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Nov. 17th, 2012


WHO: Martha Smith-Jones and Owen Harper
WHAT: Dealing with their new abilities
WHEN: Saturday, November 17th. Not too long after midnight
WHERE: Outside the clinic
RATING: PG-13 for possible violence
STATUS: In Progress

Martha stood outside the Clinic, hands in the pockets of her jacket as she waited for Owen )

Nov. 8th, 2012


WHO: Owen Harper & OPEN
WHAT: Things get ~dramatic~ when Owen starts stealing pills from the clinic in order to support his drug habit.
WHEN: November 8th; Evening
WHERE: The Colligo Clinic
STATUS: In Progress

Owen wasn't sure how it had happened. )

Sep. 17th, 2012


WHO: Jennsen and Owen Harper
WHAT: Jennsen helping Owen out at the clinic.
WHERE: The clinic
WHEN: Monday morning
STATUS/RATING: Incomplete/Low

Read more... )

Aug. 5th, 2012


WHO: Owen Harper & Harley Quinn
WHAT: A toxin has been released on the streets of Colligo, and Owen doesn't have any idea how to deal with what he's seeing
WHEN: August 5th; Afternoon
WHERE: The Colligo Clinic
STATUS: In Progress

Dr. Quinzel had seemed his best option when it came to getting to the heart of this issue. There was only so much that he could do in a situation like this. )

Jul. 5th, 2012


Who: Martha Smith-Jones & Owen Harper
What: Martha must interrogate Owen on his new relationship
When: Backdated to Monday, June 11th. Afternoon
Where: Colligo Clinic
Status: Complete

It had been a few months now since Martha had woken up in the library and found herself, once again, in a strange world )

May. 1st, 2012


WHO: Owen Harper & Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Owen has changed.
WHEN: May 1st; Afternoon
WHERE: Owen & Cordy's flat
STATUS: In Progress

The other Owen seemed to be a lot bolder than he was, a lot more open, and even as he wanted to try and imagine the sort of individual that he would be if he was capable of that, he wasn't. )

Feb. 13th, 2012


WHO: Owen Harper & Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Camera, crossbow, & potential murder
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Cordy & Owen's flat
STATUS: In Progress

But the second that he opened the door to his flat, Owen realized just why he'd avoided the majority of the trouble on the way home. )

Jan. 20th, 2012


WHO: Owen Harper & Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Roommate wars!
WHEN: January 20th; early morning hours
WHERE: Owen & Cordelia's flat
RATING: PG-13 for potential language
STATUS: In Progress

Dr. Owen Harper was exhausted. )

Jan. 15th, 2012


WHO: Cordelia Chase and Owen Harper
WHAT: These two are roommates. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
WHEN: Sunday late morning.
WHERE: Apartment 110A.
STATUS: In Progress

there was someone sitting at her counter, looking for all the world as though they belonged )

Jan. 31st, 2011


WHO: Owen Harper & Toshiko Sato
WHAT: Owen promised Tosh a first date a long time ago, and now that he's not busy dying/being dead, he can actually fulfill that promise without issue.
WHEN: Saturday, January 29th [backdated]
WHERE: A local bowling alley
STATUS: In Progress

A night out on the town enjoying a causal activity, some light chatter, and extremely unhealthy yet delicious grease soaked food seemed like an appropriate alternative. )