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Jan. 24th, 2013


WHO: John Winchester & God
WHAT: Emmy wants to have a conversation with John. John hopes he hasn't backed himself into a smiting corner.
WHEN: January 24th; Evening
WHERE: The Roadhouse
STATUS: In Progress

He was willing to wager that God would appreciate honesty more than blind obedience, and if he was wrong, well, he would feel less pain if he was a bit drunk. )

Dec. 21st, 2012


who | Adam Milligan and Lucifer (as both “Lucy” and himself); a guest appearance by Emmanuelle
what | The truth finally comes out.
when | Late evening
where | A movie theater outside the city limits
rating | PG-13(ish) (references to torture and some naughty language)
status | Complete; Log

So. How badly did I screw up this time? )

Oct. 19th, 2012


WHO: Lucifer & God
WHAT: Lucifer finds himself in a little white room, complete with memories, regrets, and Mommy.
WHEN: October 18th; After this
WHERE: A little white room
STATUS: In Progress

But at least he had deserved it, by far, in more ways that he had ever deserved the threat of death before. )
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Oct. 17th, 2012


WHO: Meri Winchester and Emmanuelle
WHAT: Meri is dead and isn't happy about it.
WHEN: Sometime after this.
WHERE: The White Room
RATING: PG (if that)
STATUS: Complete; Narrative
NOTES: The White Room is the room where those who die in Colligo go, until they're restored to life. The room conforms to whatever the person wants to do to stay busy while waiting for their life to be returned to them, provided it's something that's capable of happening in a room (versus a park or something to that end) and, of course, all abilities are rendered null and void as well.

Now she was dead. )

Sep. 4th, 2012


WHO: Lucifer & God
WHAT: Lucifer doesn't like feeling conflicted like this nor does he particularly care for the rather sudden desire to self-sacrifice for the sake of another. Especially since there's only one person that could potentially help him sort these thoughts out.
WHEN: September 4th; Afternoon
WHERE: The Beach Outside of the City
STATUS: In Progress

He'd always favored the destructive path over the sensible one, particularly when the destructive benefited him far more than the latter. )
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Mar. 14th, 2012


WHO: Lucifer Dean Winchester, & Meri Winchester (with a guest appearance by Emmanuelle)
WHAT: Claire is dead. Lucifer sends his condolences.
WHEN: March 14th
WHERE: The Winchester House

'It’s not fair.' 'Life rarely is, kid.' )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Emmanuelle and Lucifer
WHAT: A necessary chat between two very unlikely sources.
WHEN: Immediately after Lucifer arrives in Colligo.
WHERE: The steps of the Grand Library.

Children were only as good as their parents taught them to be. Or, in this instance, had created them to be. )
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Sep. 18th, 2010


Who: Genderswapped!Cas and God.
What: I'm not even hazarding a guess.
Where: A bar.
When: Evening.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

After all, this was not Douchebag-God-Who-Looked-Like-Chuck-The-Twitchy-Fucker, Dad for short because Dgwllcttf was unpronouncable and had no vowels. )

Jun. 21st, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & God
WHAT: Gabriel has lost his way. He needs someone to smack some sense into him.
WHERE: The Park
WHEN: After Sylar's talk with Kate
STATUS: In Progress

It was too much to think about all at once, far more than he could easily justify... )

Jun. 8th, 2010


WHO: Anna and God
WHAT: The Almighty requested a chat.
WHEN: Right after this.
WHERE: The gazebo beside the lake.
STATUS: In Progress

She squinted a bit as she looked up toward the blue skies... )
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Jun. 5th, 2010


WHO: God
WHAT: Returning to Colligo
WHEN: The morning following this.
WHERE: The Grand Library
RATING: Totally kid-friendly
STATUS: Complete; narrative
NOTES: Immediately following this post, any characters who were killed as a result of Lucifer being in Colligo are once again alive. They will have no memory of their time while dead and will find themselves either in the location where they were killed or back in their own apartment, depending on what the player would like to do. Keep in mind, of course, that there are still other Big Bads roaming about but the general "darkness" that has plagued the city has thus been lifted with the Almighty's return. Also, should you like to have your character have any sort of reaction of various deaths or whathaveyou, between Lucifer's death and God's return, simply mention in an OOC post that it's dated between the two threads. ♥

She didn't arrive via the Library. )

May. 13th, 2010


[ part two of two ]

WHO: God and: Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Aziraphale, and Loki
WHAT: Before leaving Colligo, the Almighty pays a visit to each of her angels, individually.
WHEN: From Sunday (Mother's Day) to Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Various locations around the city
RATING: PG-13 (language, mostly)
STATUS: Complete; logs
NOTES: Part two of two. Part one can be found here.

There were going to be events taking place in her absence that were going to test the faith of even her most devout. )


[ part one of two ]

WHO: God and: Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Aziraphale, and Loki
WHAT: Before leaving Colligo, the Almighty pays a visit to each of her angels, individually.
WHEN: From Sunday (Mother's Day) to Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Various locations around the city
RATING: PG-13 (language, mostly)
STATUS: Complete; logs
NOTES: Part one of two. Part two can be found here.

The time had almost come for God to depart from Colligo... )

May. 2nd, 2010


WHO: God (closed unless someone really wants to talk)
WHAT: Thinking about the most recent events regarding a certain tiny Antichrist.
WHEN: Sunday evening, not long after Adam reads this.
WHERE: The balcony of apartment #401D.
RATING: Kid-safe.
STATUS: Complete (unless someone opts to join)

A storm was on the horizon. )
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Apr. 23rd, 2010


WHO: God and Castiel
WHAT: Castiel wants to speak to his Father. God, of course, has no objections.
WHEN: Around sunset
WHERE: At the lake to start with.
STATUS: In Progress

It was one of the few moments that was simply for her. )
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Dec. 25th, 2009


WHAT: Celebrating Christmas, in Her own way.
WHEN: Christmas morning - 10am
WHERE: A church
STATUS: In Progress

Needless to say, it was typically a very busy day for God. )

Dec. 8th, 2009


Who: Satan and God
Where: Some random bar
When: Night
What: Playing Pool
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

It was way better than SkeeBall! )
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Who: Castiel and God
Where: Forest outside of town
When: Early Afternoon
What: Comfort and healing
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Darkness and silence and death )
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Nov. 24th, 2009


WHO: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Zachariah and God later.
WHAT: Zachariah is going to learn why you don't fuck with God's chosen one.
WHEN: Shortly after this.
WHERE: Bar in Colligo.
RATING: R to be safe.
STATUS: Complete.

They say never hit a guy with a closed fist...but it is, on occasion, hilarious! )

Nov. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Dean Winchester and God
WHAT: Meeting, talking, and eating pie.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: The Pie Hole
STATUS: In Progress

And finally, when she knew Dean was there and settled, God made her appearance. )

Oct. 11th, 2009


WHO: Dean Winchester and God
WHAT: Skeeball!
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: One of the skeeball arcades in the city.
STATUS: In Progress

She looked very much like a happy, relaxed, hippie-esque woman rather than the deity in disguise that She actually was. )

Oct. 5th, 2009


WHO: Aziraphale and God
WHAT: Chatting about Crowley a few things.
WHEN: Mid-morning
WHERE: Room #303D
STATUS: In Progress

To have an angel love a demon was certainly against the norm of things... )

Oct. 4th, 2009


WHO: Anakin Skywalker and the Force God
WHAT: A long-awaited, and much needed, conversation.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Room #401D
STATUS: In Progress

She was referred to as the Force in his reality and that was as it should be. )
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Oct. 3rd, 2009


WHO: God and Castiel
WHAT: Forgiveness or retribution
WHEN: The day after Barbas leaves
WHERE: In the park outside the church
STATUS: Closed

As he hung between the heavens and the ground )

Oct. 2nd, 2009


WHO: God (Closed)
WHAT: Exploring the city.
WHEN: A few hours after this.
WHERE: Near one of the skee-ball arcades.
STATUS: Complete!

Skee-ball. It really was quite an amazing, if simplistic, concept and one that She could spend hours divulging in without nary a thought to much else. )