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Jun. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Raven Darkholme
WHAT: Gabriel is working on getting his shop back up into working order, and he's finally admitted that he needs help. That's the first step towards recovery.
WHERE: Gabriel's Watchshop
WHEN: June 23rd; afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

Being a watchmaker was one of the few things from his life before that Gabriel felt both the need and the desire to hang onto. )

Oct. 4th, 2010


WHO: Claire Bennet and Gabriel Gray
WHAT: Claire wants a second opinion. Gabriel insists.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Claire & Dean's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

she still couldn't seem to really wrap her mind around the reality of the situation )

Sep. 1st, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray and Jim Moriarty (and various NPCs)
WHAT: Moriarty sets up a little test for Gabriel. What can I say? He's curious. And bored.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: An apartment building (for NPCs) downtown.
STATUS: In Progress

People died. That's just what they did. )

Aug. 26th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & James Moriarty
WHAT: Moriarty shot Molly. Sylar is not happy.
WHERE: Moriarty's hideout
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

But he was certainly going to make it clear that if he went after any of his people again, there would be dire consequences. )

Jun. 25th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Gabriel needs to learn how to forgive himself. Claire is elected to help him.
WHERE: Gabriel's own mind.
WHEN: After Gabriel's chat with God
STATUS: In Progress

The sudden shift hadn't been expected to happen again )

Jun. 21st, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & God
WHAT: Gabriel has lost his way. He needs someone to smack some sense into him.
WHERE: The Park
WHEN: After Sylar's talk with Kate
STATUS: In Progress

It was too much to think about all at once, far more than he could easily justify... )

Jun. 13th, 2010


WHO: Kate Bennet and Gabriel "Sylar" Gray
WHAT: Sylar offered to tell Kate everything about her husband. She declined. He insisted.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: Kate's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

She was a naturally curious person... )

Jun. 6th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: A worrisome discovery
WHEN: After Lucifer's defeat
WHERE: Gabriel & Elle's Apartment

He was the family man now, after all. No hint of the cold blood murderer that he had once been left in his system. Which was their one true mistake, thinking that that would ever be gone. )

May. 29th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Darla
WHAT: A bit of sport
WHERE: The Warehouse District
WHEN: After this
RATING: R for violence
STATUS: In Progress

Going out in the middle of the night when you had an infant to tend to wasn't exactly kosher... )

May. 17th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Angela Petrelli
WHAT: Sylar feels a familiar creeping urge.
WHERE: Angela's apartment
WHEN: Evening
RATING: PG-13; for character death

One could say that he was of the type that liked to destroy everything that he'd been handed in one foul swoop, but whatever it was, that would probably be the ultimate outcome. Not that any of that had even crossed his mind. )

May. 14th, 2010


WHO: Elle Bishop and Gabriel Gray.
WHAT: A normal evening.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Their apartment.
STATUS: In Progress.

It just reminded her that Colligo wasn't permanent )

Oct. 19th, 2009


WHO: Elle Bishop and Gabriel Gray.
WHAT: Just normal domesticness with two not-so-normal people.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Their apartment.
RATING: Probably G or PG.
STATUS: In Progress.

I swear, if anyone else touches my stomach without permission? I'm breaking their fingers. )

Sep. 29th, 2009


WHO: Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker and Emile Danko. With added Sylar later.
WHAT: Danko is a bad, bad man.
WHEN: A little while after this post.
WHERE: Mohinder and Molly's flat.
STATUS: In Progress.

I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe. )


WHO; James T. Kirk, Gabriel Gray, Nyota Uhura
WHEN; late evening, not long after this post
WHERE; a bar near Colligo University
RATING; PG-13, to be safe

Where Copperfield and Uhura were, he didn't know, but he was already there with a table claimed, halfway through his first glass. )

Sep. 19th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray (OPEN to Tags)
WHAT: Worse fears realized
WHERE: His & Elle's Apartment
WHEN: September 19th; Late Evening
STATUS: Complete as Narrative; Open to Tags

Do you even know who you are anymore? )

Sep. 15th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: It's not everyday that someone shoots herself in the head.
WHERE: Claire's apartment
WHEN: Post-Claire's Freakout
STATUS: In Progress

It was a next to impossible thing for Sylar to fathom, coming up with some sort of reason that Claire would have to shoot herself in the head. )

Aug. 25th, 2009


WHO: Noah Gray and Emma DeLauro; Sylar to join in a bit later
WHAT: Emma asked for Noah's help and he's happy to oblige.
WHEN: Right after this.
WHERE: #106D
STATUS: In Progress

There was simply no way for him to explain why he was visiting her at such a late hour... )

Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: Elle Bishop, Gabriel Gray and Noah Gray.
WHAT: Elle has no sense of timing.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: The clinic.
RATING: A for Awkward.
STATUS: In Progress.

I'm pregnant, not a fricking invalid. )

Aug. 10th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray
WHAT: Gabriel is Sylar once again. And he remembers everything.
WHEN: Midday
WHERE: The Park
STATUS: Narrative; Complete

It was a realization that dawned slowly, memories slipping out and being replaced by others. )

Aug. 5th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Jim Kirk (Open to Seven of Nine)
WHAT: Scientific exploration with superpowers
WHERE: Astrometrics
WHEN: Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel had made the offer not really knowing exactly what he would have to do and yet assured of the fact that he would be able to do it. )

Jul. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Claire Bennet, Priestly, Angela Petrelli, Gabriel Gray, Peter Petrelli and Noah Bennet
WHAT: Ice cream for Claire's birthday!
WHEN: After dark
WHERE: Ice cream parlor
STATUS: In Progress

Today was her special day, and she was going to enjoy it. )

Jul. 18th, 2009


This is definitely Hell.

When do they start tossing people on the rack?

Jul. 16th, 2009


Who: Luke Campbell and Gabriel Gray
What: Luke is finally hitting that remorse stage.
Where: His room (102B)
When: Immediately after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

He couldn't breathe. )

Jul. 11th, 2009


WHO: Elle Gray and Gabriel Gray.
WHAT: Awkwardness and confusion from the change.
WHEN: When they wake up.
WHERE: Their bedroom.
RATING: A for awkward.
STATUS: In progress.

What the hell is going on? )

Jul. 10th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray, Angela Petrelli, & Noah Gray
WHAT: Gabriel has been MIA for awhile now. But he figures he should stop hiding. Especially when he has nothing to be afraid of anymore.
WHERE: Angela's Apartment
WHEN: Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

With Spock returned to his rightful position, there was still and small issue of when and how he should return to his. )

Jul. 4th, 2009


WHO: Sam Kirk and Open (Mutiple threads welcomed)
WHAT: Sweaty and half-nakie Sam, yay! Sam figuring out the ancient stuff
WHEN: Around Late 5 PMish
WHERE: A car Garage.
RATING: TBD but probably nothing more than PG-13
STATUS: Open and incomplete

Jul. 1st, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Spock
WHAT: The two doubles meet with unexpected results
WHERE: The streets of Colligo
WHEN: After Luke's arrival
STATUS: In Progress

Another piece of the puzzle to fit into the slot. )

Jun. 29th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & James T. Kirk
WHAT: yay, issues!
WHERE: a bar
WHEN: after Frank & Matt's arrivals, post-this
STATUS: in progress
NOTES: google doc started while IJ was down to be continued in comments


Jun. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Noah Gray, Elle Bishop, and Gabriel Gray
WHAT: Celebrating Father's Day.
WHEN: Early morning {BACKDATED to 6/21/09}
WHERE: Their apartment
RATING: TBD (there's a four year old present so I doubt it'll be high)
STATUS: In Progress

Before he fell back asleep, however, he hoped with all of his might that sound would return by morning. )

Jun. 6th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & OPEN
WHAT: Gabriel is practicing his abilities as he remembers them, taking advantage of the silence to go unnoticed. Hopefully.
WHERE: Behind Building B
WHEN: The morning after the silence settles in
STATUS: In Progress

Nothing. Not a single sound. Gabriel was more confused than he was distressed. )

Jun. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Elle Bishop and Gabriel Gray.
WHAT: Back where they started...the other way around.
WHEN: Late at night.
WHERE: A church. Possibly somewhere else after.
STATUS: In Progress.

You know, someone told me that was stupid...but helpful. )

May. 30th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Gabriel doesn't feel completely comfortable with only a half understanding of himself and his relationships to others. Claire, for some reason he doesn't understand, is trying to help.
WHERE: Gabriel & Peter's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel had at least some idea who he was now. )

May. 27th, 2009


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray (as...HIMSELF *omggasp*), James T. Kirk, Claire Bennet, Nyota Uhura, & OPEN (ask before joining)
WHAT: Gabriel wakes up to a new face in the mirror, one that he knows well but at the same time, has no idea who is.
WHERE: Peter & Sylar's room & the streets
WHEN: early morning
STATUS: In Progress

He hit his head, that was the first thing that happened when he woke up that morning. It was almost like he'd grown four inches over night... )

May. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Claire Bennet and Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [Nathan Petrelli]
WHAT: Nathan's gotten quiet lately. Claire's getting worried.
WHEN: Around 10AM
WHERE: Room 104B
STATUS: In Progress

She already had a speech planned in her head and was going over it repeatedly as she stepped into Building B. )

May. 16th, 2009


WHO: Noah Gray and Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [Nathan Petrelli]
WHAT: Noah finally gets to meet his "Uncle Nathan".
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: The rooftop of Housing Building B.
STATUS: In Progress

Pretend something witty is typed here. )

May. 5th, 2009


WHO: Elle Bishop and "Nathan Petrelli".
WHAT: A crisis of faith...of sorts.
WHEN: Early morning.
WHERE: A church. Possibly somewhere else after.
STATUS: In Progress.

So...if you could just give me something...some sign or some reason for why I'm here...something to make all of this make sense...that would be nice. )


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [Nathan Petrelli] & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Father/daughter bonding...sorta.
WHERE: The streets of Colligo. Good thing there were umbrellas in the room.
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

It probably wasn't exactly the best idea, to go exploring in a raging storm, but with the way that this thing didn't seem to be letting up, they needed to have at least some idea where higher ground might be. )

Apr. 29th, 2009


WHO: Alice Shaw, Gabriel "Sylar" Gray (Nathan Petrelli), Angela Petrelli, and Noah Bennet
WHAT: Alice takes a tumble down the rabbit hole and winds up in Colligo.
WHEN: Mid-morning
WHERE: The Grand Library; Angela Petrelli's room
STATUS: In Progress

She'd been caught. Somehow, someway, they'd found her under that porch and now she was stuck in some lab to be tested on for the rest of her life. )


WHO: Angela Petrelli, Gabriel "Sylar" Gray (Nathan Petrelli), & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Family has to stick together.
WHERE: Outside the Library
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

Angela shifted nervously from foot to foot as she looked down the streets outside the library. )

Apr. 20th, 2009



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