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Posts Tagged: 'delivery:+lisa+turpin'

Dec. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Gifts From Theo )

Oct. 14th, 2014



Owl to Percy Weasley


I didn't manage to catch you at the charity raffle, so we should set a time for our 'date'. I'm available anytime this weekend, barring any child-related emergencies which I'm sure you can understand. What day works for you? I'm looking forward to it.

Lisa Turpin

Oct. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Owl to Lisa Turpin )

Aug. 25th, 2014



OWL: Sunscreen (to Lisa)

As promised, after lunch with Alicia, Adrian sent an owl to the bookshop with the sunscreen concoction that Lisa Turpin had requested that morning.

Ms. Turpin,
Please find enclosed 2 600ml squeeze bottles of magical sunblock, equivalent to 50spf in the muggle variety. It is of course water & dirt repellant.

If you need more or any changes made to the formula or strength, just let me know. You should be good to apply this to a child up to twice a day and that will keep them well covered and protected. A bill will be sent to Gringotts in your name.

Many thanks,
Adrian Pucey, potionsmaster