers the owls, and is careful of delivering to Genie because Charlie warned her about muggles being around.

Offer of Employment, addressed individually )

Oct. 31st, 2014



Owl: to Tristan Travers

[Note Warded to Tristan] --

I heard the good news, mate. Just wanted to send a note along to say hello and ask how you're doing. I know it's your first day and all, and I figure you're dealing with a lot and Julian has you covered as far as anything you need, but I'm still a friend. If you need anything. Or just want to catch up.

Which is all a long way of saying, I've got a flat with my potions lab, in Monument Alley. Let me know when you're free and I'll break out a good bottle of Whiskey.