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Apr. 28th, 2012


Who: Angelus and OPEN
What: Time to play
When: Late night
Where: Streets of Colligo
Rating: R, just to be on the safe side
Status: Incomplete

I do it all because I'm evil. And I do it all for free, your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. )

May. 20th, 2010


WHO: Angel, Illyria, Willow Rosenberg.
WHAT: Dark!Willow releases Angelus and traps Illyria in Fred mode.
WHEN: Not long after these two threads.
WHERE: Colligo University.
RATING: PG-13ish to be safe.
STATUS: In progress.

silence, halfbreed. power. it draws near. // lucifer. // no. the witch. )

May. 8th, 2010


WHO: Angel & Cordelia Chase
WHERE: Outside the library.
WHEN: Night.
STATUS: In progress...

look, i'm getting a little tired of killing their assassins and i'm sure you guys are tired of me offing you all the same, so why don't you do us both a favor and turn around and go tell your lords that they can k— )

Feb. 2nd, 2010


who: angel (+ open to anyone, multiple threads welcome!)
where: the forest
when: night, after sundown
rating: tba

the difference between you and me is that i remember this time. )

Nov. 28th, 2009


Who: Buffy (open)
What: Buffy's wandering around and shopping.
Where: Streets/Shopping
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Buffy needed new clothes )

Nov. 10th, 2009




The Collector had expected for Ethan Rayne's spell to go off without a hitch, despite being aware of the fact that there were people within his city that were well aware of Rayne's existence and what he was capable of. He should've taken into account that it was only a matter of time before they figured out what was going on, especially since the costume spell had such a familiar ring to it. He'd underestimated his collection. Again. Yet, oddly enough, that didn't bother him so much as it amused him and pleased him.

"Challenging," The Collector muttered. "Oh so very challenging. While the easy does please, it does often make for a dull day."

What did infuriate him, was these Powers That Be's ability to communicate with their seer in his realm. How that was being managed, he didn't know -- nor did he know how the Qs he'd had here before managed to bring things into existence that did not previously exist in the city he'd laid out or how the wizards in the city did the same, nevermind how some of the super powered individuals were able to summon talents that should only be possible on planets of that system... There were flaws in his design, flaws he needed to fix. There was a crack somewhere. It was just a matter of figuring out where that crack was.

In focusing on that, The Collector forgot about Ethan Ranye.

And, currently, Ethan Rayne was hoping he hadn't, for he was being slammed up against the wall by a very angry game faced vampire who was demanding he reverse the spell.

"Found me that quickly, did you?" Ethan spat at the vampire in question, laughing at the fact that it had taken them much longer to figure out it was him this time around, which he supposed was due to the absence of Ripper picking up on clues that so obviously pointed to him.

"I said," Angel reiterated, "undo the spell."

Again, Ethan laughed. "Why should I?" He would've said more, save for the voice in his head that told him to go ahead and do what the vampire demanded.

Ethan didn't understand. The Collector wanted this over? The great being had forgotten about him, yes, and had clued in long enough to roll his eyes and dismiss it as a failed attempt at chaotic entertainment. Ethan was disposable. If the vampire didn't off him, The Collector would.

And it seemed that would have to be the way things were, seeing as Angel left him after administering a few good threats and leaving the basement of the convention center to see if the spell was as undone as Ethan claimed it was. When he returned to see if Ethan was still there, he found an empty basement devoid of any signs of life or of a complex spell having been performed.

"Such a waste," The Collector muttered to himself from where he stood. "Fortunately, I learn from my mistakes, Angelus."

Angel couldn't hear, of course, and at after searching the building thoroughly for Ethan, left the convention center altogether.

At least things were back to normal.

For now.

MOD NOTE: BACKDATED TO MIDNIGHT OF THE 9TH. My (Tamara) apologies for the delay in getting this posted, as an unforeseen IRL complication prevented me from getting online to post this. As the event is now over, any threads taking place within the event need to be clearly backdated to the 8th or before.

Questions? Don't hesitate to contact one of the mods.

Oct. 31st, 2009




The convention center was alive with activity tonight. The locals acted as if an event such as this happened every Halloween, prattling on in their corners and within their groups about the previous year's happenings, from costume winners to drama queens who had made near-scandalous scenes. There was punch and cookies, cakes and candies, and even a bar at the back that served alcoholic beverages to those of age. Within the convention center, all seemed right. Safe. Enjoyable.

But, down below...

Unknown to the residents of Colligo, one Ethan Rayne was currently hard at work in the basement of the building, setting up a spell he knew by heart. It hadn't gone according to plan last time he cast it, but he was confident it would go his way this time -- especially when his way was also The Collector's way.

He glanced impatiently at the clock. 7PM. The Collector said 11PM. In four hours, all hell would break lose in a symphony of chaos.

"Cinderella's leaving the ball a little early this year..."

MOD NOTE: This is the kick off to the ball! Sub-threads can be found within for your use. However, keep in mind that no one knows what Ethan is up to or that he's even in the city. Future-dated to allow people time to get threads going.

THE COSTUME SPELL IS NOT IN EFFECT YET. This is being done in order to give members time to game within the party prior to the spell being cast. When the spell is cast, a new sub-thread will be posted and members will be notified via the OOC comm. SPELL ACTIVATED!

Questions? Don't hesitate to contact one of the mods.

Oct. 10th, 2009


WHO; Angel & Cordelia Chase
WHERE; Building C, room #401
WHEN; daytime, backdated to shortly after Angel's arrival

Thankfully he'd gotten inside the apartment he was assigned to before the sun had rose, having conveniently arrived at night. Whoever brought him here wanted him as alive as the undead could get, it seemed. )

Jun. 22nd, 2009


Who: Katherine Danvers and Angel
What: A meeting of new roommates
When: Backdated to Angel's arrival
Where: Their apartment
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
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