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August 25th, 2014


[No Subject]

Know what Finnigan's needs and doesn't have?

Dance Party Fridays. In the Roost. Where the music is good and the dancing never stops. It'd be nice if the beer never stopped too, but so long as there's dancing all night long, I'll live.

Seamus, don't even bother to tell me no. This is going to happen. You just let me know when I can get into the Roost. I'll get us a sick DJ, and we'll party until we fall down dead. Or Seamus kicks us out. Either/or.



OWL: Sunscreen (to Lisa)

As promised, after lunch with Alicia, Adrian sent an owl to the bookshop with the sunscreen concoction that Lisa Turpin had requested that morning.

Ms. Turpin,
Please find enclosed 2 600ml squeeze bottles of magical sunblock, equivalent to 50spf in the muggle variety. It is of course water & dirt repellant.

If you need more or any changes made to the formula or strength, just let me know. You should be good to apply this to a child up to twice a day and that will keep them well covered and protected. A bill will be sent to Gringotts in your name.

Many thanks,
Adrian Pucey, potionsmaster



RP: Deliveries

Who: Gemma and Adrian
What: Adrian drops off Gemma's latest orders at her salon after hours.
Where: Hardd Knut
When: 9pm or so
Rating: SFW

Knock knock... )



Welcome to the Wizarding World

Who: Lucy Spinks and... open!
What: A long overdue return
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Monday, late afternoon
Rating: SFW

Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart? )



RP: Lunch at Finnigan's

Who: Alicia and Adrian, and OPEN
What: Lunch, because Wednesday’s too long to wait
Where: Finnigan’s
When: Uhm… lunch time
Rating: SFW

I’m there now! )



[No Subject]

Who: Astoria Greengrass and Percy Weasley
What: A fitting and a nice conversation with a good customer
Where: Twilfit & Tattings
When: 3:00pm Tuesday afternoon (on the dot, which Astoria appeciates)
Rating: SFW; omg with these two there won't even be 'bloody's about
Status: closed; in progress

She saw no need for her and Draco's acquaintances to perfectly match, and there was nothing about Mr. Percy Weasley that could be said to be ungentlemanly. )

[No Subject]

Who: Ernie and Theodore
What: Meeting to chat over books and things - because Ernie does not have a crush
Where: Finnigan's, The Corner
When: Monday night at 7pm
Status: Closed / In progress

Damn Susan and her perceptive eyes. )



What the Book? Promotions and Events

What the Book? will be running a back to school special on children's picture and chapter books on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: buy one, get one 1/2 off. We just got in a large shipment today, mostly Muggle titles, so there's a lot of fun new things to look at. We also have a nice supply of used textbooks on the Hogwarts' curriculum.

Our First Thursday mystery bookclub meets next Thursday at 7pm. The book is Agatha Christie's Orient Express. Wine and desserts will be served. Hope to see you there!