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Nov. 4th, 2012


who | Dean and Meri Winchester
what | A little chat about friendship.
when | Mid-afternoon
where | Casa de Winchester
rating | PG (if that)
status | complete; log

This is just a placeholder for the time being. The text here will change when the thread is posted. Seriously. Nothing to see here. Move it along. )

Oct. 20th, 2012


WHO: Lucifer & Meri Winchester
WHAT: Lucifer tries to apologize for killing her. Meri isn't having any of his bull today.
WHEN: October 20th; Afternoon
WHERE: Outside the Winchester Home

Lucifer didn’t want to be back. )

Oct. 17th, 2012


WHO: Meri Winchester and Emmanuelle
WHAT: Meri is dead and isn't happy about it.
WHEN: Sometime after this.
WHERE: The White Room
RATING: PG (if that)
STATUS: Complete; Narrative
NOTES: The White Room is the room where those who die in Colligo go, until they're restored to life. The room conforms to whatever the person wants to do to stay busy while waiting for their life to be returned to them, provided it's something that's capable of happening in a room (versus a park or something to that end) and, of course, all abilities are rendered null and void as well.

Now she was dead. )

Oct. 15th, 2012


WHO: Dean Winchester, Lucifer, & Meri Winchester (with a cameo appearance by Adam Young)
WHAT: Lucifer is his usual "genial" self. Dean isn't really in the mood to play nice. Unfortunately, Meri ends up in the middle.
WHEN: October 15th; Evening
WHERE: The Communal Lodgings
RATING: R (violence, callous disregard for human life, character death)

And now, Lucifer was going for the ice cream chaser that was having a go at Dean Winchester. )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Dean and Meri Winchester
WHAT: A bit of father-daughter bonding.
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Winchester Family Auto Repair
STATUS: In Progress

Now she was dealing with a car that wouldn't quite run, that she technically shouldn't find for quite a few years now, and that she also couldn't just walk away from and still call herself a Winchester. )

Sep. 27th, 2012


Who: Jack Winchester and Zoe...Winchester. With appearances by Meri Winchester.
What: Waking up in a new time.
Where: Casa del Winchester.
When: Friday morning.
Rating: G. Maybe PG at most.
Status: Complete.

We're at mom and dad’s house. In my childhood bedroom. In...my childhood. )

Aug. 16th, 2012


WHO: Lucifer, Meri Winchester, & Jack Winchester (with a guest appearance by Meg)
WHAT: Lucifer gets a pleasant surprise...and then a not so pleasant one.
WHEN: August 16th; Early Morning
WHERE: Colligo Streets; Near the Warehouse District
RATING: PG-13 (Character Death)

People were on their way to wherever they were headed, and it seemed that nobody had any mind to pick a fight. )


who | AU!Meri and AU!Jack Winchester [along with Claire, Dean, and Gabi, toward the end]
what | Meri and Jack are badass and time displaced. You do the math.
when | Early morning
where | Claire and Dean's place
rating | PG-13 [bad language and mentions of character deaths]
status | Complete; Log

It was absurd. It was insane. It was some bizarre combination of the two. Absane? Let's just go with that. )

Jul. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Loki Laufeyson & The Winchesters (Dean, Claire, Jack, & Meri)
WHAT: Meri invited Loki to dinner, and Claire actually said it was all right. Because this doesn't have the potential to turn into a disaster or anything.
WHEN: July 3rd
WHERE: The Winchester Residence
STATUS: In Progress

Following the map on the PDA was a difficult task, but he was true to his word, and even as he did have to turn around and backtrack down at least three streets before finding the right route... )