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Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Regulus (and Dorian the peacock) and OPEN
What: Accidental meeting on the rooftops
When: Tonight
Where: Rooftops
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing
Status: In progress – OPEN to whomever

Read more )

Aug. 9th, 2011


Who: Reg and Kitty
What: Accidental awkward run in
When: The day after the age plot started
Where: On the streets
Rating/Warnings: Low, sads for obvious reasons
Status: Complete

You look like someone I used to know ... She’s not here anymore. )

Jul. 18th, 2011


WHO: Sirius and Regulus Black
WHAT: Sirius barges back into Regulus' life after the experiment, with all the subtlety and tact of a small bomb. But at least he's trying.
WHERE: Regulus' flat.
WHEN: This lunchtime.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete.

That was comforting talk, right? )

Jun. 11th, 2011


Who: James Potter, Regulus Black
What: A lack of murdering each other. Amazing!
Where: The roof of Building D
When: Saturday, just after lunchtime.

He didn't know what he was doing. )

Jun. 9th, 2011


WHO: Sirius and Regulus Black
WHEN: .Just after midnight last night.
WHAT: With four friends attacked in two days, Sirius isn't having a great time of it.
WHERE: Roof of building D
STATUS: Incomplete.

Jun. 4th, 2011


Who: Sirius and Regulus Black, and a cameo by a particulary unpleasant portrait.
What: Déjà vu, a family reunion(ish), angst and A LOT of yelling.
Where: Sirius' sitting room.
When: Saturday Afternoon, just after this.
Rating: Medium/High. For language and probable mentions of past abuse.
Status: In progress.


Who: Reg and Juno
What: Juno is cute, Reg follows her around, or Juno wants a bikini and insists Reg try on jeans...
When: Saturday, noonish
Where: the Mall
Rating/Warnings: angst while Reg works through his denimphobia, cuteness because Juno just is. Maybe some swearing.
Status: In progress, closed

Death by denim, surely )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Who: Juno & Reg
What: Post prom snuggle-fest & awkward
When: After they get sick of dancing and socializing
Where: The mini-van. Parked somewhere quiet.

She’d even managed not to trip in her pumps. Much. )


Who: Reg and Ariadne
What: Reg promised her Prom Photos (In accordance with the current plot I almost typed ‘porn’ photos – Woot!)
When: Today, around lunchtime
Where: They’re meeting for lunch somewhere
Rating/Warnings: Low, maybe some swearing
Status: In progress, closed

PROM photos, not PORN photos! )

May. 29th, 2011


Who: The Black Brothers
When: This afternoon.
Where: Sirius' flat.
What: Regulus asked Sirius if he could come over. Sirius couldn't really be bothered to say no. Who knows?
Rating: Mediumish, to start with.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

May. 26th, 2011


WHO: Juno & Reg
WHAT: Making up
WHEN: Thursday afternoon/evening
WHERE: Reg's
WARNINGS: the usual Reg/Juno angst/cuteness fair

Apology is only egotism wrong side out. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes )


Who: Regulus Black and Morgana, she's willing to deal with his moody ass
What: Regulus is cooling off after fighting with Juno, he’s contemplative and moody.
When: Tonight
Where: Some bar in the city
Rating/Warnings: Low, but, you guessed it, moody – will update if necessary
Status: in progress, closed

Not much of a drinker )

May. 12th, 2011


WHO: Eames and Sirius and Reg from the future (y'know, the porny one) and Kreacher
WHAT: Second Episode of the Soap Opera that is Eames and Sirius (First episode is here)
WHEN: Backdated to April 27th
WHERE: Reg's place
RATING: Soap Opera Drama and Trauma. Standard warnings for Eames and Sirius also apply.
STATUS: Complete, closed

you look like the wrong end of a bum’s second layer of clothes )

Apr. 28th, 2011


Who: future!Regulus and Juno
What: An accidental broadcast of a private tryst
When: Backdated: Late Wednesday Night
Where: Juno's apartment
Warnings: R-NC17 for Smut & mentions of Bondage.

Reg & Juno, sitting in a bush...all I hear is mush, mush, mush. )

Apr. 25th, 2011


WHO: Lily and older!Regulus
WHAT: Who knows, he knows her better than she knows him
WHEN: Mid-Morning
RATING: Low, maybe swearing?
STATUS: In Progress

Lily found it strange )

Apr. 20th, 2011


Who: Small Reg and Merlin
What: Reg is no longer evil, in fact he's the most innocent he's ever been in his entire life, and Merlin gets to meet him first
When: Backdated to this morning
Where: Their flat
Rating/Warnings: Low, for cuteness
Status: In progress, closed

Miniature Regulus meets beardless Merlin )

Apr. 18th, 2011


Who: Girl!Reg and Sirius
What: Sirius gets a phone call informing him that his brother/sister is in fact a violent lunatic. Sirius agrees.
When: Monday morning, around 9am.
Where: All over the shop.
Rating/Warnings: Swearing. At the very least.
Status: Incomplete


Who: Girl!Reg
What: Some asshole asks him to smile and Reg tells him right where to stick that request
When: Sunday evening
Where: In the city
Rating/Warnings: A physical altercation, so medium
Status: narrative, complete

What’s your problem? I was only paying a compliment )

Apr. 1st, 2011


WHO: Juno & Reg
WHAT: Snuggle mode
WHEN: Friday evening, sometime after the delivery
WHERE: Juno's recovery room
WARNINGS: Cuteness? will edit if needed

Read more... )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Reg, Ariadne, Eames
What: Ariadne and Eames want to show Regulus what dreaming is all about
When: Backdated to last night
Where: the dreamspace
Rating/Warnings: Start with maybe some
Status: In progress, closed

She could probably get a carrot to dream at this point )

Mar. 26th, 2011


Who: Reg and Sirius
What: Reg has some pressing issues to discuss, Sirius clearly doesn't need sleep tonight
When: Shortly after two am
Where: The roof of Building D
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing, maybe mentions of past abuse
Status: in progress, closed

Obviously, he couldn't sleep. And if he couldn't sleep then, obviously, neither should his brother )

Mar. 23rd, 2011


Who: Reg, Ariadne, and Eames
What: Regulus has an 'OMGWTFBBQ' moment and in a surprising turn of events seeks help from a human source and rather than a mineral source.
When: Tonight, right after this
Where: Ariadne's flat
Rating/Warnings: High, swearing and most likely discussions of past abuse
Status: In progress

How could Regulus have been so fucking stupid? )

Mar. 12th, 2011


Who: Reg and Juno, and Caden
What: A quiet evening turned World Upside Down when Reg feels something Unexpected!
When: This evening
Where: Juno's flat
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing, lots of laughing to be sure
Status: In progress, closed

What was that? )

Mar. 9th, 2011


Who: Reg and Sirius
What: Getting drinks together
When: Tonight
Where: A local pub
Rating/Warnings: This DID escalate! So, swearing, and then mentions of past sexual abuse
Status: In progress, closed

When did you learn to knock? )

Feb. 25th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Merlin
What: Commiserating together over their dreadful situations
When: Earlier today
Where: Merlin’s magic shop
Rating/Warnings: Start low, they are just talking for now.
Status: In progress, closed

The game of: let’s stay at work as long as possible )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: James Potter, Regulus Black
Where: Their happy family home.
When: Morning of 21st February
What: Shouting and hexing an- oh, right, not that? huh.

Contrary to popular belief, James didn't want to provoke Sirius's twatty brother )

Feb. 19th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Molly, with a guest appearance by James
What: Breakfast then discussions
When: This morning
Where: Molly's flat
Rating/Warnings: We'll go with medium to start with...
Status: In progress, closed

Just when Regulus thought things couldn't get worse, they did )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Sirius
What: Their muns are meanies and are making them accidentally bump into each other on their way home from work, cuz right now they live in the same building and on the same floor.
When: This evening
Where: Starts out on the streets outside Building D then moves into Building D
Rating/Warnings: This might just be a Silent Glare Off, they may fight again, who knows? Let's start medium for angst
Status: in progress, closed

On one hand I have my 'fake family' the other, there's you )

Feb. 11th, 2011


WHO: Juno & Regulus (possibly open to Doctors Watson & Watson, Neria, & Mordred?)
WHAT: Juno to the Rescue
WHEN: Thursday, following the marriage freak-out
WHERE: Reg's new flat with Neria & co.
WARNINGS: Language, PTSD, tantrums?

Is that a pregnant super hero? )

Feb. 10th, 2011


Who: Regulus and OPEN to who wants to find him
What: more meltdowns but not as severe in damage as the last one
When: This morning
Where: The bathroom of the flat Regulus woke up in
Rating/Warnings: Medium for mentions of self harm (trying to get that blasted ring off) and will update if needed
Status: Narrative until someone joins in

Meltdown in three... two... one... )

Feb. 8th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Juno
What: Going out
When: Tonight
Where: A sit down restaurant, not fast food thank you very much
Rating/Warnings: TBD, start low for the moment

A real, sit-down place, oh boy )

Feb. 6th, 2011


WHO: Harry Dresden & Regulus Black
WHAT: Change meeting over magical paraphernalia
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Merlin's Magic Shop

Potions. Icky in any 'verse. )

Feb. 5th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Eames
What: Mario Kart and a little issue about Trust that needs to be resolved, will it or won't it?
When: This afternoon
Where: Reg's flat he shares with Merlin
Rating/Warnings: Low for now, will update if needs be
Status: in progress, closed

I've already claimed dibs on the Green One, you take the Princess )

Jan. 30th, 2011


Who: Regulus and Morgana
What: Morgana is concerned about her friend, she has a talk with him. Reg gets moody
When: This morning
Where: The Clinic
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some swearing TBD
Status: In progress, closed

Ahh, the joys of having emotions again )

Jan. 29th, 2011


WHO: Juno & Reg
WHAT: Late night visit
WHEN: Saturday, following all the drama
WHERE: the Clinic
WARNING: language?
STATUS: closed, in progress

Where are you tonight/Something isn't right/Can you please stop hiding? )


Who: Regulus and Ariadne
What: Regulus has a complete mental break down
When: After the fight between Reg and Sirius
Where: His flat and then ends at the Clinic
Rating/Warnings: High, self-harm, blood (he didn't try to kill himself and he doesn't die! There, have a spoiler)
Status: Complete

I’m taking a ride off to one side, it is a personal thing. )


Who: Sirius and Regulus with Eames and Ariadne showing up at the end
What: A big big argument
When: Today, afternoonish
Where: On the streets
Rating/Warnings: High for swearing and brotherly falling-outs
Status: Complete

People did not ignore Sirius Black )

Jan. 28th, 2011


WHO: Regulus and Morgana
WHEN: Today, nowish.
WHERE: Her flat, then his flat, then a cab, and then the art museum.
WHAT: Morgana is impressively devious and Regulus is surprisingly snarky. And lots of inane, possibly accurate and meaningful, conversations about art - and other stuff.
Ratings: Likely PG-13, both log part and following thread.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

cut tag )

Jan. 20th, 2011


Who: Juno & Regulus
What:: Reunion
When:: Thursday morning
Where:: Juno's
Warnings:: TBD

The elephant between the lines. )

Dec. 30th, 2010


Who: Regulus and Sirius
What: Sirius needs to stretch his legs, Regulus ends up dead
When: Thursday morning
Where: Starts out in the city and then moves back the the Potter’s flat
Rating/Warnings: High, Character death, violence, swearing
Status: Complete

I leave myself behind in pieces, I know you'll need them when I'm gone )

Dec. 29th, 2010


WHO: Juno & Reg
WHAT: Hanging out
WHEN: Nowish
WHERE: The Potters' flat
WARNINGS: Beware of Mr & Ms Cute-and-Disgusting? Ms. Cute-and-Disgusting and Mr. Emotionally-Unavailable.

Proper Care & Feeding of Muggles. )


Who: Regulus and Lily Potter
What: Gathering potions from Severus’ flat
When: Yesterday morning
Where: Severus’ flat
Rating/Warnings: Probably swearing, much angsting
Status: In progress, closed

The place was unchanged from that morning… )

Dec. 25th, 2010


Who: Regulus (OPEN to whom ever wants to find him)
What: Processing the days events
When: late tonight
Where: Some empty flat in Building D
Rating/Warnings: Low as is, TBD
Status: Narrative, unless someone wants to jump in.

No whispered din, no piercing, suffocating, worried looks. )


WHO: Regulus Black and Severus Snape
WHAT: A Christmas visit turns deadly.
WHEN: Christmas morning
WHERE: Severus’ flat.
RATING: PG [to be safe]
STATUS: Complete!
WARNINGS: Character death.

Regulus would want it to be noted that this wasn’t to be an indication Severus was off the hook for That Sunday... )

Dec. 24th, 2010


WHO: Juno & Ariadne, with guest appearances by Regulus & Eames.
WHAT: Juno goes out to play in the snow. Merry Mistletoe Madness ensues.
WHEN: Thursday afternoon, while Reg & Eames are out pub-crawling
WHERE: Outdoors
RATING: PG13 for girl-on-girl smoochin'?
STATUS: In Progress

Awkward Snow-Angels )

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Who: Reg and Sirius
What: Reg confronts Sirius about this awful mistletoe business
When: This morning
Where: Sirius' flat
Rating/Warnings: Swearing for sure, will keep it updated
Status: In progress, closed

Is that mistletoe in your pocket or are you just happy ...  )

Dec. 21st, 2010


WHO: Regulus Black and Ariadne
WHAT: Stupid mistletoe.
WHEN: Dec. 21, late afternoon/early evening
WHERE: Lobby of Building A
RATING: PG-13 for cursing
STATUS: Complete

Read more... )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Who: Regulus and Sirius (guest staring Severus and Remus)
What: ho'boy what didn't happen? Regulus and Sirius are forced to come to some kind of reconciliation
When: Last Sunday
Where: Some random apartment in building C
Rating/Warnings: HIGH Swearing, self harm, lots of italicized words, and talk of murder, child abuse and drug abuse (and holy crap it's LONG!)
Status: Complete!

Two Black brothers get trapped in a room together... )

Dec. 5th, 2010


Who: Regulus and Sirius
What: Regulus messed up, Sirius has something to say about it
When: Late last night
Where: Roof of Building A
Rating/Warnings: High, swearing, mentions of drug use
Status: Complete

I know you think I'm holding you down and I've fallen by the wayside now and I don't understand the same things as you. But I do )

Nov. 27th, 2010


Who: AU!Sirius & Regulus
When: Early morning.
What: Sirius still has to find his marbles. Regulus is confused.
Rating: High. Swearing. Without a doubt.
Status: Complete

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